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26 Cards in this Set

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what is the number one cause of preventable death in the US
What % of CAD deaths are due to smoking?
smoking accounts for what % of cancer deaths?
mortality is higher for which cancer, breast of lung cancer?
lung cancer. Even though most women think it's breast cancer. Breast cancer is caught earlier and easier to treat.
criteria for drug addiction
1) compulsive use
2) psychoactive effects
3) drug-reinforced behavior
pharmacology of cigarette smoke
4000 substances in cigarette smoke. nicotine=toxic alkaloid ganglion stimulation
cardiovascular effects of nicotine
1) increased systolic and diastolic BP
2) increased force of heart contraction
3)increased peripheral vascular vasoconstriction
4) increased myocardial o2 consumption and coronary artery blood flow
5) increased myocardial excitation
CO and cigarette smoke
CO displaces oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the Left. less availability for RBC to carry O2
effect of cutting down smoking
new studies show it doesn't matter. If heavy smokers cut cigarrette smoking by 1/2 it didn't effect toxin levels in their blood
smoking effect on women vs men
women are at higher risk to harmful effects of smoking. women were more than 2x as likely to get bladder cancer than men in one study.
within 2 days of quitting smoking
you can smell and taste better, BP and pulse rates will decrease, nerve endings start to regrow
withing 2 weeks to 3 weeks of quitting smoking
circulation improves, lung function improves
within 1-9 months of quitting smoking
coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue and SOB decrease
within one year of quitting smoking
heart attach risk is reduced by 50%
within 10-15 years of quitting smoking
risks of devleping life threatening disease are reduced nearly to that of a never-smoker
education and smoking
smoking cessation among high school dropouts is lower than those that are more educated
smoking cessation facts
most try to quit on their own and the success rate is only about 5%. 70% of aduts want to quit, females want to quit more than men.
how many attempts do most smokers make before they are successful at quitting
4-6 attempts
most effective way to quit smoking...
combination of counseling and pharmacology
stages of change model (transtheoretical model) not only for smoking but for changing any lifestyle behavior.
1) pre-comtemplation (not even thinking about it)
2) contemplation (thinking about it)
3) action (have a plan, picked a date to stop)
4) maintenance (they are still cigarette free..about a year)
5) relapse (takes 4-6 attempts to quit so relapse is common)
6)recycle (can recycle into any of these stages...)
The 5 A's to help pt quit smoking
1) Ask--medical and smoking hx
2) advise--conseguences of smoking
3) Assess--level of addiction
4) assist--counseling, pharmacology
5) Arrange--focus groups, stress management, referrals to specialists
fagerstrom's tolerance questionairre
few sentences of qustions to evaluate level of addiction
1) how soon after you wake up do you have your first cigarette
2) do you find it difficult to refrain from smoking in places where it is forbidden
3) which cigarette is most satisfying (time of day)
4) how many cigs a day do you smoke
5)smoke in moring?
6) smoke when sick?
....the higher the score the more addicted the pt is
tips to help women quit smoking
do not diet while quitting, exercise daily, accept that a little weight gain isn't the end of the world, time quitting to 15 days before or after menses
FDA approved meds to help quit smoking
Zyban/bupropion (by prescription)
Nicotine gum/ OTC
nicotine nasal spray
new FDA approved nicotine receptor blocker. MOA=blocks the nicotinic effect of cigarettes if they start smoking again, provides some nicotine effect to ease withdrawal.
Side effect/warnings! =suicide risk, depression. (don't start with this drug)
when is relapse most common
periods of negative emotion:anger, frustration, anxiety, depression