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107 Cards in this Set

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What is the Iliad

An epic about the trojan war

Who was Priam and who was his wife

The king of Troy, Hecuba

What kind of contest did paris judge

A beauty contest

Who was involved in the beauty contest

Hera athena and aphrodite

What was paris given as a prize for selecting the winner of the beauty contest

Helen of Troy

Why was it a problem that Paris won Helen of Troy

Because Helen was married to Menelaus

Who was Menelaus

The king of Sparta, and Helen's husband

What did menelaus do to retrieve his wife

Called all the heroes in sparta

How long did it take for menelaus and his men to retrieve helen

10 years

Who wrote the Iliad


What is the sequel to the iliad

The odyssey

What was the prize of the beauty contest and who won

A golden apple with the words "to the fairest " on it, aphrodite

How long did it take for the stories in the Iliad and the Odyssey take to be complete

20 years

who translated the Iliad

Robert Fitzgerald

who was Polydamas

a Trojan warrior whose earlier advice had been ignored by Hector

why doesn't hector run into the city to hide from Achilles

he knows Polydamas will ridicule him for not following his advice earlier

what had polydamas advised hector to do

bring his men back to the city the night before Achilles joined the fight

who was alexander

a Trojan commander

what was another term used to refer to the greeks


What does hector think about offering achilles so he doesn't have to fight

part of the Trojan wealth

does hector decide to fight achilles


who does hector believe will decide who wins


what did hector do when achilles approached him

he ran

inflexible, uncompromising, cannot be soothed or comforted



to change direction, shift, turn

who considers helping hector as the olympians watch the battle take place


who forbids any interference in hector's fate


how does zeus decide who will die

he weighs achilles' and hector's fates

who does zeus decide will die


who abandons hector after it is decided he will die


what goddess decides to help Achilles


who does athena disguise herself as when she appears to hector

his brother, deiphobus

what does athena do when she appears to hector as his brother

she urges him to fight, and makes him falsely believe he has assistance

what hector swear before he fought achilles

that if he killed achilles, he would take care of the body, only take the armor, and return his body to his people

did achilles agree to take care of and return hector's body if he killed hector



an agreement between persons or groups

what reason does achilles give for his want to kill hector

to avenge his men

what happened when achilles first threw his spear at hector

it missed, but athena picked it up and gave it back to him

what happened when hector threw his spear at achilles

it bounced off of achilles' shield, and hector was left defenseless

to avoid or escape



lost in thought, confused

when does hector realize he is doomed

when he turns to see his brother, who was really athena, has disappeared

hector refuses to die without what


what does hector attack achilles with after he loses his spear

a sword

where did achilles stab hector

in the neck

does hector die right away when he is stabbed


what does achilles tell hector he's going to do with his body

leave it to the wild animals, and will honor the corpse of patroclus

what does hector offer achilles in exchange for the return of his body

he says his parents will pay achilles

does achilles agree to return hector's body in exchange for money


what does hector say the gods will do if achilles doesn't return his body

that the gods will hold this against achilles

to avoid or escape by cleverness or deception



very heavy

trembling from fear



easy to see


how does achilles know he'll die in battle

his mother, who was a goddess, foretold his death

what did the greeks do with hector's body

stripped hi, tied him to the back of a chariot, and dragged him around

what does achilles say will happen to the trojans now that hector is gone

they won't continue to fight

open to attack

easily hurt



to make dirty

to violate the honor of

how does Priam eventually get hector's body back

hermes leads priam to achilles, and priam begs achilles for his son's body, and achilles agrees

what kind of hero is illustrated in the Iliad

a classic hero

who was achilles mother


what makes the Iliad an epic

hector and achilles are both of noble birth; hector is a prince and achilles is a demi-god

both illustrate the courage and bravery revered in their societies

both perform heroic and courageous actions; achilles with killing his enemy and hector choosing to face his opponent instead of run into the city and hide

supernatural forces are at work, with the gods in olympus and the weighing of fates

what made achilles (almost) immortal

his mother dipped him in the river Styx, but he had a vulnerable spot on his heel from where she held him

who made achilles special armor


whose wedding started the trojan war


why did thetus' wedding start the trojan war

Thetus purposely didn't invite Ires, the goddess of mischief, and so Ires decided to cause trouble to get back at Thetus. This lead to the beauty contest which resulted in Helen's kidnapping.

who were the goddesses in the beauty contest

hera, athena, and aphrodite

who did Ires originally choose to judge the beauty contests

Zeus, husband of Hera, and father of Athena, but he delegated the job to Paris

what job did paris have when zeus called on him

he was working as a shepherd

who were paris' main family members

King Priam, his father

Hecuba, his mother

Hector, his brother

what did hera offer paris in exchange for winning the beauty contest

political power

who bribed paris with military power in exchange for winning the beauty contest


what did Aphrodite bribe paris with in exchange for winnning the beauty contest

the love of the most beautiful woman

what was helen's nickname

the face that launched 1,000 ships

who were the only 2 heroes that didn't want to help Menelaus

Odysseus and Achilles

what did odysseus design

the Trojan horse

where was Odysseus from


why didn't Odysseus want to help menelaus

he didn't want to leave his wife, Penelope, or his newborn son, Telemacus

how was Odysseus tricked into helping Menelaus

Odysseus was pretending he was crazy by plowing his field with salt instead of seed. Some of the other soldiers took his son and put him in front of the plow, so that Odysseus had to stop plowing so he wouldn't kill his son, proving he wasn't crazy

Why didn't Achilles originally go to help Menelaus

Because Thetus wouldn't let him go, because she knew he would die in battle

what is a harem

a group of girls for a king

bascially hoes

Where did Thetus send Achilles to hide him from Menelaus

to live with a harem

how did Achilles hide in the harem

he wore dresses and tried to blend in with the women

How was Achilles tricked into helping Menelaus

Odysseus was sent to the harem, disguised as a travelling salesman. While all of the other girls were looking at the perfumes and cloths, Achilles was looking at the knives and weapons, and that's how Odysseus knew it was him

how long did the war of troy last

ten years

what side were the olympians supposed to be on in the war of troy

they were supposed to be neutral

who did hera support

the greeks

who did zeus support

the trojans

who was winning during most of the trojan war

no one, it was even

who was agamemnon

the leader of the greek army

why did the greeks blame Agamemnon for their losing

because he kidnapped a slave girl and her father wanted her back

why did Achilles stop fighting for a while

because he had urged Agamemnon to give his slave girl back, and Agamemnon said he would if he could have Achilles' girl instead, and Achilles refused

who urged Achilles to return to the fight


what did Patroclus do when Achilles wouldn't return to the fight

he took Achilles' armor and pretended to be him so the Greeks would fight

who killed Patroclus and what did they do with the body

Hector, who disrespected the body and burned his ship

what caused achilles to return to the fight

hearing that Patroclus was killed

what is an epic simile

a comparison of two things that can last many lines, and doesn't have to use "like" or "as"

was the fight between Hector and Achilles fair


why did Hector choose to fight Achilles

to redeem himself for making a bad decision and losing a lot of men

what is a pyre

a structure made of wood that a dead body is burned on

what word is used to describe wild animals, like vultures

a kite

who killed Achilles and how

Paris, who shot him with an arrow in his one vulnerable spot, the heel

how are achilles and grendel alike

neither of them had pity on their victims

how are beowulf, achilles, and hector similar

the represent the values of their societies

all are of noble birth

tremendous courage

how are beowulf and hector similar

the both faced the odds and didn't back down

what was done with Achilles' and Patroclus' ashes

they were put in an urn together