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109 Cards in this Set

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Contents of anterior triangle
-thyroid gland
-lymph nodes
-submandibular and salivary glands
Boundaries of anterior triangle
-Anterior border of the SCM

-clavicle inferiorly

-midline of the neck anterior
-cold intolerance
-croaky voice
-most common autoimmune causes is Hashimoto's Thyroditis
-Slow mind body reflexes
-Depression, schizo, irritability
-Grave's disease
-heat intolerance
-thyroid bruit --> systolic "to and fro"
-lid lag
-abnormal softening of the skul
-hemorrhage following tooth extraction
Virchows window
Troisers sign is the finding of this palpable left supraclavicular lymph node

-lymphoma, thoraci or retroperitoneal cancer

-bact or fung infx
Stensons duct
-parotid gland

-opp the 2nd upper molars
Whartons duct
-located on either side of frenulum

-ducts of submandibular gland

-terminates in a papilla on either side of the frenulum
excessive salivation
-dry mouth due to reduced or absent salivary secretion
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
-brown pigmentary change on lips

-autosomal dominant

-GI hamartomatous polyposis and mucocutaneous pigementation
-causes multiple talengiectatic lesions on the tongue
Stevens Johnson Syndrome
-bullous lesions of the skin and mucous membranes

-maybe sulfa drugs, or allergic rxns
Angular Cheilitis

-lesion at the labial commissure or corner of the mouth
Why palpate lateral tongue?
-85% of lingual cancers found here
Tongue Innervation
-ant 2/3 is VII
-post 1/3 is IX

-tip = sweet
-back 1/3 = sour or bitter
-lateral = salty
Oral cavity carcinomas
-of the lips = 30% of cancers in area

-squamous cell carcinoma

-lower lip with male predominance
-white patches on the mucous membrane (tongue or inside of cheeks) as response to chronic irritation

-may be premalignant
-reddened patch with velvety surface of mucous membrane

-more likely to be neoplasm than leukoplakia
Vermillion border
border located on the lip (separates the chapped part from the outside)
Pembertons Sign
-development of facial flushing, JVP etc when pt raise both arms over head

-sign of Sup Vena Cava Syndrome from a mass or goiter
Chvostek's Sign
-contraction of the muscles of the eye, mouth, nose when the examiner taps along the facial nerve

-maybe tetany, hypocalcemia or anxiety
volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs)

Unilateral Exophthalmus

-can happen years after the removal of the thyroid
-outward movement of the eye

-relate to cover test and fact that you cover weak eye to see what it does
meibomian glands
-modified sebaceous glands in the eyelids that secrete an oily lubricating substance to retard evaporation to protect the eye
-"Jaeger" used for near vision (J-1 scale)

-pocket side version, of snellen viewed at 14 inches
-eyelid flips over and could cause cornea ulceration
-eyelid hangs down and the eye could become keratinized bc not protected
Basal cell
-skin cancer near eye that must be removed
Small aperature
-undilated eye
Large aperature
dilated pupil
red free filter
-exclude rays of red light and helps DO to visualize blood vessels and hemorrhages
-avascular, point of most cones, high acuity

-use RED FILTER to see

-2 disc diameters lateral to optic disc
Who needs to start the fundic exam with red numbers (minus lenses)
-Near sighted examiners!
Diabetes and Fundoscopic Exam
-microanuerysms, retinitis proliferans
-posterior pole
-hard exudates, deep hem, retinal venous occulusions
-pre-prolife --> cotton wool spots
-prolif--> leads to ret detachment
Hypertension and fundoscopic exam
-arteriolar narrowing "Cu wire"
-arteriovenous nicking
-throughout retina
-Macula stars*
-yellowish plaques on eyelids caused by lipid deposition in the periorbital skin

-maybe hypercholeterolemia
-chronic granulomatous inflammation of the meibomiam gland

-localized swelling of lid, painless
Hordeolum icterus
-sty or acute hordeolum
-localized abscess in eyelash follicle
-Staph infx
-painful red looks like "pimple pointing on lid margin"
Arcus Senilis
-gray/white opaque ring in the corneal margin

-results from cholesterol deposits

-maybe familial hyperlipidemia
Kayser-Fleischer Ring
-golden bronw or green at level of Descements membrane

-Wilsons disease and liver disorders
-unequal pupil size

-maybe indicative of neuro dx
Narrow angle glaucoma
-mid dilated pupil, steamy cornea, pain

-shallow anterior chambers

-increased intraocular P
-pupil small due to inflamation

-injected pain around the cornea

Arygll Robeterson pupil
-bilateral small
-constrict in accomadation but not reactive to light

-tertiary syphilis
Marcus Gun pupil
-afferent pup defect indicating a decreased pup response in light in affected eye

-paradoxial dialation
opacification of the lens
-causes reduced visual acuit
Never use _____ blank to dilate the eye for the fundoscopic exam
-surgical removal of EYELID
-Paralysis of accomadation

-cyclo = ciliary body
inflammation of the lacrimal sac

-without a lens
-surgical surturing of the lid
Dix-Hallpike Manuevers
-with eyes open, tilts pts head all the way to side to check for nystagmus
Peripheral Vertigo
-horizontal/rotational nystagmus
-severe intensity
-imbalance is mild to moderate
Central Vertigo
-Variable nystagmus
-no fatigue
-less intense than peripheral
-severe imbalance
-fusion of auditory ossicles
Conductive hearing loss
-interuption in the AC pathway:

-obstruction of EAC
-TM rupture
-congenital or acquired
-maternal rubella infx
-maybe other defects (kidney)
-ototoxic drugs (gentamicin)
-virus or tumors
Littles area
-site of Kiessebachs plexus
-located 1 inch from mucocutaneous junction
-most prone to epistaxis
Chvosteks Rflex
-noted with decreased ionized serum Ca++
Otoscopic exam Adult vs Child
Adult--> pull helix up, out, back

Child--> pull down and back
Pneumatic insufflaors
-check TM for movement
-movement normal
-fluid or infx behind TM
-maybe TM is perfated
-progressive decrease in hearing with age
meaningles repetition by a pt of words addressed to him or her

lalia--> speech
Surgical incision of the TM

-myrinogo --> TM
-surgical puncture of the TM
Arterial Insufficiency
-cool and pale extremities
***decrease pulse most important sign
Venous inssuficiency
-warm extremities
-commonly in medial lower third of extremity
-ulcerations--> 2ndary statis, painless, slow developing
Venous Statis
-dialation of the veins
-reflux of blood and poor return to heart
-most impt cause of thrombus formation
Femoral bruit
-obstruction in Aorto-ilio femoral vascualture

-femoral art btwn Pub Symph and ASIS
Coarctation of aorta
-femoral pulse should peak slightly before or at same time as radial pulse
Intermittant claudication
pain in lower ext
-usually subsides with rest
-occurs in pts with PAD when they exercise or walk
-popliteal artery most involved
-usually from venous thrombosis w/ secondary inflammation around vein
-warm red
-may palpate a tendor, indurated vein = "cord"
-calf pain when squeezing pts calf or slowly dorsiflex the ankle = +
-calf pain in ~50% of pts w/ DVT
Leriches syndrome
-chronic aortoiliac obstruction
-results in intermitten claudication and impotence
-severe atherosclerosis at the aortic bifurcation
Allen's Test
-asscess whether arterial insufficiency exists in upper extremity by examining radial and ulnar arts
-bilateral leg pain or numb occuring with walking and at rest
-2ndary to MuscSkel disease
Acute DVT
-Warmth, red, fever
-swelling is most reliable sx
-associate with venous obstruction
Virchows Triad NOT WINDOW
-thrombus formation from stasis, blood vessel injury and hypercoagulability
-lymphatic spread manifested by thin red streaks on the skin
Valgus deformity
-distal portion of bone is displaced away from midline
-angulation toward midline

*Genu valgum --> knock knees
Varus deformity
-distal portion of extremity is displaced toward the midline
-angulation away from the midline

***Genu Varum --> Bow legged
Genu Recurvatum
-Back knee
TQ: Proximal weakness means?
Distal Weakness means

-"pushin on gas pedal"
-turn key in door knob
Antalgic gait
most likely hip
-limp secondary to pain
-depostis of uric acid crystal

-highly specific but nonsensitive sign of gout
Ballottement Test
-tests for fluid accumulation in or around knee joint
Tinels Sign
-tap the ventral side of the base of the hand (Volar carp lig)

+ sign if pain is elicited in the fingers supplied mby median nerve
-maybe Carpel Tunnel
De Quervain's disease
-Finkelsteins Test
-if pain then tenosynovitis of thumb abductors and extensor
-weak grip strength
Rheumatoid Arth
-morning stiffness more than 1 hr***
-Swan neck deformity-->ext of PIP, flex of DIP
-Boutonnier deformity-->flx PIP, ex DIP
-soft tissue swelling, mus wasting
-ulnar devation
-Heberdens nodes-->DIPs
-Bouchards nodes-->PIPs
-distal joints more common
Passive ROM > Active ROM bc?
-anatomical barrier > physiological
Drawer Test
-forward motion >2 cm = ACL

-backward " = PCL
MCL stability
-attempt to "open" medial kne joint

-Valgus stress
LCL stability
-pushes in lateral direction to knee
-stabilizing lower leg/ankle to "open" lateral knee joint

-Varus stress
McMurrays Test
-valgus stress to asscess medial meniscus

-opens medial aspect of knee, and pushes lateral knee medial
Lachmans test
-flex knee to 90 and jerk tibia forward to test for ACL
Expressive (non-fluent aphasia)
-speech is histant and labored with poor articulation
-no problem with comprehension

Rcetptive (fluent) aphasia

-speach is rapid and appears fluent but is fully of syntax error

-comprehension is poor
Inability to dorsiflex great toe against resistance
-L4 - 5 nerve root

-plantar flex is S1
Ideational apraxia
-inability to performa a series of motor tasks

-fold letter, put in envelope, seal, stamp
inability to recognize objects in one hand

-opposite of a pareital lobe dysfunction
Pseudobulbar Palsy
-Involuntary Emo Expression Disorder

-bilat supranuclear denerve of brainstem
Brudzinkis sign
-suspect meningitis
-hand behind pts neck and flex to sternum
+ if neck pain and resistance to motion
-also maybe flex of hip and knees
Kernigs sign
-suspect meningitis
-flex one of pts legs at hip and knee
-pain or resistance is elicited as knee extended