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17 Cards in this Set

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state the difference between valgus and varus deformities
Varus=bowed legs
Valgum=knock knees
inflammation or irritation of bursa
inflammation of a tendon
inflammation of a tendon
inury to a muscle
injury to a ligament
joint pain
Joint effusion
-increased fluid in joint space
-Ballotement test tests for fluid accumulation in or around the knee joint. Preformed by pressing fluid out of the suprapatellar pouch down behind the patella
swelling of the knee indicates a synovial effusion or bleeding into a joint. Knee trauma may result in hemarthrosis and limitation of joint motion
Deposits of uric acid crystals. Specific but nonsensitive sign of gout. Usually develops over the distal interphalangeal joint of the fingers, in the olecranon and prepatellar bursae as well.
What is common in osteoarthritis?
Heberden's nodes
Bouchard's nodes
Distal Joints more common
What is common in Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Swan neck deformities
Boutonniere deformities
Ulnar deviation of fingers
Subcutaneous nodules
Proximal joints more common
explain the diagnostic significance of proximal versus distal muscle weakness
*Proximal=myopathy, Can you lift objects? can you brush your hair?
*Distal=neuropathy,Can you turn a doorknob or key? Can you button a shirt/blouse?
*Muscular weakness should always be differentiated from fatigue. Ascertain which functions the patient is unable to perform as a result of "weakness"
state the basic components of a musculoskeletal screening exam
Check active and passive range of motion
Check muscle strength
integrated function
-crackling or popping sounds and sensations experienced under the skin and joints.
-The sound can be created when two rough surfaces in the human body come into contact - for example, in osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis when the cartilage around joints has eroded away
List selected symptoms of a musculoskeletal problem or disease
Pain, Weakness, Deformity, limitation, Stiffness and joint clicking
Explain strength scale
0- absent, no contraction
1- trace, slight contraction
2-weak, movement limited by gravity
3-fair , movement against gravity
4-good, movement against gravity and some additional force
5- normal, movement against gravity and FULL resistance