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67 Cards in this Set

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test two
from lecture, what are the four ways non democratic regimes stay in power
-personality cults
an authoritarian regime "ruled by god" is known as
a theocracy
provide an example of a state with this regime type
Saudi Arabia
what is the definition of the proletariat
is the working class, whose primary resource they can offer is their labor
deep state
police, army,the judges and their positions
test 1
the struggle to make the decisions for the larger group
how do either quantitative or qualitative methodologies impact the study of comparative politics ? which do you think is a better form of comparison, why?
-Quantitative methodologies allow for many cases to be looked at, but not at a great depth of understanding

-Qualitative methodologies allow for a few cases to be studied in depth, with the possibility of those cases skewing reality .

-I think quantitative methodologies are the better form, so that you can get trends and patterns
List Duvergers three laws and explain how either SMD electoral system or proportional representation system shape a democratic country
-pr that leads to many party
-two round leads to multiple party
-1st past post smd result in two parties
in what way does electoral democracy differ from liberal democracy
-liberal democracies- individuals elected to represent the people

-electoral democracy- people vote on an all issues, didnt elect representatives
Political scientist, based on the work of Max Weber, define state as
-states are organizations that maintain a monopoly of violence over a territory
what are the three types of legitimacy, as discussed in lecture?
in the UK what is the "shadow cabinet "
-Is the minority party in the house of commons.
-they have no real authority, but question the decisions and policies of the the actual cabinet during question time
what role do Feudalism play in the evolution of Great britain' s Democracy
Feudalism facilitated the cooperation between lords and peasants, giving rise to a sense of shared responsibility that would evolve the monarchy into a constitutions monarch and democracy
what role does the constitutional council serve in france
-it determines constitutionality of decrees and regulations
-serves as highest judicial body, determine whether or not laws passe by the legislation are in accordance with frances constitution
in france, cohabitation refers to
- Cohabitation is when the president is of a different party than the majority in the national assembly. the president then has to select a prime minister that is not from his party.
Regimes are defined in our text as
-the basic rules and norms of politics
modernization theory can be defined as the view that
as societies develop, they will become capitalist democracies
the collapse of communism is important for comparative politics because
scholars did not anticipate it, calling their work to date into question
when the authority of any states is regarded as right and proper, we say that the state has
not effectiveness
sovereignty is defines as the ability of
states to carry out actions or policy independent of outside actors or internal rivals
which of the following is usually weakly institutionalized?
the government
state power is often analyzed in terms of -- and ---
not authority, capacity
which of the following is inherently political
National identity
which of the following is not an attribute defining ethnicity
when an executive head of government is elected from within the legislature we usually refer to the legislative-executive system as:
the use of approaches like game theory rest on the assumption that humans are:
_____ is a system based on local customs and precedent and serves the basic for contemporary legal systems in most of the UK
common law
which term best describes the UK political regime
the most accurate description of the UKS ethnic makeup is
the uk is relatively homogenous, and whit christains are the overwhelming majority
which of the following statements most accurately describes the uk relationship with the EU
ambivalence. the uk was a founding member of the eu and dominates its politics
as the uk democratized which institution gained power
the house of commons
france offer a valuable study of regimes because
there have been a wide array of regimes over the past 200 years
a strong centralized French state can be in part attributed to which facet of its geography
its unprotected borders to the north and ne, making it vulnerable to invasion
the reign of terror refers to
a radical attack on the opponents of republicanism after the french revolution
which of the following is a requirement for a state to be considered a democracy

all the above
test 2
from lecture what are the four ways nondemocratic regimes stay in power
-personality cults
an authoritarian regime "ruled by god" is known as
a theocracy
provide an example of a state with this regime type
saudi arabia
what is the definition of the proletariat
the working class, who primary resource they can offer is their labor
Putin's regime has recently cracked-down/rigged the electoral system in russia restricting certain political freedoms-- how has "the game" been changed? provide clear examples and explain their implications
1. political parties that are elected by proportional representation now have to garner 7% of the vote apposed to what was perviously 5% this makes it much harder for members of opposing political parties to have a say in the legislature

2. since 2002 one of the two members from each district in the federal council is appointed by the government of that district which in usually closely linked to putin

3. Putin extended the presidential term from 4 years to 6 years
from the russia case, the term ____ refers to the politically influential jobs in the state, society, or economy and the communist party appointees who staff them
the lower house of legislature in russia is called
the duma
in syria who are the alawites
a religious minority loyal to the Assad regime
do all alawites support the Assad regime? explain
no, there are some that fundamentally disagree with the way president Assad maintains his legitimacy.( ie violence and coercion )
in your opinion should the muslim brotherhood be allowed to participate in the political processes of a democratic egypt? if yes why no why?
yes. bc it would be fundamentally nondemocratic to ban a competing party, however, there would be a huge need for heavily enforced restrictions and regulation on all participating parties in order to ensure that cheating and abuse of power are not taking place
the Egyptian "deep state" primarily refers to the persistence of what three institutions from the murbank era?
1. the military
2. the supreme court
3. police force
would you refer to the ousting of president Morsi as a revolution or a coup d'etat
coup d'etat
-the people were simply calling for early presidential elections when they were dissatisfied with morsi. the military completely overstepped what the people were asking it to do when they forcefully and permanently removed the democratically elected president
nondemocratic regimes are best defined as political systems where in
a small group of individuals exercises power but remains constitutionally responsible to the public
totalitarianism is
a regime that seeks to transform the state, society, and economy of a country to meet an ideological goal
resource trap theory argues
countries with natural resources are less likely to be democratic
asserting that democracy is connected to "western" institutions is an argument fundamentally based on
a system where individuals are brought into a beneficial and dependent relationship with an organization is
corporatism is commonly associated with
bureaucratic authoritarism
what is the relationship between nondemocratic rule and legitimacy
nondemocratic regimes may enjoy some or even a great deal of public support
a personality cult can be defined as
a way to reinforce rule through the veneration of leadership
communist countries are examples of what form of authoritarianism
one-party rule
the soviet union under stalin is most commonly associated with
one important reason to study russia is
it was the first communist country in the world
which best describes russias economy before 1917 revolution
weakly developed compared to western europe
Gorbachevs reforms in the 1980s relied on the policies of glasnot and perestroika, or
political openness and economic restructuring
the federal councils role in russia is to
represent local interest
the revolution/civil war initially began in syria with
a group of schoolboys writing graffiti and calling for assad to step down
the majority of syrias population is
syrias president bashar al assad initially became president
by inheriting the position-- his father before him was president
which international actor has not supported the Ba'ath party in syria during the civil war
Saudi arabia
in 1928 Hassan Al Banna
founded the muslim brotherhood
president murbarak was swiftly removed from power because
the military was unwilling to initially use violence against its own population