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36 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of the following organelle: chloroplast
A membrane-bound organelle that does photosynthesis
What is the function of the following organelle: photosynthetic membrane
An infolding of the plasma membrane that does photosynthesis
What is the function of the following organelle: mitochondrion
A membrane-bound organelle that does cellular respiration
What is the function of the following organelle: mesosome
An infolding of the plasma membrane that does cellular respiration
What is the function of the following organelle: cell wall
Protects cell from harm or from bursting when in water; gives cell its shape
What is the function of the following organelle: cell membrane
Separates cell from its environment; maintains homeostasis, controls cell the movement of substances in and out of the cell
What is the function of the following organelle: plasmid
Small circular section of DNA; allows exchange of genetic material between bacteria
What is the function of the following organelle: rough ER
Ribosomes bound to a system of membranes; a site for protein synthesis
What is the function of the following organelle: smooth ER
A system of membranes for making steroid hormones (lipids) and detoxifying alcohol
What is the function of the following organelle: lysosome
Contains digestive enzymes to break down food and old organelles.
What is the function of the following organelle: ribosome
Makes proteins
What is the function of the following organelle: Golgi body
Packages, sorts and distributes molecules
What is the function of the following organelle: Flagellum
Long tail that helps a cell to move
What is the function of the following organelle: cilia
Short finger-like projections that help a cell to move
What is the function of the following organelle: nucleus
Chromosomes enclosed by a membrane
What is the function of the following organelle: nucleoid
One circular chromosome that is NOT enclosed by a membrane
What is the function of the following organelle: cytoplasm
Cytosol (water, minerals, and salts) and the organelles contained within it
What is the function of the following organelle: vacuole
A membrane sac that is used for storage, waste removal, and growth
Which organelle has this function: A membrane-bound organelle that does photosynthesis
Which organelle has this function: An infolding of the plasma membrane that does photosynthesis
photosynthetic membrane
Which organelle has this function: A membrane-bound organelle that does cellular respiration
Which organelle has this function: An infolding of the plasma membrane that does cellular respiration
Which organelle has this function: Protects cell from harm or from bursting when in water; gives cell its shape
cell wall
Which organelle has this function: Separates cell from its environment; maintains homeostasis, controls cell the movement of substances in and out of the cell
cell membrane
Which organelle has this function: Small circular section of DNA; allows exchange of genetic material between bacteria
Which organelle has this function: Ribosomes bound to a system of membranes; a site for protein synthesis
rough ER
Which organelle has this function: A system of membranes for making steroid hormones (lipids) and detoxifying alcohol
smooth ER
Which organelle has this function: Contains digestive enzymes to break down food and old organelles.
Which organelle has this function: Makes proteins
Which organelle has this function: Packages, sorts and distributes molecules
golgi body
Which organelle has this function: Long tail that helps a cell to move
Which organelle has this function: Short finger-like projections that help a cell to move
Which organelle has this function: Chromosomes enclosed by a membrane
Which organelle has this function: One circular chromosome that is NOT enclosed by a membrane
Which organelle has this function: Cytosol (water, minerals, and salts) and the organelles contained within it
Which organelle has this function: A membrane sac that is used for storage, waste removal, and growth