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29 Cards in this Set

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Although Stalin played a key role as General Secretary of the Bolshevik Party, his was overlooked by his naïve rivals, allowing him to take power in 1927.
1- Weakness of Government
2- Weakness of Opposition: Left
3- Weakness of Opposition: Right
4- Party Strengths
5- Personal Characteristics
6- Position as General Secretary
Weakness of Government- Recent Collapse
Corrupt, Divided country & undecided successions; Collapse of the Tsar 1917 (Romanovs) the people are used to Autocratic rule
Weakness of Government- No Leader
Death of Lenin in 1924
Weakness of Government- Divisions
Divided between NEP v. Communism and way to rule
Weakness of Government- Closing Sentence
The power void in the USSR was an evident problem since the death of the Tsar follower by the death of Lenin, leaving plenty of opportunity for an unimposing character such as Stalin to manipulate his fellows and gain power.
Weakness of Opposition: Left- Trotsky's Character
perceived as the member most likely to become a dictator, especially due to his great intellectualism and his aloofness from colleagues, and as the most likely to loose loyalty to the party as he only joined the Bolshevik Party in 1917; Although favored collective rule
Weakness of Opposition: Left- Naive Legislation
ban on factions’ in 1921; robbing him of the chance to get support in the Thirteenth Congress in 1924 against the leading triumvirate of Kamenev, Stalin, and Zinoviev
Weakness of Opposition: Left- Public Appeal
most popular with members of the Red Army due to his position as commissar for war and younger and more radical party members, especially students
Weakness of Oppisition: Left- Closing Sentence
The opposition’s inability to perceive the necessity and power of Stalin’s position, left them unable to respond to his attempts at taking power.
Weakness of Opposition: Right- Bukharin's Character
a. Bukharin highly intellectual, cultured, and theoretical nature; Not cunning enough to perceive manipulation within own party
Weakness of Opposition: Right- Policy
1928, Stalin turned against the continuation of Bukharin’s brain child, the New Economic Policy
Weakness of Opposition: Right- Rykov & Tomsky's Characters
Rykov was a drunkard, Tomsky was inept- provided with leadership positions and failed to do anything significant with them
Weakness of Opposition: Right- Historiography
Bukharin called Stalin a Gangus Kang, an unscrupulous intriguer who changes his theories according to… to the next
Weakness of Opposition: Right- Closing Sentence
Bukharin’s naïve, intellectual nature, made him particularly vulnerable to Stalin’s manipulation.
Party Strengths- Leadership
October Revolution 1917
Party Strengths- War Streangths
Russian Civil War 1918-1921
Party Strengths- Appealing Strategist
"Socialism in one Country"
Party Strengths- Background
Son of a Lower Classman
Party Strengths- Closing Sentence
Stalin’s background gained him popular appeal and a position in the party.
Stalin's Character- disobidient
disobeying not only orders during his military post, but also orders from Lenin
Stalin's Character- Strong
tough demeanor in his childhood as a consequence of his abusive mother and a physical abnormality, as well as the devastation at the death of his first wife in 1907
Stalin's Character- Meticulous
organizing, leading to his position as general secretary which he utilized to harness power.
Stalin's Character- Closing Sentence
Although Stalin was not trusted, he was believed to be unable to have any major impact on the party, thus going unnoticed by his rivals.
General Secretary- Controlled Membership
Purged Trotsky’s supporters, gave membership to less-educated
General Secretary- Control of Party Members
Selected Delegates for Congress
General Secretary- Meetings
Controlled Agenda of Party Minutes
General Secretary- Closing Sentence
Stalin’s position as General Secretary gave him a key position to quietly manipulate the party.
Clever Twist
Stalin was jokingly referred to as Comrade card index. Little did his comrades know the power that his index cards would hold