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50 Cards in this Set

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a subculture,especially of young people, with values or lifestyles that are in opposition to those of the dominant, established culture
a person who supports the idea that women are equal to men and deserve equal rights and oppurtunities
Pressure Group
a group of people who get together around a particular issue to try to influence government policy
Civil liberties
basic individual rights protected by law, such as freedom of speech
Canadian Bill of Rights
a federal document that set out the rights and freedoms of Canadians; it was enacted in 1960 under the leadership of Prime Minister John Deifenbaker
a policy of encouraging the expression of the cultures of many ethnic groups that make up a country's population.
to be pushed aside and made less important in terms of social standing and power
to be deprived of basic legal rights
White Paper of 1969
the government report proposing dramatic changes to the lives of Aboriginal peoples, including the elimination of the Indian Act
Red Paper
Aboriginal response to the federal government's White Paper of 1969; the Red Paper caused the government to change it's policies
to try to influence the opinions and votes of public officials for or against a cause
Aboriginal Pipeline Group
a group formed in 2000 to represent the interests of the Aboriginal peoples of the North in the proposed pipeline
Medical Care Act
an Act passed by Parliament in 1966 that provided free acess to the physician services for Canadians
What fraction of Canada's population was under 25 in 1965?
More than half the population
Describe the "hippie phenom" of the 1960's?
Large number of young people embraced rock music, new clothing styles, sexual promiscuity and experimenting with drugs as a protest to mainstream society
How did government react to the large numbers of young people in this era?
They increased spending on youth programs and lowered the age of voting from 18 instead of 21
Why did the social protest movement by the baby boomers fade out in the 1980's
They grew out of protesting because they had families their own families to take care of, that was there number one priority
What happened to women after WWII?
They returned to their roles as housekeepers
What did Betty Friedman urge women to do?
She urged women to liberate themselves from these traditional roles and fufill themselves as human beings by aquiring an education
Why did femist groups want schools to encourage girls to excel in math and science cources?
Because taking these courses led girls to better paying jobs
Who was Dr. Henry Morgentaler?
A doctor who challenged abortion laws
What problems faced Aboriginal communities in the 1960's?
Poverty, poor health, and inadequate housing
What was the "White Paper of 1969"?
The government report proposing dramatic changes to the lives of Aboriginal peoples, including the elimination of the the Indian Act.
What is the significance of the Berger Commision?
It listened and worked closely with the natives, and suspended the building of the gas line
What is the "Aboriginal Pipeline Group"
A group formed in 2000 to represent the interests of the Aboriginal people's of the North on the proposed pipeline.
Quiet Revolution
society during the years 1960 to 1966 under the Liberal provincial govenment of Jean Lesage
FLQ (Front de liberation due Quebec)
a rerevolutionary movement founded to work for an independent, socialist Quebec
Royal Commision on Bilingualism and Biculturalism
a commison created by the federal government to recommend ways of enhancing and promoting the historically billingual nature of Canada
Official Languages Act
the Act that states that French and English are Canada's official languages, and that all federal institutions must provide services in English and French
War Measures Act
an Act passed during the First World War giving the government emergency powers in the event of a national crisis
provincial legislation that made French the sole official language of Quebec
Bill 101
also called the "Charter of the French Language," Bill 101 strengthened the position of the French language in Quebec
the prohibition by a government or organization that prevents certain goods from being shipped in or out of a country
Regional disparity
differences in income,wages, and jobs in one area compared with another
Western alienation
the feeling on the part of Western Canada that federal policies favour Central Canada; it has led to the rise of several regional parties, including the Canadian Alliance Party
Bomarc Missules
nuclear missles that Canada agreed to accept from the U.S. During the Cold War; led to a rift in Canada/U.S. Relations
Draft resisters
citizens who refuse to join the army to fight in a war during conscription
Trade and aid
the process of stimulating the economies of developing countries with aid so that they can access global markets and trade with developed nations
Tied aid
aid given to a foreign country with conditions attached
Anti-Ballistic Missle Treaty (ABMT)
an agreement between the U.S. And the U.S.S.R limiting strategic offensive weapons and defensive systems
Why did the OPEC impose an oil embargo in 1973
IN response to the western support for Israel in War
What did the oil embrago in 1973 cause in the West
How did the inflation of the 1970's affect the different regions of Canada
Inflation of prices
How did the federal govenment respond to the oil embargo
The federal goventment froze the price of domestic oil and gas imposed a tax on petroleum exported from Western Canada
What was Canada's "National Policy" under PM Trudeau
Reduce the consumption of oil, Protect Canadians from rising oil prices, and make Canada self-sufficient
Who was Rachel Carson
An American scientist who wrote about air pollution, water, and soil threats.
What was the major issue during the 1963 Federal election
Wether to have Nuclear weapons available to Canada and Diefenbaker appealed to Canadian Nationalism
How did Canada respond to the crisis and the subsequent NORAD alert
Canada refused to place Canada's NORAD forces on alert
How did Canada's role in the 1990 Gulf War represent a change in Canada's foreign policy
Canada has taken on a more active combat role
How did PM Trudeau reduce Canada's participation in the nuclear arms race in the 1970's
When Canada officially recognized the communist govenment of the People's Republic of China