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51 Cards in this Set

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a ruler with unrestricted power, without any democratic restrictions
totalitarian state
a dictatorship in which the government uses intimidation, violence, and propaganda to rule all aspects of the social and political life of its citizens
five-year plans
Stalin's plans for economic development in the Soviet Union over five years
a form of authoritarian government that is totalitarian and nationalistic
Weimar Republic
the democratic government in Germany after the First World War
members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party; the Nazis were extreme nationalists who took power in 1922 and controlled every aspect of German life through a plice state
a coordinated attack against Jewish people and their property carried out by Nazis in Germany of Novermber 9, 1938
to oppress or ill-treat because of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or beliefs
the Nazi imprisonment and murder of 6 million Jewish people and 5 million other peoples during the Second World War
policy of appeasement
giving in to an aggressor's demands in the hopes that no more demands will be made
non-aggression pact
ab agreement between two countries not to attack each other
the policy of remaining apart from the affairs of other countries
a person displaced from his of her home and territory by war and other acts of aggression
discrimination or hostility toward Jewish people
the act of sending someone back to his or her native land
British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP)
a program to train pilots and aircrew during the Second World War; it produced half of all Commonwealth aircrew and is the largest air training program in history
Wartime Information Board
board established in 1942 to coordinate wartime propaganda
total war
the mobilization of the entire resources of a nation for war
Crown corporations
businesses and industries owned by the Canadian government
countries fighting against Germany during the Second World War, including Britian, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and after 1941, the US and USSR
alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan
German war tactic of surprise attacks by tanksand fighter planes
port town in France from which a massive Allied evacuation took place in May 1940, when German forces conquered France
German air force
the Blitz
the heavy, frequent bombing attacks on London and other British cities by Nazi Germany
Battle of Britian
an air campaign launched in 1940 by the Royal Air Force to stop the Germans from achieving air superiority
Operation Barbarossa
Germany's unsuccessful invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941-1942, which broke the non-aggression pact and ultimately led to the Soviet Union joining the Allies
Pearl Harbor
the Japanese bombing of the US naval base in Hawaii
Battle of Hong Kong
Japan's attack on the British colony of Hong Kong in which there were heavy Canadian losses
Black Christmas
December 25, 1941, the date Hong Kong fell to the Japanese
Battle of the Atlantic
the struggle between the Allies and the Asix powers to control the Allies' shipping route across the Atlantic Ocean
small, fast, warships built in Canada to help protect convoys in the Atlantic Ocean
Bomber Command
the section of the RAF that directed the strategic bombing of Germany
Dieppe Raid
the 1942 trail raid by Canadian troops against Germany's occupation of Dieppe; Canada suffered heavy losses
Italian Campaign
1943 Allied battles to recapture Europe from the south, through Sicily and Italy
June 6, 1944; th eday Allied armies, including Canada, invaded France; the biggest Allied invation of the Second World War
soldiers trained to parachute from airplanes onto combat areas
Juno Beach
the nine-kilometre stretch of beach in France where Canadian troops landed on D-Day
Manhattan Project
the code name during the Second World War for the American plan to develop the first atomic bomb
atomic bomb
a bomb containing radioactive material, capable of destrying an entire city or region
crimes against humanity
widespread attacks against civilians, including murder, enslavement, deportation, and torture
Final Solution
the Nazis' plan to systematically kill all European Jews
the systematic estermination of a religious or ethnic group
court of justice
war crimes
the killing, torture, and hostage-taking of civilian populations, or the deliberate and extensive destruction of their property
"cradle to grave" social security
social assistance provided by the government, brom birth to death
National Resources Mobilization Act
an Act pssed in 1940 enabling the government to do whatever was necessary for the war effort; it was amended in 1942 to allow conscription
a vote on a particular issue
enemy aliens
nationals living in a country that is at war with their homeland
arsenal of democracy
a slogan coined by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in December 1940 promising to help the Allies fight the Germans by providing military supplies while staying out of the actuall fighting
war brides
foreign women who married Canadian troops serving overseas and then immigrated to Canada after the war