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34 Cards in this Set

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What was at stake in the Alaska Boundary Dispute?
Alaskan Pan Handle, questioned ownership of a fjord called the Lynn Canal
Why did many English Canadians support Britain in the Boer War?
They shared Britain's dreams of expanding the British empire
What did the federal government offer to immigrants who settled in Canada's prairies?
65 hectares of land for only $10
Who was L.M. Montgomery?
Famous Canadian writer, published Anne of Green Gables
Who was responsible for settling Canada's disputes with other nations in 1900?
Under what circumstances were Asian immigrants tolerated?
They had to be willing to do work that Canadians saw as unpleasant (cheap labor)
Why were Aboriginals in the prairies forced to live on reserves?
To free up land for settlers and immigrants from Britain, avoid violent clashes with US settlers
What was discovered in the Yukon in 1896?
Name three important Canadian exports in the 1900s
Timber, wheats, minerals
List the luxuries of wealthy city people during the 1900s.
had servants, had electricity, had running water, houses were warmed by central hot water heating
What impact did the use of electricity have on Canada's industry?
Bigger, better machines could be used in factories to produce more goods. Also, it created more manufacturing jobs.
What is a recession?
A decline in the economy, resulting in lower levels of employment and production
Why did the federal government place a head tax on Chinese immigration?
To limit Asian immigration
What problems did Aboriginal children face in residential schools?
Overcrowded dorms, unsanitary conditions, lack of medical care, physical/sexual abus, denied contact with family, forbidden to speak languag&practice culture
Why were some eastern Europe immigrants ridiculed?
their culture and language were unfamiliar to Canadian
of or pertaining to the reign of Queen Victoria; also someone who shares the values of that period
the banning of the sale and consumption of alcohol
a person who advocates that women should have the right to vote
people who support imperialism, the policy of one nation acquiring, controlling, or dominating another
French descendants of the original settlers of New France
people who have a strong attachment to their culture or nation
the power to govern oneself and make one's own decisions
newcomers who claimed and settled land
the belief that one's own culture is superior, and that other cultures should be judged by its values
head tax
the fee that Chinese immigrants were required to pay after 1885 in order to enter Canada
Indian Act
an Act created to regulate the lives of the First Nations of Canada
land set aside by the government for the use of First Nations
residential schools
government authorized schools, run by the churches, in which Aboriginal children lived apart from their families and were educated in Canadian culture
adoption of the customs and language of another cultural group so that the original culture disappears
the move of people from farms to cities where jobs are available
hydroelectric power
electricity produced from the energy of falling water
the overall change in a society from farm production and craftsmanship to mechanized manufacturing production
trade union
a group of workers who unite to achieve common goals in discussions with owners and management of businesses and industries
less severe than a depression, a recession is a downturn in economic activity in which the value of goods and services declines