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82 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 approaches to psychopathology used throughout hisotry
1. Mystical Supernatural Approach
2. Psychological approach
3. Medical Organic Approach
Diathesis Stress Hypothesis
Weakness (diathesis) interaction with external stress to increase likelihood of mental illness.
Define the following in regards to the Diathesis Stress Model
1. Diathesis
2. Stress
1. Diatheiss Inherit vulnarability tendency
2. Stress-Life events
Moral Management
The idea that environment played a role in the treatment of mental illness. Recovery would occur more likely if surroundings were more comfortable.
Dorthea Dix
Boston school teacher who was forced into early retirement by TB and raised money for mental health hospitals.
Benjamin Rush
Rushed to more humane treatment. madness caused by engorgement of the blood vessels of the brain. bleeding, purging, and water cures were common
What are the 6 Ds of Pyschopathology
1. Deviance
2. Distress
3. Disability
4. Dyscontrol
5. Dysfunction
6. Danger
Disorders that are inward major depression etc.
ADHD, Conduct D/O disorders that show outward signs and symptoms
Liklihood to respond maladaptivley to a situation.
Different ecentric but not necessarily maladptiave.
Physical Definition of Abnormality
Does not account for nurture
Social Definiton
Does not account for physical
Culture Relativism
Culture defines what is normal or abnormal
Universal Relativism
Constant against cultures
Spiritual Definition of Abnormality
alienated form God and his word
Problem: only views us a spiritual
Personal Definition of Abnormality
internal conflicts leading to prolonged feelings of unhappiness insecurity or sens of being out of control.
Problem :prone to distortion
means war
indicating mental incompetence for managing ones affairs or inability to to foresee the consequences of ones actions.
Denotes a serious mental disorder.
Deals with causes
rate of new cases during a defined period
rate of old and new cases for a defined period
Lifetime Prevalence
proportion of general population who have ever had the specific disorder
Risk factors
specific characteristics or conditions that create vulnerabilities
What are the three Brain Blocks
1. Brain Stem RAS
2. Posterior Division
3. Anterior Division
Brain Stem RAS
1. provides the power that runs the brain
2. Sleep wake cycle
Posterior Division
Perception simultaneous processing
Anterior Division
Executive functions planning, organizing, self-regulation, volition
Capacity to give up something I would rather do, subordinate to commands
Seat of Identity
Prefrontal cortex immature in adolescents
Executive Function of Frontal lobes is like the
___________ of the orchestra
Dorsolateral Circuit
Frontal Lobe problem solving, independant from environmental contingencies
High emotions e.g. Guilt and shame,
empathy, socailly appropriate behavior
Abnormal metabolic rate in frontal lobes
Anterior Cingulate Circuit
Broadman area 24 projects correct and incorrect response
Prefrontal cortex and distraction
Can allow person to complete screen out distraction e.g. radio while completing a math problem.
Prefrontal cortex in relation to cerbral cortex
Contains the map of the whole cortex
Seat of Self
Prefrontal Cortex
Theory of the Mind
capacity to form an internal representation of the others mental life requires you to have a capacity of your own internal represention.

Allows for processing more complex executive processes like social interactions as opposed to solving a puzzle requiring not interaction.
Frontal lobe damage inhibits the knowing of ______ and ______
right and wrong
What are the 5 axis
1. Clinical syndromes and disorders
2. Personality disorders and pervasive development disorders
3. Medical Conditions
4. Psychosocial and environmental problems
5. Global Assessment of functioning
3 Core beliefs shattered during suffering
1. Deserve Ease and comfort and life
2. I deserve a predictable world
3. I deserve a fair world
What are the 4 directions of suffering
1. Inward
2. Forward
3. Outward
4. Upward
Purposes of suffering effects inward
1. Purify faith
2. Humble heart
3. Test Faithfulness
4. Well- Behaved Children
Purposes forward suffering
1. Maturity
2. Christlikeness
3. Personalize Faith
Purposes outward suffering
1. To Build HIs Kingdom
2. Strong and Caring church
3 To Minister through us.
Suffering produces upward affects
1. See His true charachter
2. Prepare us for a blessing
3. Give believers dying grace
4. Reward us
5. Glorify God
Externalization of problems
Directed outward and principally seen as causing distress in others.
e.g. Conduct Disorder, Defiant D/O
Internalization of problems
Behaviors, emotions, cognitions that are directed inward and principally seen as causing distress.
Anxiety, Fear, Depression, Self-Injury, Eating Disorders
Dual Diagnosis
Presence of at least two major disorders
Incidence of DD
Since 1980 dramatic increase in dual
Significance of DD
Associated with more adverse social, health, economic, and psychiatric consequences
Comorbidity with DD
Substance abuse most common.
More likely to get HIV and AIDS
More legal problems
Increased risk of homelessness
4 advantages of diagnosis with DSM
1. Thinking about a persons experiences
2. Decisions about etiology
3. Treatment Plan Development
4. Professional accoutability
Disadvantages of Diagnosis with DSM
1. Label person as pathological
2. Different treatment of others
3. Implies client is not responsible for actions.
4. Possible Misdiagnosis.
5. Question of DSM reliability
6. Medical Model
7. Confuse descriptors of behavior with descriptions of construct.
Adjustment D/O
Diagnosed with client has difficulty adapting to one or more stressors in previous 3 months.
Maladaptive reaction
distress in excess of normal reaction
Adjustment D/O 6 different types of appraisal
1. with depressed mood.
2. with anxiety
3. with mixed anxiety and depressed mood
4. with disturbance of conduct
5. with mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct.
6. Unspecified
Acute and Chronic also included.
Three factors affecting stress
1. Biological
2. Psychological
3. Social
Anxiety is ______ _______ and Fear is __________
Anxiety is vague fear and fear is specific
Anxiety D/O meets these criteria
1. Anxiety itself as a major disturbance
2. Manifested only in particular situations.
3. May result from attempts to master other symptoms.
What are the 5 groups of anxiety d/0
1. Panic
2. GAD
3. Phobias
4. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Two types of Panic Disorder
Situationally bound- attacks in response to specific stimulus.
Situationally predisposed- tendencyto have attacks in response to the stimulus.
GAD Symptoms
1. Excessive or unrealistic anxiety and worry.
2. 6months or greater
3. More worrying days than good days.
4. Feeling keyed up or edgy
Signs and symptoms of GAD
1. Excessive or unrealistic anxiety and worry
2. 6 months or greater
3. More worrying days than good
4. Poor diagnostic reliablity
Characteristically of GAD
1. Many are also depressed
2. Rarely seek mental health treatment
Panic and GAD treatment
1. Anti anxiety
2. Benzodiazapems

Higher success rate with Behavioral treatment ratherthan meds.
80% getting CBT for panic d/o were panic free.
Anxiety Disorders 2 types of manifestation
1. Behavioral
2. Somatic
Anxiety Disorders manifest
1. Behavior- avoidance of fear inducing situations
2. Somatic - changes in muscular tension, indigestion
Panic disorder
1.Recurrent UNEXPECTED panic attacks
2. 4 out of 13 symptoms physical in nature usually
3. 1 month or more of
a. concern about attacks
b. worries about implications of attacks
c. Changes in behavior or functions.
Discrete period of intense fear or discomfort NOT tied to PHOBIC stimuli
Rule outs for panic disorder
Stimulant use
Alcohol use 30% of heavy drinkers have panic d/o
Acute Distress Disorder Vs PTSD
Acute Stress Disorder symptoms must occur within 4 week of the traumatic event and resolve within that 4 week period of longer than 1 month PTSD
What are re experiencing symptoms of PTSD
1. recurrent and intrusive distressing recollections of the event, images thoughts,
2. Distressing dreams of event
3. Acting or feeling reoccurence of event
4. Intense psychological distess at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of traumatic event.
PTSD increased arousal symptoms
1. Insomnia
2. Irritability or outbursts of anger
3. Concentration problems
4. Hypervigilance
5. Exaggerated startle response
Difference between Dysthymia and MDD
Dysthmic D/O is charachtterized by chronic, less severe depressive symptoms that have been present for many years.
difference between Cyclothymic D/O and BP1 and BP2
Mood states in cyclothymic disorder to not meet the full criteria for a major depressive, manic, or mixed episode,
Define Double Depression
Dysthymia that leads to MDD
More severe
More melancholoy
More likely suicdal
Often have Panic Disorder
More social stressors
Poorer prognosis
More gentetic
Neuro-vegetative symptoms for MDD
Sleep disorder (either increased or decreased sleep)*
Interest deficit (anhedonia)
Guilt (worthlessness,* hopelessness,* regret)
Energy deficit*
Concentration deficit*
Appetite disorder (either decreased or increased)*
Psychomotor retardation or agitation
Manic Assessment DIGFAST
Indiscretion (DSM-IV's “excessive involvement in pleasurable activities . . . “)
Flight of ideas
Activity increase
Sleep deficit (decreased need for sleep)
Talkativeness (pressured speech)
Dysthmia Charachteristrics
Less Severe than MDD
Depressed most of the day for 2 years
No Mania, hypomania, or mixed
Bipolar in Children and Adolescents Symptoms
1. Sexual Promiscuity
2. Failure in school
3. early cigarette smoking
4. substance abuse
5. Extreme aggressive behavior
6 Severe depression
7. Suicide attempts
Differences between ADHD and Bipolar
Mood disorders