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52 Cards in this Set

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Define Cosmotology

The art and science of beautifying and improving the skin, nails, and hair and the study of cosmetics and their application

What Greek word is cosmetology derived from?


What does Kosmetikos mean?

Skilled in the use of cosmetics

The term barber is derived from the Latin word barba. What does it mean ?

The beard or the hair of the beard

Archeological studies show that hair cutting and styling were practiced as early as what?

The glacial age

What ordinary items were used to adorn hair in the early days?

Animal sinew strips, strips of hide were used for tie the hair back or as adornment

What did the ancient Egyptians use to dye their hair?


What did ancient roman and Egyptian woman use to wave their hair?

Mixture of soil, water was added to the hair, wrapped In crude rollers, then baked in the sun.

I'm ancient Egypt what color nails did the kings and queens have?

Deep red

What did the lower status have as their nail colour?

Pale colors or in China black and red.

When did hairstyling become a highly developed art?

500 B.C. During the golden age of Greece.

What color was for what status in hair in Rome?

Noble woman had red tinted hair, middle class has their hair blonde, poor had black hair

What was the symbolic meaning of the barber pole?

Blood letting symbol from the past dentist and barber occupation.

What method of permanent saving was developed in 1914

Cold wave that used a waving lotion.

Who was madam CJ Walker

Rough start to life with being an orphaned, being abused, married young then started working with her brother in barber shop, developed scalp condition created remedies went around f and eventually started a arerr and the pioneer of the modern black hair care and cosmetics industry.

Salon services advancement in the 20th century

Advances in technology, innovative techniques In hair cutting, chemical services, aesthetics, and nail extensions. Hair coloring evolved. Facials added makeup and other **** and hair removal and more things were popular.

Which areas we are interested in.

Make up artist. I like the idea of making art upon someone's gave that is accepted by society and they can feel great a out themselves in and gain the confidante ttheh may not possess otherwise.

Basic guidelines for personal and professional success.

Build self esteem, visualize, build kn your strengths, be kind to yourself, define success for yourself, practice new behaviours, keep your energy up, respect others, stay productive

3 common habits that can prevent you from being productive.

Procrastination, perfectionism, no game plan

Motivation and self management

The drive to success and the fuel that needs to going on your path to success

4 basic human needs

Physical, emotional, spiritual, social, mental

3 steps to increase creativity

Stop criticizing yourself, stop asking others what to do, change you vocabulary to be more positive, dont do it alone.

Why is Important to learn how to manage your time?

So you get things done on time without stressing too much.

Explain the difference between personality and attitude.

Personality defines who you ate and the sum total of what puts you apart from others. Attitude your outlook on life and what you believe in.

How to deal with an unhappy client

Respond instead or react, believe in yourself, talk less, listen more, be attentive, make sure to keep calm cause if your not the patient wont be either.

Define image

The impression to project on others you are engaging with.

How does balance relate to good health?

When we have good balance we will have good health.

3 basic habits of personal hygiene.

Family showing of bathing, shaving for men and freshen up when needed. Washing yous hand throughout the day, brushing and flossing teeth, deodorant.

General guidelines for dressing for success.

Clean clothing that fits well, aesthetically pleasing clothes, no visible under garment, simple attractive accessories, socks and hosiery free of runs, shoes are comfy and clean with good support, foot powder if necessary,

Ways to reduce stress.

Meditate, pray, yoga, deep breathing, daily routine, do things at normal times

Basic guidelines for a sound nutritional program.

Eat nutritious foods, variety of foods, maintain a healthy body weight, stay hydrated, well balanced nutrition.

What re good rest and sleep good.

Let's your body rest and take a break as well as repair and recover tissues that are abused during the day.

What are the benefits of regular excersise.

Ensure proper functioning heart and lungs look better feel better.

3 different kinds of exercise

Cardio, flexibility, strength,

The role of good posture in good health

Showsoff figure and shows self confidence.

Assess your posture

Flat feet, back straight, no cross

List ergonomic duties for hair and nail services

Will very.

Define communication

You engage in sending messages receive messages and establishing relation ship

How to prepare for a client consultation.

Have a variety of styling books for the to flip through, keep a portfolio at your station, show photos or recent cuts and styles, hair swatches available.

What is the total loom concept.

Looking at the whole person and letting what you do suit them and their lifestyle.

Information that goes on client card

Name, a dress, phone number, gender, referral, last visit, precious services, meds, natural hair colour, texture, condition, skin, what you use, kind of device

How to deal with late clients

Abide by salons late policy, dont sacrifice others appointments of if possible for them in later, is often late then schedule later on purpose or the last client

How should you handle a scheduling mix up

The client is always right

How to handle an unhappy client

Find out why, try to change mind if possible, try to right the wrong If possible, never argue, call someone with more experience or a manager, talk to salon manager after it has been resolved.

List 5 things to remember when communicating with co workers

Treat all with respect, remain objective, be honest and sensitive, remain neutral, seek help from someone you respect.

4 guidelines for communicating what to do when talking to the manger

Be a problem solver, get your facts straight, be open and honest, do not gossip, check your attitude, be open to criticism,


one celled micororagnism of vegetable origin can exist almost anywhere


Study of bacteria


Destroy any micro organisms from the object to clean it


Making the objects clean and safe for use to prevent things


The process of removing contamination or possible contamination

Types of bacteria

Non-pathohenic. Helpful or harmless not disease producing

Pathogenic harmful and also knows as parasites

Cocci round shaped bacteria that are transmitted through the air and dust

Staphycocci pus forming bacteria the form in grape like clusters

Streptococci pus forming that arrange in curved lines

Diplococci spherical bacteria that grow in pairs and cause pneumonia

Bacilli short rod shaped bacteria

Spirilla spiral or corkscrew shaped

Infection occurs when body tissue are invaded by disease causing or pathogenic disease

Pus and fluid product of inflammation

Local infection one that is confined to a particular area

General infections carried through the blood to all the body

Contagious can be spread easily from person to person