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15 Cards in this Set

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What is Myocardial Ischemia ?

Ischemia of the myocardium caused by an imbalance b/w the Supply and demand for oxygen and other essential nutrients.

2 ways in which the Supply to the myocardium can be affected ?

- 1.Mechanical Obstruction -

2.Reduced flow in oxygenated blood

Examples for Mechanical obstruction to the coronary flow ?(6)

1. Atheroma

2. Thrombosis

3. Spasms

4. Embolus

5. Coronary Ostial Narrowing

6. Coronary Arteritis

Examples of decreased flow of oxygenated blood to the myocardium?

- Anemia

- Carboxyhaemoglobulineamia

- Hypotension

- Causes decreased coronary perfusion pressure

Examples of an Increased Demand for oxygen?

1. Thyrotoxicosis - (Increases CO, so demand increases)

2. Myocardial Hypertrophy (Demand increases)

What is the most common cause for Myocardial Ischaemia?

- Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease

(Usually in the form of atherosclerosis)

What are the Non-Modifiable risk factors for CAD?

1. Age

2. Male Sex

3. + Family Hx

4. Deletion of ACE gene

What are the modifiable risk factors for CAD?(10)

1. Hyperlipidaemia

2. Hypertension

3. Cig. Smoking

4. DM

5. Lack of Exercise

6. Obesity

7.Blood Coagulation factors ( High Fibrinogen)

8.Elevated CRP


10. Gout

- Heavy alchohol consumption

Name 3 drugs that lead to CAD ?

1. OCP

2. COX-2 inhibitors

3. Rosiglitazone (Oral Hypoglycemic)

What is Primary Prevention of CAD?

-It is known as the PREVENTION of the atherosclerotic disease process.

What is Secondary Prevention of CAD?

- It is known as the Treatment of the atherosclerotic disease process or its complications.

What is Familial Hyperchloesterolemia?

- Patients with a Total Cholesterol Conc. of over 135mg/dl and a family history of premature coronary artery disease may have Familial Hypercholesterolemia

List a few steps in Lifestyle modifications ? (5-Diet , 2-Exercise and 3 others)


1. Reduce dietary cholesterol and fat intake

2. Replace saturated fats with mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats.

3. Reduce intake of sugar

4. Vegetable consumption should increase

5. At least 2 potions of fish/week


1. 20 to 30mins of moderate-intensity aerobic activity/day


2. 10 to 15mins of Vigorous intensity aerobic activity/day

- Daily alchohol intake should be reduced to 2 to 3 units

- Smoking should be stopped

- BP and DM should be managed well

What is the recommended statin Rx for Primary Prevention ?

Atorvastatin 20mg - For patients with a 10Y risk of CVD of >10%

What is the recommended statin Rx for Secondary Prevention in patients with established CVD?

Atovarstatin 80mg -