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20 Cards in this Set

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inflammation of airway due to noxious particle and gases mainly smoking
What also associate in COPD or coexist with COPD?
Chronic bronchitis
What happen when patient smoke?
cause hyperplasia
which cause airway diamater get smaller and alveolar become thicker which pt have hard time removing mucus out.
Lead to increase in mucus production or accumulation
What other contribution to cause COPD?
Occupational and environmental: dust, vapor, fume, air polluntion, fume indoor cooking and heat

Infection: recur infection lead to impair defense mechanism
intensify lung damage
Haemophilu influenza; Strep. pneumonia, Moraxella catarrhalis, Rhinovirus

Genetic - AAT deficiency

What happen when the airway is limited and not fully reversible
cause mucus hypersecretion, mucosal edema, bronchospasm because they can't secret out due to airway obstruction and reduce elastic recoil
What happen when the inflammation of the central airway in COPD pt?
1. Activate inflammotary mediator: lympholyte, macrophage and neutrophile... which active other inflammatory mediator = stimulate tumor necrosis and growth factor = change in structure of the lungs
What happen when OXIDANT release by the inflammatory mediator?
Oxidant inhibit antiprotease (prevent breakdown connective tissue in alveoli) - the imbalance of antiprotease and protease cause obstruction of the airway and reduce elastic recoil of the lung.
What happen when to the patient if obstruction of the airway and reduce elastic recoil to the lung?
The lung have to work hard which mean the functional residual capacity increase because patient trying to breath when the lung is overinflated
cause patient to be tired (Dyspnea) and can't do exercise
What happen when the airway exchange is being abnormal or interferes?
cause hypoxemia and hypercarbia which lead to destroy the alveoli and fromation of bullae and bulbe lead to V/Q mismatch and hypoxemia

Pulmoary airway obstruction also lead to V/Q mismatch and respiratory muscle impair = CO2 retension = severe disease
what happen when patient have chronic cough in COPD?
mucus production increase because there is an increase in globet cell and enlargement of submucosal gland

cause dysfunctional cilia
What when pulmonary vascular change in COPD pt?
cause Hypertension due to hypoxia the pulmonary artery constriction
structural change cause further vasoconstriction which lead to hypertrophy R. ventricular (Cor Pulmonary
what are the clinical manifestation of COPD PT?
Develop slowly
Dyspnea, cough w/ sputum
Physical exame: prolong exhale; crackle and wheeze/ decrease breath sound, anterior and posterior ratio increase
Bluish red - cyanosis/ polycythemia
tripod position and pursed lip breathing
what are the four class of COPD and treatment?
Mild: FEV>80%: Vaccine + short bronchodilator
Moderate: 50%<FEV<80%: vaccine +short+long bronchodilator + rehabilitation
Severe: 30<FEV<50%: vaccine +short+long bronchodilator + rehabilitation + Corticosteroids
VERY SEVERES: FEV<30%: vaccine +short+long bronchodilator + rehabilitation + Corticosteroids + Oxygen therapy or surgical therapy
What are the complication in COPD?
1. Cor Pulmonary
s/s: dyspnea, Jugular venous distension, pulmonary edema, hepatomegaly, weight gain, crackles sound
2. COPD exacerbation
s/s: Dyspnea, Cough, Sputum
3. Depression/ Anxiety
s/s: Dyspnea - pursed lip breathing
what test will you order for COPD PT?
1. Pulmonary functional test
Chest X-Ray, Spirometery: FEV/FVC<70%; Increase residual volume
2. ABG test
pH low, low O2, high CO2 and HCO3
3. 6 Minutes walk determine O2 saturation
What are the goal in collaboration of COPD?
Prevent complication and progression
Reduce symptom and mortality
Promote Pt praticipation
What is the drug therapy for COPD?
Function: Relax smooth muscle, increase ventilation and FEV; decrease dyspnea
Beta adrenergic agonist
Admin: Inhaled
combine ICS + beta = more effective for stage 3 and 4
Long acting anticholinergic is Tiotropium/ Spiriva
What is the function of oxygen therapy?
reduce heart work and lung
maintain O2
exercise, sleep, cognitive performance (mental), prognosis
BAD: HTN and hemotocrit
How do you delivery oxygen for oxygen therapy?
Low flow delivery: nasal cannula, simple mask, non-partial mask

High flow delivery: tracheostomy, venturi mask, conseru maks
What are the respiratory therapy for COPD?
Breathing retrain - pursed lip or diaphargmatic
effective cough - huff cough
Chest physiotherapy: percussion, vibration, drainage postural
Airway Clearing: flutter, acapella, thera peptherapy
High freq chest oscillation: vest inflate