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91 Cards in this Set

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Louis XIV was what?
the third king of the Bourbon dynasty
When did Louis XIV inherit the throne?
when he was five
Who really ruled when Louis XIV was a child?
His mother, Anne, and her prime minister, Cardinal Jules Mazarin
What did Cardinal Mazarin do?
he represented France at the peace conference after the Thirty Year's War.(Treaty of Westphalia
Why did the French people hate Mazarin? What did they do?
They hated his harsh policies, this broke out into a revolt led by nobles who feared that Mazarin was stripping away their powers and privileges
What were the violent outbreaks that people had against Mazarin called? Where did it begin?
It was called the Fronde. It began in Paris and spread to the countryside
How long did the revolts against Mazarin last?
five years
Why did the Fronde rebellion fail?
because its leaders distrusted one another more than they distrusted Mazarin. and Peasants and townspeople grew weary of disorder and fighting
Why did the Fronde rebellion fail?
because its leaders distrusted one another more than they distrusted Mazarin. and Peasants and townspeople grew weary of disorder and fighting
How old was Louis XIV when he began ruling(officially), how long did he rule?
He began ruling at 23, and he ruled for 54 years
Who was Jean Baptiste Colbert? What did he believe?
He was the Minister of Finance, he believed in the theory of mercantilism
According to the theory of mercantilism what was important?
a country's economic strength rested on certain condtions, such as: acquiring gold and silver, expanding manufacturing ,encouraging commerce, owning colonies, building up shipping and a navy, and exporting more goods than were imported
How long did Colbert work to strengthen the economy of France?
20 years
What did Colbert do to expand manufacturing? Give examples.
Ex. glassmaking, weaving
he gave subsidies, or grants of money and tax benefits to French companies
What was a subsidy?
a grant of money that doesn't need to be paid back
Having more manufactured products enabled France to start doing what?
exporting more than it imported, giving it a favorable balance of trade
To protect France's industries, what did Colbert do?
he placed a high tariff, or import tax, on goods coming into the country.
What did Colbert encourage?
he encouraged people to migrate to Canada, and the building of roads and canals in France, he also added 100 war ships, and he encouraged participation in the fur trade
When did France become the industrial leader of Europe?
What did Colbert say that the purpose for the economic increase was for?
He said it was for the state
Who was Jean Baptiste Poquelin?
AKA Moliere, he wrote some of the funniest and most popular plays in French literature: Tartuffe, The Miser, The Misanthrope, and The School for Wives.
What kind of plays did Moliere(Poquelin) write?
Each play was a biting satire on French society
Who wrote tragedys?
Pierre Corneille, and Jean Baptiste Racine
What were the "three unities" of classic drama in France?
all action was to: be related to a single plot, take place in a single setting, and take place in a single day
Who was Lully?
the chief musician of the court
What was the chief purpose of art?
It was not longer to glorify God, but now it was to glorify the king
In 1660, France had about how many people?
20 million
Who many people in the army in peace? In war?
Peace - 100,000
War - 400,000
Between 1667 and 1713, Louis fought a series of wars to expand what?
France's boundaries to the Rhine River and to the Alps
Three times in how many years did Louis send his armies into the Netherlands? What happened by the time the 3rd war ended?
30 years; the 3rd war eneded in a stalemate, the French treasury was dried out
What was the balance of power?
weaker countries joined together to equal or even exceed French power
When the king of Spain, Chalres II, died. Who took over?
Louis's 17 year old grandson, Philip V
When Philip V took over the throne, why did smaller countries feel threatened?
because they felt threatened by the sudden increase in the power of the Bourbon dynasty
Who fought against whom in the War of the Spanish Succession?
England, Austria, the Dutch Republic, Denmakr, Portugal, several German states, and the Italian duchy of Savoy all joined together against France and Spain
How long did the War of the Spanish Succession go? What was the name of the peace treaty?
13 years; Treaty of Utrecht
What was the result of the Treaty of Utrecht?
Louis's grandson Philip V was allowed to remain king of Spain as long as the two thrones were never united. And France kept the disputed territory of Alsace
What happened in 1707? Who were united?
England and Scotland were united; they became the United Kingdoms
What did Britain obtain from the War of the Spanish Succession?
They took an important fortress at the southern tip of Spain known as the Rock of Gibraltar. This gave them control of the strategic gateway to teh Mediterranean Sea
What did France give Great Britain as a result of the War of the Spanish Succession?
any and all claims to the North American territories of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Hudson Bay
What did the Austrian Hapsburgs win from the War of the Spanish Succession?
they gained the Spanish Netherlands, Spain's Italian lands, including Sardinia, Naples, and Milan
Which two states were recognized as independent kingdoms as a result of the War of the Spanish Succession?
the German state of Prussia, and the Italian duchy of Savoy
What did Louis XIV say on his death bed to his 5 year old great grandson?
he said to be at peace with neighboring countries, and to not make the same mistakes he made
What kind of ruler was the czar of Russia?
an absolute ruler
How did Czar Peter I grow up?
in violence, people tried to use his power
When did Peter come to the throne?
when he was a child
When did Peter come to the throne?
when he was a child
In 1480, who freed Moscow from the Mongol overlords?
Ivan III, he took the title of czar
When did Peter I's family, the Romanovs, come to power?
in a time of troubles during the early 1600s.
After the death of Ivan IV(Ivan the Terrible) what happened?
Russia was torn by power struggles among the nobles, or boyars
When the Romanov family came to power, Russian society was dominated by whom?
by the great landowning families of the nobility, the boyars
Serfdom in Russia was not much different from slavery. What happened to serfs?
when a landowner sold a piece of land, the serfs were sold with it. Landowners could give serfs away as presents or to pay debts. it was against the law for serfs to run away from their owners
Under whose rule was Russian under during the first half of the Renaissance? What happened as a result?
the Mongols; as a result, the ideas of the Renaissance, the Age of Exploration, and the Scientific Revolution had scarcely touched Russia
Under whose rule was Russian under during the first half of the Renaissance? What happened as a result?
the Mongols; as a result, the ideas of the Renaissance, the Age of Exploration, and the Scientific Revolution had scarcely touched Russia
Where was Russia's only seaport?
Archangel on the White Sea, which was choked with ice much of the year.
What religion had Russians adopted? What did Russians do to others?
the Byzantine, or Eastern Orthodox, branch of Christianity. they shunned Roman Catholics or Protestants as heretics
What did Peter believe he needed?
a warm-water port
When did Peter begin ruling? Where did he go to observe?
when he was 24. When he was 25 years old, he went to the Netherlands(observed economics), and then he went to England(to observe the ships)
Until 1700, Russian women followed the Byzantine custom of secluding themselves at home and veling their faces in public. What custom did Peter begin?
he started inviting noblewomen to social gatherings
What did Peter decree?
that parents could no longer marry off their daughters and sons unless the young people agreed to the match
What did Peter change about his calendar?
their new year was no longer on Sept. 1, but on Jan 1; also, the Russians would date each year from the birth of Jesus, not from the supposed time of the creation of the world
What did Peter bring back? Why was it so popular?
he brought back potatoes. they became a staple because they grew well in the cold climate
What did Peter encourage?
he encouraged exports and discouraged imports
What did Peter favor? What did he do?
he favored factories and subsidized their growth
When Peter came to the throne how many factories were there? How many were there by the time of his death?
before - 13 factories; by time of death - 200
What industry did Peter aid?
he aided Russia's iron industry or charcoal
To combat ignorance of events outside their own country, what did Peter do?
he started Russia's first newspaper and edited the first issue himself.
Many of the changes Peter made in his country were for what?
increasing his own power
What did Peter do to the Russian Orthodox Church?
He abolished the church and in it's place, he set up a group of high priests called the Holy Synod. At it's head was Peter.
Who did Peter give high posts in government to?
able men from lower-ranking families; he rarely gave the boyars high posts in government to the most powerful boyar families
What did Peter give to the able men that he recruited from lower-ranking families?
he promoted them to positions of authority, and rewarded them with grants of land
When Peter first came to power the Russian army was made up of what?
cavalry who fought with sabers
to modernize his army, what did Peter do? How many men did he have by the time of his death?
he hired European officers who drilled his soldiers in European tactics with European weapons. by the time of his death, it numbered 200,000 men. The army members went from part-time to full-time
TO pay for Peter's large army, what did he do?
he laid heavy taxes on nearly everyone in Russia
What did Peter use his huge army for?
to crush peasant revolts within Russia
Who did Peter fight for a warm-water port?
He fought the Swedes for the Baltic, and the Turks for the Black Sea
To win a warm-water port, Peter's first goal was to take Azov on the Black Sea from the Turks. What was the result?
his earliest campaign failed, he saw that he needed warships. He built some and beseiged Azov again in 1696, this time the city fell
What was the Great Northern War? How long did it last?
Peter I fought against the Swedes for a piece of the Baltic coast. it lasted for 21 years
How did the Great Northern War go at first?
it went badly for the Russians at first because Swedish King Charles XII(12th) scored a brilliant victory against the Russians.
in 1708, where did the Swedes invade?
What did Peter do when the Swedes invaded Russia?
he left the Swedes to be starved and demoralized by Russia's most potent weapon, the winter cold
What did Peter do in the spring of 1709?
His army set upon the weakened, frostbitten Swedes and annihilated them at the Battle of Poltava
What happened to Sweden's Charles XII? what happened as a result?
he died in battle in 1719; Peter successfully invaded both Finland and Sweden
What happened to Sweden's Charles XII? what happened as a result?
he died in battle in 1719; Peter successfully invaded both Finland and Sweden
The peace treaty for the Great Northern War gave what to Russia?
It gave Russia a broad belt of land on the Baltic Sea
IN 1703 what did Peter I begin building? Where? What was it called?
He began building a new city on a low-lying swamp at the mouth of the Neva River; it was called St. Petersburg after Peter's patron saint
Why did Peter build a city on the mouth of the Neva River?
because ships could sail down the Neva into the Baltic and onto Western Europe
What did the czar force thousands of serfs to do?
every summer, the serfs were forced to leave home and work in work camps on the Neva River
What was the nickname of St. Petersburg?
"a city built on bones"
when did Peter proclaim St. Petersburg to be his new capital?
What happened in the fall of 1724?
Peter was with his army along the Gulf of Finland. A ship ran aground and the soldiers were about to drown, Peter jumped into the water to help. He caught a cold and died early in 1725
What did Peter say near his death?
"I hope God will forgive me my many sins because of the good I have tried to do for my people."