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35 Cards in this Set

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Leonardo da Vinci drew what kinds of sketches? What did he want to know?
He drew sketches of flying, parachutes, and anatomy.
He wanted to know the physical universe inside and out
What did the Renaissance bring back? When and where did it begin? What was going on during this time? Between which two countries was this? What was the theme of the Renaissance?
The Renaissance brought back the study of classical Greek and Roman culture. The Renaissance began in northern Italy(esp. Florence), and began during the 1300's. The 100 Years War was fought during this time. This war was fought between France and England. The theme of the Renaissance was individualism.
In Genoa and Venice, which social class dominated the trade? Where was the merchant's region? Which city-states ran their own affairs? How did they do so? What did a merchant's success depend on?
The merchants dominated the trade. The merchant's region was northern Italy. Milan, Genoa, Florence, and Venice were independent city-states. They did so by collecting taxes and supporting an army. They dominated politics, society, and business. A merchant's success depended on wit.
What was the economy in northern Italy based on?
Fill in the blank: using - Rural and Urban
northern Italy was ______ while most of Europe was _______
The economy was based on wool, leather, and silk.

northern Italy was _Urban_ while most of Europe was _Rural_
What chapel did Giotto paint? Using what technique?
Arena Chapel, using Fresco(the technique of painting on wet plaster)
Why did merchants compete to be patrons and to sponsor artists?
They wanted portraits painted of themselves, so that their faces would be remembered.
The Arena Chapel was painted by whom? What scenes were painted? What is fresco?
Giotto, painted with scenes from the Bible, Fresco is the technique of painting on wet plaster
What did Giotto paint(not the chapel)? What was so different about it? What kind of illusion did he create?
He painted human figures that looked real and lifelike. It was different because people were interacting with each other in the paintings. He created the illusion of depth.
What book did Dante write? What year was he born? Where was he born?
The Divine Comedy; he was born 1265 in Florence;
Who was Dante's Muse? Name the sequence of events in the book that he wrote.
Dante's muse was Beatrice;
1. begins with Dante going through hell with Virgil
2. purgatory with Virgil
3. goes to heaven with St. Bernard, but finds Beatrice later
What did Dante allude to in The Divine Comedy? The Divine Comedy was full of comments on what? What language was it written in?
Dante alluded to political figures, The Divine Comedy was full of comments on the political events of Dante's time. It was written in vernacular, or the everyday language of the time
What did Petrarch write in Latin? What did he write in Italian? What did he strive for?
Petrarch wrote letters in Latin and sonnets in Italian. He strove for the classical virtues of purity and simplicity.
Who was Petrarch's muse? Who did he imitate?
Petrarch's muse was Laura, he imitated Cicero
Renaissance scholars detested the art and literature from what time period? Why?
The Middle Ages. Because it was so dark and gloomy
Who is considered the first humanist? What is a humanist? What is the Latin word for humanist?
Petrarch considered himself to be the first humanist. A humanist is a scholar was studied classical texts. Humanitas is the Latin word for humanist.
What would an ideal man be able to do? What book would he have to have read? Who was the author? What did he believe every young man should be educated in?
The ideal man: master arts, dance, write poetry, sing, be polite, and study the Classics. Would have to read The Courtier, written by Castiglione. He believed that every young man should be educated in the Greek and Latin classics.
What should the ideal woman NOT seek? What must she be able to do?
The ideal woman should not seek fame. She should be able to draw, dance, write poetry, sing, be polite, and study the Classics.
Who was the most honored woman of the Renaissance? What did she do? Where did she rule?
Isabella d'Este; her husband was kidnapped, so she negotiated his release and ruled Mantua while he was gone
What did medieval women have more than Renaissance women? What did Renaissance women have more than medieval women?
Medieval women had more political, economic, and social influence. Renaissance women were better educated.
What was the golden age of Italy called? When was the golden age? What family ruled during this time?
Quattrocento. 1400's. the Medici family
What did the Medici family make a fortune out of? Who was Cosimo de Medici? What did he do to the city of Florence?
trade and banking. Cosimo de Medici was a dictator of Florence, and he beautified the city by funding artistic and scholarly projects.
Why did Cosimo set up a council? How many people were in the council? What was he trying to achieve? Which class loved him? Why?
Cosimo set up a council of 8 people, he was trying to make it seem like he was running a republic, when in actuality, he was a dictator. The lower class loved him, because he beautified the city.
What did Cosimo de Medici build? Why was it so great? How did he come to possess so many books?
He built the first free public library in western Europe. It was so great because it had lots of books, and it was the first free public library. He paid the debt of a friend in exchange for 800 books by classical authors.
Who was Lorenzo de Medici?
Lorenzo "the magnificent" he was the most well known Medici, he was a dictator, he had a council to appear like he was running a republic. the lower class loved him because he put on balls and festivals.
What did Lorenzo Ghiberti make? How long did it take him? What was it made out of? What building was it for? What were they divided into and what did they show?
he made 2 pairs of doors, it took him 50 years; it was made out of bronze, it was for the Baptistry, they were divided into panels, each showing a scene from the Bible
Who was Donatello? Who did he work under? What is he famous for?
Donatello was a sculptor. He worked under Ghiberti. He was famous for his statue of "David" and heroic men on horseback.
Donatello was the first European to do what?
He was the first European since ancient times to make a large, free-standing human figure in the nude
Who was Masaccio? What did he paint in the Chapel in Florence?
Masaccio was a painter, he painted "The Healing of the Cripple and The Resurrection of Tabitha" in the Chapel in Florence
What is perspective? Who developed it?
a technique developed by Brunelleschi that gave objects the appearance of distance
Who was Machiavelli? What book did he write? When? What was a famous quote by him? What was he not concerned with? Where was he from?
Machiavelli was a diplomat who wrote The Prince in 1513. "The end justifies the means" He was not concerned with what was morally right. He was from Florence
To whom did "The Prince" give advice to? Under whose rule did Machiavelli live under in his childhood? What did Machiavelli believe that a prince had to do? Who was his ideal ruler?
"The Prince" gave advice to rulers. Machiavelli grew up under Lorenzo, during the golden age. He believed that a prince might have to trick his people and enemies. His ideal ruler was Spain's king King Ferdinand of Aragon.
What happened in 1494? Who conquered Florence? How?
King Charles VIII(the eighth) of France was trying to get Naples(in southern Italy), so when he went through Florence, he conquered it. There was no battle, because Piero de Medici(the son of Lorenzo) the ruler of Florence surrendered
What did the people of Florence do to Piero de Medici? Why?
He surrendered to King Charles VIII(the eighth) and allowed Florence to be conquered. The people of Florence exiled him from Florence.
How long did Florence and other city-state have to suffer through wars and political upheavals?
2 generations
Who wanted a claim on Naples? What were Florence, MIlan, Venice, and Rome's keys to survival? What were they forced to do?
Spain's King Ferdinand of Aragon. The keys to survival was diplomacy and war. They were forced to ally with one foreign power or the other.