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18 Cards in this Set

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What is contraception?
Contraception is preventing pregnancy.
What are some expectations of contraception?
It will be effiecent, safe, affordable.
What are some noncontraceptive benefits asscociated with contraceptives?
Reduce acne, help regulate preriods.
Nurses need to assist patients with choosing a contraceptive method by discussing what factors?
Availability, cost, comfort level, reliability, level of conviction, culture, ethics, legal, faith,
What choices are available for a couple looking to prevent pregnancy?
Absitinence, Barrier Methods (condom, spermacide, diaphram, cervical cap); Hormonal Methods (Oral Contraceptive Pills, Patch, Vaginal Ring, mini pill, Norplant, Depoprovera); Intrauterine device; Sterilization, Fertility awareness (Cervical Mucus, basal body temperature, sympothermal)
What is postcoital contraception?
Also called "the morning after pill", used after a night of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. If an egg has been fertilized it prevents from being implanted. Basically high doeses of birth control for a few days.
Who does infertility effect?
EVERYONE, crosses all class, race, culture and ethnicity barriers.
What is infertility?
What is the difference between primary and secondary infertility?
The inability to concieve a baby.
Primary~ Neither partner has ever had a child before;
Secondary~ One or both partner has had a child before, but is now unable to conceive.
What are some factors affecting infertility?
Poor diet, Age, occupational hazards (chemicals,noise, radiation), enviromental hazzards (smoking, alcohol/drug use, heat, STD's), Lifestyle choices (Delayed pregnancy, decreased coitus {sex})
Female factors contributing to infertility:
Endocrine disorders (hormonal, ovulatory problems), gentital tract obstruction, Anatomic abnormalities, emotional disorders, preexisting medical conditions, severe nutritional deficit.
Male factors contributing to infertility:
Genital tract obstruction, spermatozoa difficulties (reduce sperm count, decreased motility, malformed sperm), abnormal genital tract secretions, coital difficulties (maintaining an erection, early ejaculation), Testicular abnormalities, genetic problems,
What are some combined factors R/T infertility?
Sperm antibody problems, problems with coital technique (premature ejaulation, vaginal spasms)
What are some female diagnostic precedures used to diagnose infertility?
Menstrual, medical, fertility, sexual, surgical, and occupational history, Physical exam, Review of personal habits (medications, tobacco/alcohol, exercise, weight history, use of douches or vaginal deoderants), cervical mucosal tests, Lab test (CBC, sed rate, serology, UA, thyroid function tests, GTT, hormonal testing), Postcoital sperm analysis, tubular patency (hysterosalpingography), tubular function (culdoscopy), Laproscopy, Basal body temp monitoring, menstral cycle mapping for 6 months, Endometrial biopsy.
Male diagnostic procedures:
Urologic, medical, sexual, surgical, and occupational history, physical exam, review of personal habits (medications, tobacco/alcohol, clothing, bathing), Lab test (sperm analysis, CBC, UA, sed rate, and hormonal testing)
What are some of the different emotional responses to infertility?
worthlessness, inability to 'perform', failure, letting family down, feelings if inadequacy, rejection from society.
When a couple cannot conceve a baby what behavior associations might they go through?
the death of an idea, death of expectations, pressure from family and freinds builds and stresses, lower self esteem,
How can one manage infertility?
lifestyle changes, surgical corrections of abnormalities, alternative or artificial insemination, medications (ovulation induction, hormonal disorder, restore spermatodenesis), ART(Assistive reproductive technology) {IVF, GIFT, SIGT), Adoption,
What are some controvertial issues R/T infertility?
Frozen empryos (what to do when you dont need anymore?), multifetal reduction, economica~who can afford it?, use o donors and surrogates (genetic rights v. adoptive parent rights),