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37 Cards in this Set

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In general, to prevent conception you can.....
inhibit egg release
impose a barrier between the egg and sperm
alter the ability of the egg/sperm to implant
control spermatogenesis
To inibit the egg you can use:
estrogen/progestin or Progestin-only contraception
To impose a barrier you can:
Mechanical: condom, diaphram, cervical cap
Chemical barrier: foam
Temporal barrier: rhythm method
Surgical barrier: sterilize
to alter the ability of the egg to implant/grow you can:
use an intauterine device
post-coital contraceptives
abortion (RU486/mifepristone/misoprostol)
what are the types of contraceptive steroids?
Bi/tri phasic
extended cycle
transdermal, injectable, vaginal
progestin- onl
what is the advantage in using a 24 day OC instead of a 21 day OC
lower steroid dose per day results in lighter periods
In an obese person, what must you consider?
Can be sequestered in fat and have an increased failure rate
How are the contraceptive steriods metabolized?
Hepatic metabolism!
How are the contraceptive steroids excreted?
what are the severe effects reported with contraceptive steroids?

GI disorder

What are the benefits of contraceptive steroids?
decrease cysts/cancer ectopic pregnancy
what are the contraindications to the use of contraceptive pills?
Thromboembolic event
Cerebrovascular event
hepatic adenoma
impaired liver fxn
breast cancer
varicose veins
blood disorders
How do steroids affect anti-coags?
decrease effectiveness
What should you counsel your pt on when giving drosirenone?
that they may have an increased risk of hyperkalemia when taking a drug that also increases K+
A progesterone containing pill will cause?
an estrogen containing pill will cause
weight gain, nausea, fatigue
Who is a good candidate for the pill?
NON smoking woman >35 with no risk for STD
effectiveness of OC is decreased by?
antibiotics, seizure meds, barbiturates
T or F progesterone only pills can be used during breast feeding?
Ortho Evra uses what two drugs?
ethinyl estradiol and norelgestromin
A concern with Ortho Evra
VTE is 2X the risk of an OC user
what are some side effects of Nuva ring?
Vagnitis, HA, URI, nausea
How long is Depo good for?
14 weeks (3 months)
how long is Implanon good for?
3 yrs
how long is Jadelle good for?
what is the MOA of a long acting progestin?
inhibit LH/FSh release and produce endometrial thinning. Also decreases estradiol levels which ma decrease bone density
What are the three medical conditions in which you should consider a Depo or Implantable?
seizures, sickle-cell anemia, anemia
what are the contraindications for depo/implants
breast cancer, VTE, liver disease
spermacides are typically.......
Ideal IUD candidate
Multigravid, monogamous, long term contraception
complications with an IUD
Uterine perforation, ectopic pregnancy
Mirena lasts for
5 yrs
Mirena is also useful for
endometrium issues
In a pt taking OCs, they develop early breakthrough bleeding and hypomenorrhea. What type of OC are they on? And what do you need to change?
estrogen, they are deficent so increase the dose
In a pt taking OCs, they develop migraine headaches, hypertension Nausea and breast fullness. What kind are they on? What would you need to do?
Estrogen, lower the dose
In a Pt taking OCs , they develop late breakthrough bleeding and amenorrhea. What would you want to do?
They are on progestin, increase the dose because they are deficent
In a pt taking OCs, they develop weight gain, acne, hirsutism and breast regression. What are they on?
TOO MUCH progestin!