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208 Cards in this Set

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Competitive Advantage
Allows an organization to deal with market environmental force better than it competitors
General environment
is comprised of cultural, economic, legal-political, and educational conditions.
Environmental Uncertainty
is a lack of complete information about the environment
specific environment
includes the people and groups with whom an organization interacts
value creation
creating value
are the persons, groups and institutions affected by an organization
supply chain management
strategically links all operations dealing with resource supplies
organizational culture
is the system of shared beliefs and values that guide behavior in organizations
...shared beliefs...organization
values-based management
actively develops, communicates and enacts shared values
core values
are beliefs and values shared by organization members
is the belief that ones membership group or subculture is superior to all others
involves pluralism and respect for diversity
describes race, gender,age, and other individual differences
organizational subculture
exist among people with similar values and beliefs on shared work responsibilities and personal characteristics
multicultural organization
is based on pluralism and operates with inclusivity and respect for diversity
symbolic leadership
uses symbols to establish and maintain a desired organizational culture.
glass ceiling
is a hidden barrier to the advancement of women and minorities
is when minority members adopt characteristics of majority cultures in order to succeed.
managing diversity
is building an inclusive environment that allows everyone to reach their full potential
involves pluralism and respect for diversity
global economy
resources, markets, and competition are worldwide in scope
international management
involves managing operations in more than one country
..managing..more than one country
global manager
is culturally aware and informed on international affairs
is the process of growing interdependent among elements of the global economy
international business
conducts commercial transactions across national boundaries
licensing agreement
one firm pays a fee for rights to make or sell another company's products
joint venture
operates in a foreign country through co-ownership with local partners
global sourcing
materials or services are purchased around the world for local use.
a fee is paid for rights to use another firms name and operating methods.
foreign subsidiary
is a local operation completely owned by a foreign firm
world trade organization
member nations agree to negotiate and resolve disputes about tariffs and trade restrictions
european union
is a political and economic alliance of european counties
is the new common european currency
is the national american free trade agreement linking canada, the united states, and mexico in an economic alliance
is a call for tariffs and favorable treatments to protect domestic firms from foreign competition
most favored nation status
gives a trading partner most favorable treatment for imports and exports
local products are sold abroad
transnational corporation
is an MNC that operates worldwide on a orderless basis
is the process of acquiring products abroad and selling them domestically
multinational corporation
is a business with extensive international operations in more than one foreign country
involves illegal practices to further one's business interests
sweat shops
employ workers at very low wages for long hours in poor working conditions
sustainable development
meets the needs of the present without hurting future generations
child labor
is the full-time employment of children for work other wise done by adults
is a shared set of beliefs, values, and patterns of behavior common to a group of people
culture shock
is the confusion and discomfort a person experiences when in an unfamiliar culture
is how people use space to comunicate
cultural intelligence
is the ability to accept and adapt to new cultures
low-context cultures
emphasize communication via spoken or written word
monochronic cultures
people tend to do one thing at a time
comparative management
studies how management practices differ among countries and cultures
polychronic cultures
time is used to accomplish many different things at once
high-context cultures
rely on non-verbal and situational cues as well as on spoken or written words in communication
is a comprehensive plan guiding resource allocation to achieve long-term organization goals
competitive advantage
comes from operating in successful ways that are difficult to imitate
strategic intent
focuses and applies organizational energies on a unifying and compelling goal.
strategy formulation
is the process of creating strategies
strategy implementation
is the process of putting strategies into action
is the organization's reason for existence in society
core competency
is a special strength that gives an organization a competitive advantage
operating objectives
are specific results that organizations try to accomplish
organizational culture
is the predominant value system for the organization as a whole
SWOT analysis
examines organizational strengths and weaknesses and environmental opportunities and threats
Opportunities and threats
external components of the SWOT model
corporate strategy
sets long-term direction for the total enterprise
functional strategy
guides activities within one specific area of operations
business strategy
identifies how a division or strategic business unit will compete in its product or service domain
concentration growth
is within the came business area
growth strategy
involves expansion of the organization's current operations
vertical growth
by acquiring suppliers or distributors
retrenchment strategy
changes operations to correct weaknesses
reduces operations to correct weaknesses
decreases the size of the operations
sells off parts of the organization to refocus attention on core business areas
is the strategy of working with rivals on projects of mutual benefit
strategic alliance
organizations join together in partnership to pursue an area on mutual interest
e-business strategy
strategically uses the internet to gain competitive advantage
B2C business strategy
uses IT and web portals to link business with customers
B2B business strategy
uses IT and web portals to link organizations vertically in supply chains.
portfolio planning
approach seeks the best mix of investments among alternative business oportuities
BCG matrix
analyzes business opportunities according to market growth rate and market share
cost leadership strategy
seeks to operate with lower costs than competitors
differentiation strategy
offers products that are unique and different from the competition
emergent strategy
develops over tie as managers learn from and respond to experience
corporate governance
is the system of control and performance monitoring of top management
strategic leadership
inspires people to continuously change, refine, and improve strategies and their implementation
human capital
is the economic value of people with job-relevant abilities, knowledge, ideas, energies, and ocmmitments
strategic human resource management
mobilizes human capital to implement organizational strategies
social contract
reflects expectations in the employee-employer relationship
human resource management
is the process of attracting, developing, and maintaining a high-quality workforce
occurs when someone is denied a job or job assignment for reasons not job relevant
affirmative action
is an effort to give preference in employment to women and minority group members
bona fide occupational qualification
are employment criteria justified by capacity to perform a job
equal employment opportunity
is the right to employment and advancement without regard to race, sex, religion, color, national origin
independent contractor
are hired as needed and are not part of the organization's regular workforce
workplace privacy
is the right to privacy while at work
sexual harassment
is behavior of sexual nature that affects a person's employment situation
comparable worth
holds that persons performing jobs of similar importance should be paid at comparable levels
is a set of activities designed to attract a qualified pool of job applicants
job specifications
list the qualifications required of a job holder
job description
details the duties and responsibilities of a job holder
human resource planning
analyzes the staffing needs and identifies actions to fill those needs
job analysis
studies exactly what is done in a job and why
is choosing individuals to hire from a pool of qualified job applicants
familiarizes new employees with jobs co-workers, and organizational policies and services
systematically influences the expectations, behavior, and attitudes of new employees
provides learning opportunities to acquire and improve job-related skills
realistic job preview
provides job candidate with all pertinent information about a job and organization
means a selection device gives consistent results over repeated measures
work sampling
applicants are evaluated while performing actual work tasks
means scores on a selection device have demonstrated links with future job performance
assessment center
examines how job candidates handle simulated work situations
is choosing individuals to hire from a pool of qualified job applicants
management development
is training to improve knowledge and skills in the management process
uses personal behavior to demonstrate performance expected of others
assigns early career employees as proteges to more senior ones
occurs as an experienced person offers performance advice to a less-experienced person
critical-incident techniques
keeps a log of someone's effective and ineffective job behaviors
performance appraisal
is the process of formally evaluating performance and providing feedback to a job holder
performance management system
sets standards, assesses results, and plans for performance improvements
behaviorally anchored rating scale
uses specific descriptions of actual behavior to rate various levels of performance
graphic rating scale
uses a specific descriptions of actual behavior to rate various levels of performance
multi-person comparison
compares one person's performance with that of others
career planning
is the process of matching career goals and individual capabilities with opportunities of their fulfillment
career plateau
is a position from which someone is unlikely to move to a higher level of work responsibility
360 feedback
includes in the appraisal process: superiors, subordinates,peers, and even customers
is a sequence of jobs that constitutes what a person does for a living
labor contract
is a formal agreement between a union and employer about the terms of work for union members
collective bargaining
is the process of negotiating, administering, and interpreting a labor contract
labor union
is an organization that deals with employers on the workers' collective behalf
employee assistance program
helps employees cope with personal stress and problems
flexible benefits
program allows employees to choose from a range of benefit options
family-friendly benefits
helps employees achieve better work-life balance
fringe benefits
are nonmonetary forms of compensation such as health insurance and retirement
base compensation
is a salary or hourly wage paid to an individual
is the porcess of taking a new idea and putting it into practice
process innovation
results in better ways of doing things
business model innovation
results in ways for firms to make money
is the generation of novel ideas or unique approach that solves a problem or crafts an opportunity
product innovation
results in new or improved goods and services
reactive change
responds to events as or after they occur
top-down change
the change initiatives come from senior management
performance gap
is a discrepancy between a desired and actual state of affairs
planned change
aligns the organization with anticipated future challenges
transformational change
results in a major and comprehensive redirection of the organization
is the phase during which a situation is prepared for change
is the phrase where a planned change actually takes place
force-coercion strategy
pursues change through formal authority and/or the use of rewards or punishment
is the phase at which change is stabilized
incremental change
bends and adjusts existing ways to improve performance
action research
is a collaborative process of collecting data, using it for action planning and evaluating the results
organizational development
is a comprehensive effort to improve an organization's ability to solve problems and improve performance
shared power strategy
pursues change by participation in assessing change needs, values, an goals
rational persuasion strategy
pursues change through empirical data and rational argument
is the process of inspiring others to work hard to accomplish important tasks
is the ability to get someone else to do something you want done or to make things happen the way you want
reward power
is the capacity to offer something of value as a means of influencing other people
coercive power
is the capacity to punish or withhold positive outcomes as a means of influencing other people
legitimate power
is the capacity to influence other people by virtue of formal authority, or the rights of office
visionary leadership
brings to the situation a clear sense of the future and an understanding of how to get there
servant leadership
is follower-centered and committed to helping others in their work
referent power
is the capacity to influence other people because of their desire to identify personally with you
enables others to gain and use decision-making power
is a clear sense of the future
autocratic style
acts in a unilateral command-and-control fashion
democratic style
encourages participation with an emphasis on both task accomplishment and development of people
leadership style
is the reoccurring pattern of behavior exhibited by a leader
human relations style
emphasizes people over tasks
laissez-faire style
displays a "do the best you can and dont bother me" attitude
substitue for leadership
are factors in the work setting that direct work efforts without the involvement of a leader
group decision
is made by group members in full synergy
authority decision
is made by the leader and then communicated to the group
consultative decision
made by leader after receiving information advice, or opinions from group members
charismatic leader
develops special leader-follower relationships and inspires followers in extraordinary ways
moral leadership
is always "good" and "right" by ethical standards
leadership that is honest, credible, and consistent in putting values in to action
authentic leadership
activates positive psychological states to achieve self-awareness and positive self-regulation
emotional intelligence
is the ability to manage out emotions and social relationships
accounts for the level, direction, and persistence of effort expended at work
is an unfulfilled physiological or psychological desire
lower-order needs
are physiological safety, and social needs in maslow's hierarcy
higher-order needs
are esteem and self-actualization needs in maslow's hierarchy
satisfier factor
is found in job content, such as a sense of achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, or personal growth
hygiene factor
is found in the job context, such as working conditions, interpersonal relations, organizational policies, and salary
needs for achievement
is the desire to do something better, to sole problems, or to master complex tasks.
need for power
is the desire to control, influence, or be responsible for other people
need for affiliation
is the desire to establish and maintain good relations with people
equity theory
is based on the logic of social comparisons and the notion that perceived inequity is a motivating state
is the value a person assigns to work-related outcomes
is the person's belief that working hard will result in high task performance
is a person's belief that various outcomes will occur as a result of task performance
law of effect
states that behavior followed y pleasant consequences is likely to be repeated: behavior followed by unpleasant consequences is not
operant conditioning
is the control of behavior by manipulating its consequences
positive reinforcement
strengthens a behavior by a desirable consequence contingent on its occurrence
discourages behavior by making removal of a desired consequence contingent on its occurrence
negative reinforcement
strengthens behavior by making the avoidance of an undesirable consequence contingent on its occurrence
is positive reinforcement of successive approximations to the desired behavior
job design
is arranging work tasks for individuals and groups
is the total mechanization of a job
job simplification
employs people in clearly defined and very specialized tasks
job rotation
increases task variety by periodically shifting workers between different jobs
job enrichment
increases job depth by adding work planning and evaluating duties normally performed by the supervisor
job enlargement
increases task variety by combining into one job two or more tasks previously assigned to separate workers
contingency workers
employed on a part-time and temporary basis to supplement a regular workforce
involves using IT to work at home or outside the office
job sharing
splits one job between two people
flexible working hours
give employees some choice in daily work hours
part-time work
is temporary employment for less than the standard 40-hour work week