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11 Cards in this Set

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What are consumption stereotypes?
Stereotypes we hold about people based on what they eat. ie boars and turtles, don't eat hedgehogs before going into battle.
How do consumption stereotypes affect our behaviour?
they influence our eating behaviour and they affect how we judge others.
What was Pliner and Chaiken's 1987 food amount stereotype experiment?
Subjects were men and women observing male and female targets eating large and small meals. Women were judged more positively if they ate small meals. All targets were normal weight.
What about research on stereotypes based on type of food eaten?
Women who eat 'good food' are judged as more tolerant, considerate, kindhearted, virtous and monogamous than those who eat junk food. Also perceived as weighing less.
How do these stereotypes affect life in the real world?
eating lightly is socially advantageous for women. Women consiously eat lightly in front of men as they wish to live up to the stereotype.
What was Martins et al 2004 experiment on fat vs non fat males and female targets eating large and small meals?
Measured physical attractiveness and social attractiveness of men and women. Men found normal size women more attractive and normal size large eating women more socially attractive. Women dound both normal and overweight females as equally attractive whichle they rated normal weight small eating females as more socially attractive.
What was interesting about these findings?
that women apparently don't judge other women according to their body size and that men prefer large eating normal women who do not restrain their eating!
How did Maria's Honours Project differ from the Martins et al study?
pictures of people were actually shown and digitally manipulated to make them fat or thin. Also, whether subject was prepared to meet with the targer for coffee.
What were the findings of Maria's experiment/
that females don't like thin females.
that men saw thin and normal females as equally attractive
that both men and women were prepared to have coffee with the normal weight large eating woman.
So what can we conclude from Maria's experiment?
that both men and women prefer to associate with women who are normal weight but who don't restrain their eating.
When women are told that guys like women who eat lots does it make any difference?
no, women will still restrain their eating!