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15 Cards in this Set

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What are the types of memory?
sensory memory, short-term memory, long term memory
temporary storage of information received from the senses.
very brief
iconic (visual) vs. echoic (auditory)
sensory memory
memory that allows us to hold information in conscious thought while we process further
very limited
effortful to maintain
short term memory
long lasting
episodic (autobiographical) -past experiences about ourselves vs. semantic -knowledge about the world that is detached from specific episodes.
long term memory
The "black box" approach to learning
Behavioral Learning Principles
Pavlov's dogs
a new stimulus (CS) starts to evoke the same type of response as an old stimulus (UCS) after being paired together over time.
Classical Conditioning
unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus
Skinner's pigeons

increase responses that lead to pos. consequences, stop doing things that lead to neg. consequences
operant conditioning
get discount from Ed's every time
a reinforcement schedule that is continuous
get a discount sometimes, not others
reinforcement schedule that is intermittent
1. Model observed performing behavior
2. Model must be reinforced for behavior
3. Consumer performs behavior later
4. If consumer is reinforced, then behavior occurs again.
basic steps of observational learning
process of transferring info from short-term to long-term memory.
new info is integrated with existing knowledge in long-term memory and kept until needed
desired info is accessed from long-term memory and brought back into short-term memory
What are the stages of memory?
encoding, storage, Retrieval