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101 Cards in this Set

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cross cultural analysis
act of comparing similarities and differences in behavioral and physical aspects of cultures
cued recall
type of recall measure in which certain types of retrieval cues are provided
cultural artifacts
material components of a culture, including such things as books, computers, tools, buildings, and specific products
cultural empathy
ability to understand the inner logic and coherence of other ways of life and refrain from judging other value systems
set of values, ideas, artifacts, and other meaningful symbols that help individuals communicate, interpret and evaluate as members of society
strategic commitment to focus every resource of firm on serving and delighting profitable customers
customer intimacy
detailed understanding and focus on customer's needs, lifestyles and behaviors in order to create a deep cultural connection w/ them
customer lifetime value (CLV)
value to company of a customer over whole time the customer relates to company
restriction or requirement for acceptable performance on a product attribute
data mining
creation of a database of names for developing continuous communications and relationships w/ consumer
day-after recall (DAR) measure
measure that assesses consumer's ability to recall advertised brand 24 hours after being exposed to an ad
decay theory
theory proposing that memories grow weaker w/ passage of time
size, structure, and distribution of a population
desired image
image that a company seeks to create in marketplace for its product
determinant attributes
features of characeteristics (price/convenience) that determine which brand or store consumer choose
differential threshold
threshold reflecting smallest change in stimulus intensity that will be noticed
process by which innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among members of social system
direct marketing
strategies marketers use to reach consumers somewhere other than a store
direct selling
any form of face to face contact between a salesperson and customer away from fixed retail location
discontinuous innovation
act of introducing entirely new product that significantly alters consumers' behavior patterns and lifestyles
discretionary time
time during which consumers are not constrained by economic, legal, moral or physical compulsion or obligation
how consum get rid of products/package
negative post consumption evaluation that occurs when consumption experience fails to meet expectation
dissociative groups
groups with which individual tries to avoid association
primary type of emotional response representing feelings of being in control
dual coding
concept proposing that info can be stored in both semantic and visual forms
dyadic exchanges
exchanges of resources b/w two individuals that influence these individuals' behaviors/beliefs
dynamically continuous innovation
act of creation either new product or significant alteration of existing one, but doesn't generally alter established purchase or usage patterns
early adapters
opinion leaders and role models for others with good social skills and respect within larger social systems, who adopt new innovations before masses do
early majority
consumers who deliberate extensively before buying new products; yet adopt them just before average time it takes the target population as a whole
economic demographics
study of economic characteristics of nation's population
degree of integration b/w stimulus and existing knowledge
elimination by aspects strategy
evaluation strategy resembling lexicographic strategy but in which consumer imposes cutoffs
emotional advertising appeals
type of advertising appeal that attempts to influence consumers' feeling about advertised product
emotional elements
characteristics of brand (including image, pers, syle, evoked feelings) that create an emotional connection b/w customers and brand
act of celebrity lending his or her name or likeness to product w/o necessarily being expert in area
describing/ understanding consumer behavior by interviewing/observing consumers in real world situ
evaluative criteria
standards/specifications used to compare different products nd brands
expectancy disconfirmation model
model that proposes that satisfaction depends on comparison of pre purchase expectations w/ consumption outcomes
beliefs about future
experience claims
advertising claims that can be verified following product consumption
reseearch method that attempts to understand cause and effect relationships by manipulating independent variables to determine how these changes affect dependent variables
one who possesses unique info or skills that can help consumers make better purchase decisions than other types of spokespersons
first stage of info processing in which physical proximity to a stimulus allows one or more of our five senses the opp to be activated
expressive roles
roles that involve support of family members in decision making process and expression of family's aesthetic or emotional needs
extended family
nuclear family, plus other relatives such as grandparents, uncles, and aunts, cousins and parents in law
extended problem solving
problem solving of higher degree of complexity that influences consumer's actions
external search
act of collecting info from one's environment
external search set
choice alternatives that consumers gather information about during pre purchase search
areas beyond the suburbs at which consumption may occur and at which population growth is rapidly increasing
a group of two or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption who reside together
family life cycle
series of stages that a family passes through and that change them over time
family marketing
marketing based on relationships b/w family members based on the roles they assume
family of orientation
the family established by marriage
family of procreation
family established by marriage
an affective state or reaction that can be positive or negative and from which attitudes are developed
fertility rate
number of live births per 1,000 women of childbearing age
field experiment
experiment occurring in a natural setting, such as a home or store
focus groups
groups consisting of eight to twelve people involved in a discussion led by a moderator skilled in persuading consumers to discuss a subject thoroughly
failure to retrieve something from memory
formal groups
social aggregations characterized by a defined structure and a known list of members and requirements for membership
free recall
type of recall measure that does not use any retrieval cues
fully planned purchase
purchase in which both the product
functional elements
characteristics of a brand (including performance, quality, price, reliability and logistics) that solve a problem for the consumer
"funnel" search strategy
when people begin their internet search w/ generic terms but eventually refine their search with terms focusing on specific products
gain-framed messages
messages that emphasize what is attained by following the messages' recommendations
generational change
gradual replacement of existing values by those of young people who form the leading generation in terms of value
generic need recognition
when the need for an entire product category is simulated
socioeconomic factors affecting consumption and purchase, including where people live and how they earn and spend their money
habitual decision making
decision to buy based on past purchase; least complex of all dec process
when stimulus becomes so familiar and ordinary that it loses its attention getting ability
haptic info
acquired by touch
all persons both related and non who occupy a housing unit
household life cycle
series of stages that house hold passes through and change over time
market that incorporates breakthrough tech. , in handling materials from warehouse-operating profile, providing both warehouse feel for consumers and strong price appeal
image advertising
use of visual components/words to help consumers form expectations about what kind of experience they will have with a particular product, org or store
image analysis
analysis that examines current set of brand associations that exist in market place
impulse buying
buying that is unplanned and occurs when consumers unexpectedly experience sudden urge to buy something immediately
inbound telemarketing
use of toll free number to place orders directly
incidental learning
learning that occurs despite absence of intention to do so
money from wages and salaries as well as interest and welfare payments
inferential belief
when consumers use info about one thing to form beliefs about something else
informal groups
groups that have less structure than formal groups and are likely to be based on friendship or common interests
info advertising
method of advertising that provides details about products, prices, hours of store operation, locations and other attributes that might influence purchase decisions
informational advertising appeals
type of advertising appeal that attempts to influence consumers' beliefs about advertised product
informational influence
act of accepting recommendations or usage by others as evidence about nature of product and using this information in making product or brand decision
in-home observation
getting inside people's homes to examine exactly how products are consumed
info processing
process by which info is received, processed, and stored in memory
any idea or product perceived by potential adopter to be new
degree to which an individual adopts an innovation earlier than other members of a social system
members of first consumer group to adopt products
instrumental roles
functional or economic roles that involve financial, performance, and other functions performed by group members
IMC- integrated marketing communications
systematic, cross-organizational marketing communcation process that is customer-centric, data driven, technically anchored and branding effective
intentional learning
deliberate learning with the intent of later remembering what is learned
subjective judgements by individuals about how they will behave in future
interference theory
theory proposing that the chances of retrieving a particular piece of info become smaller as interference from other info becomes larger
intermarket segmentation
indentificaiton of group of customers that are similar in a variety of characteristics that transcend geographic boundaries
internal search
scanning and retrieval of decision relevant knowledge from memory
interviewer bias
potential for an interviewer to affect the response of interviewee , perhaps because of desire to please interviewer
degree to which object or behavior is personally relevant or of interest, evoked by a stimulus within a specific situation
when avoiding clutter in advertising, the act of placing an object in a barren perceptual field, eliminating other objects that may compete for attention