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53 Cards in this Set

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General Principles

1. Government Speech

2. Content v. Conduct

3. Reaosnableness of Regulation

4. Scope fo Speech

Regulation Buckets

1. Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions- Regulation of Conduct

2. Unprotected Speech- Regulation of Content

3. Prior Restriaints

4.Freedom of the Press

Freedom of Speech protects

private speech from government regulation

Government Speech

Free Speech Clause does not


1. require government to aid private speech

2. restrict the government from expressing its views including funding of government speech)

3. upheld if rationally related to a legitimate state interest




Government Speech Limitations

May not impose conditions that limit first amendment activities of fund recipients outside of the scope of the spending progam itself.

Public Monuments

city's placement of permanent monument in public park is govenrment speech, even if privately donated.


subject to rational basis.

Government funding of private speech

must be view-point neutral


exception: fine arts

Content regulation

resulation forbidding communication of specific ideas

Conduct regulation 

regulations of conduct associated with speaking

Content based regulations are __

presumptively unconstitutional.

Content neutral regulations are subjec to  ___ scrutiny



they must advance a important interest unrelated to the suppresion of speech and ust not burden substnatially more speech than necessary (or narrowly tailored) to further those interests.

Substantially overbroad regulations are ___ and may not be____. If not substantially overbroad it may be ___.

facially invalid;

enforced against any speech, even unprotected

enforced against unprotected speech

What type of speech statutes are typically void for vagueness?


fighting words

Official discretion over speech issues

Officials cannot have unfettered discretion 


must be defined standards


unbridled licensing discretion = void on its face

Scope of Speech

Freedo mnot to speak. 


Includes symbolic acts


gonverment may regulate symbolic if important interest in regulation independent of speech aspects 

Mandatory FInancial Support

can be compelled to pay tax and use revenue to support a dissagreeable message 


cannot be compelled to subsidize private dissagreeable messages (except student activty fee)

Forums for regualtion of conduct

1. Public

2. Designated 

3. Limited

4. Nonpublic

Public Forums 

historically held open for speech


streets, sidewalkes, public parks

Designated Forums

historically NOT held open for speech BUT


govenrment has thrown open for such activities on a permenant or limited basis, by practice or policy.


(e.g. schoolrooms open for after-school use)

Regulation of public and designated forums

may be regulated with reasonable time, place, manner regulations that


1. are content neutral

2. narrowly tailored to serve important government interest (NOT least restrictive)

3. leave open alternative channels of communication

If valid time, place, manner restriction, still could be invalid for 


vague; or 

unfeterred discretion

Public Forum Injunctions

If content based, must be necessary to achive a compelling interest.


In content-neutral, must burden no more speech than is neecssary to achieve an important govnermetn interest.

Limited Public Forums

government property not historically linked with speech and assembly but opened for specific speech acitivty 


(e.g. debate on a particular community issue)

Non Public Forums

government property not historically linked with speech and assembly and not held open for speech acitvities


(e..g military bases, schools whils class in session, governmetn workplace)

Regulation of limited and nonpublic forums

may regulate if


1. viewpoint neutral; and

2. reasonably related to a legitimate government purpose 

Unprotected Speech- Regulation Based on Content

Regulation Based on Content must be:


necessary to achieve a compelling government interest. 


A compelling government interest is found in teh unprotected speech categories.

Unprotected Speech

1. Inciting Imminent Lawless Action

2. Fighting Words

3. Obscenity

4. Defamatory Speech

5. Some Commercial Speech

Inciting Imminent Lawless Action

creates a clear and present danger of imminent lawless action.


must be shown that: 

imminent illegal conduct is likely AND

speaker intended to cause it.

Fighting Words

personally abusive words that are likely to incite immediate physical retaliation inan average person. Includes true threats.


Cannot be view-point based or merely annoying.


(e.g. cross burning carried out with intent to intimidate)


1. appeals to prurient interest in sex, using community standards;


2. patently offesive, using contemporary community standards; and


3. lacks serious value (literary, scientific, political, artistic), using national standard.

Community standards are

local or statewide

Obscenity standard for minors

may be different than general standard


but cannot prohibit sale or distribution of material to adults because inappropraite for children.


visual depictions of minors, obscene


simulated pictures of minors, not obscene

Land Use Regulations on adult entertainment establishments

May NOT ban adult entertainment establishments all together.


MAY limit the location or size to reduce secondary effects (e.g.  rise in crime rates drop in property value)

Private Posession of Obscene Material

cannot be punished ONLY in the home  UNLESS


child pornography

Defamatory Speech

regulation of defamatory statements may be burdened.


If public official or public figure or involving public concern, First Amendment requires plaintiff prove all elements PLUS


falsity and


Commercial Speech General Rule

Protected by First Amendment if truthful.


If commercial speech proposes unlawful activity or is misleading or fraudulent may be regulated/burdened.

Regulation of commercial speech that is truthful requirements

1. serves a substantial government interest

2. directly advances that interest; and

3. is narrowly tailored to serve that interest


no least restrictive, just reasonable fit


may require disclosures, but no complete bans

Prior Restraint Standard

government must show some:


special societal harm will otherwise result.

Prior Restraint Safeguards

prior restraint must have following safeguards:


1. standards must be narrowly drawn, reasonable, and definite.


2. injunction must be promptly sought; and


3. must be prompt and final detemriantion of validity of restraint

Obcenity Prior Restraint Mechanisms

1. Seizure of obscene material, need warrant to seize but if for sale may purchase. Large scale seizure requires fulls cale adversary hearing on obscenity.


2. movie censorship, censorship boards ok long as safeguards in place.

Freedom of Press

Genearlly, the press ahs no greater right than a private citizen.

Stanadard for Publication of Truthful Information

Must be narrowly tailored to further an interest of the highest order.


Newspapers are subject to strict scrutiny

Access to Trials

press have right BUT may be outweighed by an overriding interest in trial judge's findings


narrowly tailored to preserve a higher value

Press Before Grand Jury


Interviewing Prisoners 

No right to interview prisoners or inspect prisons

Business Regulation or Tax

can be subject to general business regulations, but not targeted for special regulation or taxes.


impacting regulations cannot be based on content of publication UNLESS compelling justificaiton 

Broadcast Regulations

Radio and TV broadcast more closely regulated than press.


rigth of viewers and listeneres is paramount to right of broadcasters to broadcast as they want


can forbid newspaper ownership of radio stations and indecent speech over airwaves

Fairness Doctrine

radio station may be constitutionally required to offer free broadcasting time to certain indivdiuals 


(e.g. opponents of candidates endoresed by station, persons personally attached in a broadcast)

Cable TV Regulation

cable tv transmissions are subject to review inbetween strict scrutiny and broadcast level


content based- strict scrutiny

content neutral- intermediate

Internet Regulation

closer to strict scrutiny 

In freedom of speech strict scrutiny applies to

content based 


Internet (closer to strict)

prior restraints

In freedom of speech intermediate scrutiny applies to

content neutral

public forums

designated public forums

commercial speech

In freedom of speech rational basis scrutiny applies to

government speech

limited public forums

nonpublic forums