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30 Cards in this Set

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What is the wight of a gallon of water?
8.22 lbs
How many gallons in one cubic foot?
7.48 gallons
One cubic inch of water weights?
.036 lbs
The number 21 represents
cubic inches in 1 gallons of water
One cubic foot of water weighs?
62.4 lbs
The number 2.31 represents
1 PSI raises water 2.31'
The formula for finding head pressure is
height divided by 2.31 = PSI
A cube refers to a shape that has
volume, all sides equal
What is atmospheric pressure at sea level
14.7 PSI
The formula for perimeter is:
L1 + L2 + W1 + W2= P
To convert a fraction into a decimal :
numerator divided by the demonimated
How is the area of a rectangle or square calculated?
Name one formula used to find the area of a circle
D(squared) times .7854
The volume of a square or rectangle can be found by:
The answer for an area problem is given in :
What formula can be used to find the volume of a cylinder?
D(squared) x .7854 x H
How do we convert decimal feet to feet and inches?
multiply the numbers to right of decimal by 12, then the numbers to the right of that decimal multiply by 8
How do we convert feet and inches into decimal feet?
feet go on left side of decimal. then divide inches and parts of an inch by 12
What does the number 1728 represent?
cubic inches in a cubic foot
To find total fall:
distance x grade
To find grade:
Total fall divided by distance
To find distance:
Total fall divided by grade
When calculating total fall using %grade the answer will be in ______
decimal ft
How is circumference calculated?
diameter times 3.14
When finding percents the term (what is) means:
The term (is over of) means:
What are two other terms used for grade?
pitch, slope
The formula for travel is: (45 degree offset)
offset/advance x 1.41 = Travel
The formal for offset or advance is :(45 degree offset)
Travel x .707 = Offset/ adv
on a 45degree offset, how is the rise calculated?
spread x .444 = rise