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37 Cards in this Set

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What is the Supreme Law of the land?


What are the 3 key parts to the consitution

1.Preamble or introduction

2.Articles or how a government is ran.

3. The Admentments, how the consitution is changed

What is the first 3 words of the preamble?

"We the People"

What is Article 1?

The legislative Branch

What is Article 2 about?

Executive Branch

What is Article 3 about?

Judical Branch

What s articles 4-6 about?

Details and procedures about how to amend or ratify the consitution.

What is an Admentment?

"To change or add to"

How many amendments are there?


What are the first 10 Admentments called?

Bill of rights

What are the 3 branches of goverment?




Who is in the legislative branch?

The Congress

-House of Representatives


What is the job of the legislative branch?

Makes laws and creates laws.

What is the great Compromise?

Allows one house with proportional representation.

One house with equal representation.

BOTH houses must pass a bill before it is a law.

How many house of representatives are there?


Some states have more than others due to population

How many house of representatives does Washington have?


Who is a house of representatives?

Adam Smith

How many senators per state?


How many total senators are there?


Who is Washington senators?

Patti Murray

Maria Cantwell

Who is the "day to day leader?"


Who heads the executive branch?


Who is the commander in chief of the armed forces?


Who heads the Judical branch?

Supreme Court

How are the Nine justices elected?

Nominated by President and approved by the senate

What is the 1st bill of right?

Free do of speech, religon and press

What is the 2nd bill of right

Right to bear arms

What is the 3rd Admentment?

Soldiers don't have go live in your home, unless there is war.

What is the 4th admentment?

Nobody can search you unless they have a good reason to

What is the 5th amendment?

Right to a fair trial

What is the 6th amendment?

Right to a speedy and short trial.

What is the 7th amendment?

Right to a civil trial with a case that is more than $20

What is the 8th admentment?

No unreasonable bails or fines or cruel and unusal punishments

What is the 9th amendment?

Americans have rights that are not listed in the consitution

What is the 10th admentment?

Powers not listed in the consitution are given to the people or states.

What are checks on congress?

-The Supreme Court can say that any law is unconstitutional. If so,

is voted and no longer exists

- the president can veto a law that Congress passes

Stuff is "unconstitutional"

What are Checks by congress?

- is the president vetoes a law, the Congress override a veto with the two-thirds majority.

- the Senate has the right of approval for the president's nominations to the Supreme Court, and other position such as cabinet members
