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45 Cards in this Set

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what are two prophecies that interal in the coast realm?
processes in the ocean


processes on land

both interact in the coastal realm
even though the deep water is not considered the coast why can in be important when you try to define the coast?
LIMITED NUTRIENTS (phosphorous) provided by upwelling from deep water (which is not considered the coast)

those nutrients in that deep water affect coastal processes and vice verse
what is a water shed?
total area that drains to a coastal water body
what were the four question related to the coastal realm?
1 how should four wheeled traffic on beaches be regulated

2 how should development zoning be established for coastal waters

3 what is the extent of land area that affects coastal waters

4 who owns the resources of the coastal oceans
what is the strict definition of the coastal realm?
the band of dry land and adjacent marine environment in which terrestrial processes and land uses directly affect oceanic processes and uses & vice versa
why is it hard to define the coast ?
your going to have a different definition for what the coastal realm is . so depending on what you want to do or what your concern is with respect to the coast is going to alter how you define the coast
what is the area of the coast disproportionate with the productivity is provides?
although the coastal realm occupies only 0.5% of ocean volume

-90% of global fish catch

-60% of human population 2 thirds of largest world's cities

you have a disproportional amount of

what is one of the fundamental principles that determine what type os coast line you have any where in the world?
plate tectonics
in a general sense all coast regions have one of two characteristics what are they
collision coast is characterized by that deep trench and mountains along that coast line

(you have a very deep trench because you have a plate that is thrust well under the top plate)

you have very narrow continental shelfs you have a very narrow area of shelf water you have a deep ocean trench (geologically active margin)

trailing edge coast line (away from both the collision coast and spreading center) inactive margin
active margin=
inactive margin=
trailing edge
what are the characteristic of a collision coast line name 4
1. very narrow continental shelfs
2. very narrow area of shelf under water
3 deep ocean trench
4 rugid flip of mountain ranges that brings a lot of volcanic earthquake activity
what are the characteristics of trailing edge coast line name 3
1. geologically stable
2 broad shallow coastal area(no mountains)
3 very large water sheep because of lack of mountains
who does geology and meteorology influence ecology?
geology basically determine what ecosystems develop and thus ecology that is happening with in them
that ___ principle is the number 1 factor giving rise to the ______of coast lines
one simple geological

specific characteristics
water shed=drainage and is where..
entire land area from which water would flow to single coastal water body
active margin 3 things
little or no shelf
steep slope

wide shelf
gentle slope
continental rise
once you have a trailing edge coast line or a collision coast line you begin to know what types of ____
habitats you are going to have
trailing edge coast line is dominated by theses 3
salt marshes
subtropical regions

because your have that long flat area over which they can develop

low mangroves and salt marshes in collision boundaries because the mountains are going right in the ocean
at any point in time the____ is what constrains primary productivity
most limiting factor
the fundamental mechanism of nutrient delivery that fuels _____ in coastal regions is different on collision coast and trailing edge coast line
primary productivity
collision coast line has a deep trench that is generated immediately adjacent to land
what are the elements that is a one way pathway from terrestrial to aquatic environment there is NO ATMOSPHERIC COMPONENT
it is found in rocks and is essentially weathered and that phosphorous is a one way pathway from land to bottom of lands and oceans because there is NOT ATMOSPHERIC COMPONENT that can recycle that element back to land

one these deep coast lines your have
that force water away from the coast line that allows cool nutrient rich waters to upwell along the coast line of collision coast
where are the most productive fisheries in the world found?
along collision coast lines where you have massive amounts of upwelling bringing phosphorous back to the surface which fuels primary productivity
in collision coast lines ____processes dominate the coast
what is the important take away point about collision coast lines
that oceanic processes are driving coastal phenomenon
in trailing edge coast lines ____processes are important in determining that ecological phenomena that are currently in the coastal zone
water sheds and drainage remember that the total land area which drains into a single coastal point

so on these trailing edge margins, coastal processes are more influenced by those things happening ___than ____
inland than things that are happening in the adjacent ocean
any semi enclosed coastal water body where fresh and salt water mix is a
WHAT IS THE COASTAL REALM?regional and local coastal characteristics determined by larger scale _____&_____processes
both spacial and temporal geological & hydrological processes

geology: plate tectonics shaping coast lines

hydrology: fresh water impute current patterns tides
what are four major ways estuaries are formed
1 flood river valleys with rising sea levels
2 formation behind barrier lslands due to regional processes
3 tectonic land subsidence and faulting
4 glaciation
many times the dollar value on these ecosystem services are not really put out there untill..
its too late
developed until that ecosystem is gone
___are true marine plants that have made to next evolutionary step (true marine flowering plants
sea grasses
sea grasses are very productive ecosystems productive plants therefore they support importort ..
1 nusery areas
2 support high levels fishers production
3 carbon storage and fixation
what is blue carbon
-if you lose these plants species they are not taking out that carbon dioxied from the atmosphere
- so your getting increase levels; your not having that offset
what can you predict with sea grass cover?
you can predict fish productivity on a given reef
____have a sessile adult stage, once they actually settle on the _______they dont move but you have very high levels of _____at _____
water column
larval stage
oysters have a 2 month larva stage
they have _____ ____ of _____ at that larva stage
huge distances of dispersal
as oysters begin to settle on the water column you begin to ___
settlement from ______ to _____
pelagic stage (in the water column to benthic stage(bottom)
what is self sterotaxis
where they can actually detect CHEMICALS of other CON SPECIFIC individuals and they actually preferentially RECRUIT to existing live oyster
once you get oyster growing you have a ___ continuing to drive inc oyster coverage
positive feedback cycle
if you are perturbed from the point some internal process will bump you back to it
neg feedback cycle
oysters only live in
brackish waters
intermediate salinities
they can form massive reef habitats these areas can eventually been colonized
_____are found in aligatrophic waters nutrient poor water
coral reefs