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26 Cards in this Set

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What type of collagen is most prominent in cartilage?
Type II
Why is the high ratio of GAGs to type II collagen in cartliage important?
It allows for diffusion of nutrients.
Name the four common components of all cartilage.
Type II collagen
Mulitadhesive Glycoproteins
What is unique about hyaluronan?
It is a major component of the ECM. It is NOT sulfated, unusual for a GAG.
What happens to hyaluronan to turn it into a proteoglycan?
Keratan sulfates and chondroitan sulfates are added to it. They have a high affinity for water.
What accounts for 60-80% of the hyaline matrix weight?
Water! Allow for diffusion of nutrients and resiliency.
What is characteristic of the capsular/pericellular matrix of chondrocytes?
A dark ring surrounding the cell composed of :

Sulfated proteoglycans
Type VI collagen
What is the difference between the territorial and interterritorial matrix of hyaline cartilage?
The territorial matrix is a layer covering the space between lacuna, rich in type II collagen, while the interterritorial occupies the space between lacunae.
Why would a decrease in proteoglycan content with age be harmful?
Proteoglycans store the water in cartilage. With less water present, the cartilage cannot provide adequate padding.
What is the perichondrium?
A dense CT sheath surrounding a layer of hyaline cartilage. It is composed of fibroblasts and type I cartilage.
Describe the 2 layers of the perichondrium.
Innercellular layer is the chondrogenic layer.
Outer fibrous layer contains fibroblasts and type I cartilage.
What is articular cartilage?
A layer of cartilage lining an articular surface, lacks a perichondrium. It's deepest surface is in contact with bone. Has several layers.
List the layers of articular cartilage and describe them.
Tangential zone: outermost layer, type II collagen parallel to bone surface, chondrocytes flattened
Where is elastic cartilage found?
External ear, epiglottis tube, pharyngotympanic tube.
Elastic cartilage is NOTt covered by perichondrium. (T/F)
Elastic cartilage does NOT calcify with aging. (T/F)
Fibrocartilage is a mixture of what 2 types of CT?
Dense regular and hyaline cartilage.
Where can fibrocartilage be found?
Symphysis pubis, intervertebral disks, wrists, menisci of knee, sternoclavicular joint, temporomandibular joint, tendon-bone attachments
What is one of the main functions of fibrocartilage?
Provides resistance to compression and shearing forces.
What collagen fiber is present in fibrocartilage in greater abundance than other cartilage types?
Type I
What is the role of SOX9 in cartilage?
It guides the differentiation (from mesenchymal tissue) of chondroblasts to chondrocytes. These cells are in the inner layer of the perichondrium. This is part of appositional growth.
What happens in interstitial growth?
Mitotic divisions of chondrocytes create isogenous groups. As these cells divide, they begin secreting matrix, which causes them to move away from each other.
What happens to a wound in cartilage?
Cartilage has limited ability to repair itself because of its avascularity, the immobility of the chondrocytes, and the limited ability of chondrocytes to divide. Most of wound repair involves scar tissue (dense CT).
When is production of new cartilage most likely in a wound?
When the perichondrium is involved, because the progenitor cells reside there. However, would healing usually involves angiogenesis, which promotes bone formation.
When is hyaline cartilage calcified?
When calcium phosphate crystals become embedded in the matrix.
Places this is common:
- aging cartilage
- endochondral osssification
- innermost layer of perichondrium
What cell is responsible for removal of calcified cartilage?