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124 Cards in this Set

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Function of connective tissue
Provide support and connecting framework for all other tissues of the body
CT is derived from the
mesoderm (some are derived from the ectoderm)
Loosely organized CT is called ___
Types of connective tissue
Connective Tissue Proper
The main cellular component of connective tissue is
Extrcaellular matric
The ECM of connective tissue consists of:
Ground susbtance
____ Secrete the ground susbtance and are embedded within in
Chondrocytes, osteocytes, adipocytes, fibroblasts
The principle cells of CT proper are called
The function of fibroblasts is to:
Produce the ground susbtance and fibers of the ECM (ECM proteins)
Fibroblasts are part of the ______
Resident population (produced locally and remain there)
Structure of fibroblasts
Spindle shaped and have abundant rough ER and well-developed Golgi complex
Define: Ground substance
Thin film or gel in which there are cellular elements embedded
Function of ground substance
Acts as a lubricant and and barrier to penetration
Structure of proteoglycan
Protein core with many GAG (glucosaminoglycan) units radiating in bottle brush formation
linear polysacchardies with repetating disaccharide units
Hyaluronic acid
GAG present in losse connective tissues
Location of hyaluronic acid
Synovial fluid of joint cavities, vitreous humor of eye, cartilage, blood vesselsm skin, umbillical cord
Strructure of HA
NOT convalently bonded to protein core,
Purpose of HA
Produces a highly viscous gel that retards water movement and gives a cushioning effect for joints
Purpose of HA in cartilage
serves as the backbone to which other preteoglycans attach
Examples of other GAGs that ARE covalently bonded
chondroitan sulfate, dermatan sulfate[, heparin sulfate, keratin sulfate
Proteoglycans are hydrophilic or hydrophobic?
Hydrophilic (negatively charged): They bind to sodium and water
Function of proteoglycans
Play a signufucant role in the transport of electrolytes and water and contribute to gellike ECM to cushion and limit spread of bacteria
Site of synthesis and secretion of proteoglycans
Fibroblasts (proteins are synthesized in rough ER and completed in Golgi complex)
Secretion of preteoglycans occurs by
What helps to turn over proteoglycans?
Lysosomal enzymes
Hurlers and Hunters' syndrome are lysosomal storage deficincies caused by the ______
Accumuluation of proteoglycans which are not broken down.
Structure of adhesive glycoprotein
Protein core with branched carbohydrate (Protein is predominant)
Function of glycoproteins
Links components of matrix to eachother and to cells
What produces fibronectin?
What is fibronectin?
A glycoprotein that has binding sites for collagen and proteoglycans
Where is fibronecton found?
Lamina densa of basal lamina
What is laminin?
(Glycoprotein) Constituent of lamina densa and binds to collagen type IV and cell surface receptors
Define: Integrin
Transmembrane protein that allows cells to bind with collagen, fibronecton and laminin allowing them to detach from ECM as necesary
What do integrins bind to?
Actin filaments (fical adhesion)
What are the three types of fiber?
Collagen, Reticular fibers, elastic fibers
Structure of collagen
3 Alpha peptide chains held together by hydrogen bonds and hydrophilic interactions intertwined in a helix
Characertistics of Type I collagen
Most abundant in bone, tendon and organ capsules, dermis and tooth dentin
Characteristics of Type III collagen
Co-localized bqith type I
Characteristics of Type IV collagen
part of structural network of basal lamina
Cells that produce collagen
Osteblasts, fibrblasts, chondroblasts, epithelial cells, Schwann cells, muscle cells
First step of collagen synthesis
Preprocollagen synthesized on polyribsomes attached to rough ER
Charecertistics of preprocollagen
Presence of signal peptode and registration peptide
Step two of collagen synthesis
Cleavage of signal peptides forming procollagen
Step three of collagen synthesis
Preprocollagen transfeered to Golgi apparatus which packages them into sectretory vessicles
Step four of collagen synthesis
Procollagen released by exocytosis
Orientation of tropocollagen
Birefringent (cross-banding)
Ehler's-Danios syndrome
Inherited defect in synthesis of procollagen or EC formation of tropocollagen/poor crosslinking of collagen fibrils
Symptoms of Ehler's Danios syndrome
Hyperextensible skin, hypermobile joints, poor wound healing, skeleton deformities
Osteogenis imperfecta
Characterized by bone fractures and deformities, blue sclera, and thin skin. Tissues lack type I collagen.
Cause of OI
Defect in gene transcription
Caused by lack of viramin C
Enzyme that causes collagen degradation by cleaving molecule into two parts
Progressive systemic sclerosis
Autoimmune response that causes inflammaation anf increased collagen synthesis
Reticular fibers are composed of Type ____ collagen
Function of reticular fibers
Form supporting tissue of lymphoid and blood forming organs (spleen)
Location of reticular fibers
In close association with basal lamina and epithelial
How do you see reticular fibers?
Ability to absorb silver
Elastic fibers/elastic lamella Location
Tissues normall subject to deformation (expansion and contraction) such as respiratory system, ligaments,. skin, carftilagenous regions
How do you see elastic fibers?
You need speicla stains to see them.
Large blood vessles contain Fibers? True or False?
FALSE - sheets of elastin
Elastic fiber composition
Bundles of thin micrifibrils composed of large glycoprotein fibrillin
What produces elastin?
Fibroblasts (skin tendon) and smooth muscle cells (large elastic arteries)
How is elastin secreted?
It is secreted as proelastin which polymerizes to form elastin
Is elastin hydrophobic or hydrophilic?
Hydrophobic (lacks hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine)
What proteins allows elastin molecules to bind to eachother?
Desmosine and isodesmosine (amino acids) who form crosslinks
Contents of tissue fluid
ions and a small percentage of low molecular weight proteins
amount of tissue in CT increases
Causes of edema
Loss of equilibrium between hydrostatic and osmotic pressure within capillaries, veiuns and surrounding CT
other causes of edema
Vasodilation (increased blood flow to capillaries)
Dense CT characteristics
Predominance of fibers over cells
Dense irregular CT
Collagen fiber bundles that are not preferentially oriented that form a 3D network resistant to stress
Location of dense regular CT
dermis and capsules of organs
Main cell type in dense irregular CT
Dense regular CT
Contains collagen fiber bundles arranged in a definite pattern with parallel rows of fibroblasts between bundles
Location of dense regular CT
Tendons, ligament, corena
Loose connective tissue
Most abudnant CT in the body
Function of loose CT
Supports Epithelial tissue, ensheathes blood vessels, nerves and muscles and establishes fascial planes
Residential cells consist of:
Fibroblasts and macrophages
Defin resident population
Cells that are "native" to connective tissue
Synthesize and secrete all components of the ECM (collagen, elastin)
actively phagocytic cells that phagoctyize as a defense activity or cleanup operyation
Cell organelles of macrophage
large Golgi, RER, SER, mitoconhdria, phagocytotic vacuoles and foreigen body giant cells
Define: Foreign body giant cell
When macrophages encounter large foreign bodiesthey fuse and form large cells
Strcuture of Mast cells
Ovoid cells with spherical nucleus obscured by membrane bound basophilic granules
Granules of mast cells contain ____
histamine, heparin and mediators of an anaphylaxis
Function of mast cells
Bind IgE immunoglobin (produced by plasma cells after exposure to an antigen)
Histamine action
causes smooth muscle contraction in branchioles and increases vcappilary permeation resulting in edema
Leukotrine action
Produve contraction of smooth muscle
Function of Eoseniphil chemotactic factor (ECF) and neutrophil chemotactic factor (NCF)
Attract eoseniphils and neutrophils to the site
Heparin function
How do mast cells stain?
Metachromatic (different color then the die applied)(due to GAGs)
Location of mast cells
Numerous in skin and organ capsules
Wandering population of the cells include:
Plasma cells and other white cells (monocytes, neutrophils, eoseniphils, basophils and lymphocytes)
Define: plasma cells
Derivatives of B-lyphocytes and active in the production and secretion of antibodies
Location of plasma cells
Numerous in chronically inflamed areas exposed to bacteria and foreign protein (intestines, and respiratory tract), rarely seen in most CT
Appearance of plasma cells
basophilic cytoplasm with nucleus and distinctive clockface pattern of heterchromatin
Major functions of CT
Support, Defense (loose CT
What are the main kind of cells involved in repair?
Finction of fibroblasts in repair
synthesize collagen in ECM during wound healing to form granulation tissue and scar tissue
Function and structure of myoblasts in repair
Possess some features of smooth muscle cells (actin and myosin filaments) and appear at wound edges to enable wound closure to occur
Function of cortisol
from adrenal coretx inhibits synthesis of fibers from CT and suppresses inflammatory cell activation (detrimental to wound healing)
Structure of adipose tissue
Loose association of lipid filled cells and numerous associated blood vessles held in a matrix of collagen (retucular) fibers
Function of adipose tissue
Energy (in the form of triglyecrides) storage site in a state of continuous turnover
Unilocular adipocytes are the characteristic cell of _______
White adipose tissue
Structure of unilocular fat
single large inclusion of lipid that is not membrane bound
Function of unilocular adipose tissue
Primary energy storage compartment of the mammal
Mechanism of adipose storage:
FFA and glyecrol enter adipocytes where they are combined with glycerol and resynthesized into triglycerides
Mechanism of lipolysis
Lipolytic hormones (ACTH, epinephrine, glucagon)cause triglycerides to hydrolyzed, forming glycerol and FFAs - FFAs are then released into the blood to be utlilzed as a source of energy (ATP)
Adipose tissue is also an ________ organ
Endocrine (Fat cells dispatch chemical signals to tissue trhroughout the body including braiin, liver, muscle, reproductive organs and immune system)
Obesity causes ________
decreased senitivity to insulin and type II diabetes
Function of fat as an endocrine organ
Tells the body when it can reproduce (i.e.decrease in fat causes exercise induced amennorhea)
Another function of fat as
Influences vessel constriction (i.e. increase in fat causes increase in angiotensin and increase in BP)
Another function of fat
Produces cytokines that affect the immune system to increase immune and inflammatory response
Multilocular adipocytes are a characteristic of _______
Brown adipose tissue
Structure of Multilocular adipocytes
Polygonal with a spherical center and contain many small lipid inclusions
Function of brown fat
Heat production organ in which the enregy stored in fatty acids is transduced into heat which warms blood passing through adjacent capillaries
The brown color is due to _______
Large number of mitcohondria and highly vascular nature of the tissue
The mitcohondria contain _____
Uncoupling protein (UCP-1)
Function of UCP-1
Uncouples oxidation of fatty acids from the production of ATP allowing the energy allowing energy to be used as heat
Brown fat is most prominent during _____
Infancy when heat production is most necesarry do to the newborn's high surface-mass ratio
____ stimulates thermogenisis in brown fat
Norepinephrine (sympathetic nervous system)
The FFAs in brown fat are/are not released into the bloodstream
Are not (like white fat)
Marfan syndrome
Expression of the fibrillin gene is abnormal resulting in absence of fibrilin microfibrils and abnormal elastic fibers; may result in aortic anaeurysm