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28 Cards in this Set

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What type of instrument tells you what direction your going in?
What is a country's efforts to be richer than a rival country called?
What disease was most common when sailing for long periods of time?
What famous spanish conquistador died during a exploration mission in which his crew had sailed all the way around the world?
What spanish person first believed that the earth was round not flat?
Christopher Columbus
Who hired the best navigators of his time to plan a expedition westward?
Prince Henry
What spanish conquistador conquerd the aztecs?
Hernan Cortez
Who conquerd the incas?
Fracisco Pizarro
What famous blind explorer is a game named after?
Marco Polo
Who sailed around the cape of good hope?
Bartolomeu Dias
Who sailed across the indian ocean and landed in india?
Vasco Da Gama
What is a spread of ideas between 2 or more different cultures?
Cultural Diffusion
What is a Conquistador?
A Conquerer
What ancient civilization is known for giant stone heads?
What ancient civilization founded modern day mexico city?
What early civilization built 10,000 miles of roads?
What ancient civilization disapeared of the face of the earth in 1400 AD?
What was a African and European born child considered in the social structure of the new world?
Who was dying of diseases because of no immunity to european diseases?
Native Americans
Who were the people born in spain but lived in the new world considered in the social structure?
Who were spanish decent born in the new world?
Who was a spanish and african decent?
What was the new world?
The new world was the americas north and south.
What was the old world?
The old world was europe, india, and spain.
What was the columbian exvhange?
The trade route founded by christopher columbus.
What was the triangle trade?
The triangle trade was a trade route between the americas africa and spain(euoropeean coutries)
What was the middle passage?
The sea route betwwen the americas and europe.
what was the trans atlantic Slave trade?
the trans atlantic slave trade also known as the atlantic slave trade was a slave trade route for african slaves.