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28 Cards in this Set

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What new invention helped sailors find north and helped them get around the ocean easier?
The Compass
What is merchantilism?
A countries effort to gain more wealth than other rival nations
What illness did part of Magellan's crew catch?
What were Magellan's great acheivments?
He named thePacific Ocean and his crew made the first round-the-world trip
Who found the Americas when he was really looking for a shorter route to Asia?
Christopher Columbus
What were Prince Henry's greatest achievments?
He explored Africa, started trade in slaves, gold and Ivory, and opened a school for navigation
Who teamed up with the enemy of the Aztecs to defeat them?
Hernan Cortez
What is Francisco Pizarro famous for?
He conquered the Inca empire
Whoes travels stimulated trade with Central Aisa and China?
Marco Polo
Bartelemeou Dias Is famous for what?
He sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and found the route to the Indian ocean
Who sailed across the Indian Ocean and landed in India?
Vasco da Gama
What is cultural diffusion?
The trade of ideas, culture and religion through war, migration and exploration
"Conquistador" means what in spanish?
What are the Olmec known for?
They are the earliest known Mexican civilization and the stone heads
What race founded what is today Mexico City and had a hierachical society?
The Aztecs
What are the Inca known for?
They were the largest empire in the Americas, they hand-built a large network of roads, used quipu instead of a writing system, and used agricultural terrecing and irrigation systems
What ancient race had a complex civilization and had a 365 day calander?
the Maya
What were people who were from African and European descent?
The Mulatos
Where were the Native Americans in the social structure?
the bottom because they kept dying
Who were the Peninsulares?
Aristocrats who were born in Spain
What were people who were of Native American and European descent called?
Who were the Criollos?
American born decendents of Spanish settlers
Where was the New World?
In the weastern hemesphere
What did they call the part of the world that had Europe, Africa and Aisa?
The Old World
What was the Columbian exchange?
It was the transfer of plants, animals, ideas and diseases between the Americas and Europe
The Triangle trade went to which three contenents?
Europe to Africa, Africa to America, America to Europe
What was the ocean route from Africa to America that had horrible conditions called?
The Middle Passage
What caused the TrasAtlantic Slave Trade?
The need for cheap labor in the Americas