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9 Cards in this Set

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Alloy (n)

سبيكة معدنية مكونه من نوعين مختلفين من المعدن.

Synthesis (n) p Syntheses

تركيب ، تاليف ، مركب ، مؤلف

Blend (n , v )


يمزج ، يخلط .

Blend with sth

ينسجم مع

New building doesn't blend with their surroundings.

Blend into sth


Blend in (with sth)

ينسجم ، يتوافق مع

if someone or something blends in with people or objects, they match them or are similar, and you do not notice them: [blend in with] The old house blends in perfectly with the countryside.




مزج ، مزيج.

Alliance (n)

Ally (n)

Allied (adj)



دولة حليفة ، حليف ، نصير


متحالف ، ذو صله ; شبيه

Coalition (n)

The joining of two parties or more political parties often for a temporary period , usually in order to form a government.

تحالف ، ائتلاف

Unify (v)

Unite (v)

Unification (n)

Union (n)

Unity (n)

Unit (n)

United (adj)





يتحد ، يوحد ، يتوحد ، يتحد

★The leader wants to unite the parties behind him.

★We should all unite in seeking a solution to this terrible problem.






وحدة ، اتحاد , رابطة

★The union of separate groups into one organization.

★The European union.

★The athletics union.



وحدة , تماسك

★economic unity.

★His essays often lack unity.




The book is divided into ten units.

★ a unit of currency.

★ The intensive care unit of a hospital.



موحد ، متحد

★Throughout the crisis , the whole country remained united.

Federation (n)

Federal (adj)

Federate (v)

Federalism (n)


اتحاد فدرالي

a country consisting of a group of individual states that have control over their own affairs but are controlled by a central government for national decisions, etc.



اتحادي ، فدرالي



يفدرل ، يوحد

(of states, organizations, etc.) to unite under a central government or organization while keeping some local control

Compound (n,v,adj)

Composite (n,adj)

Composition (n)

Compose (v)Composed (adj)

Composure (n)

Composer (n)

Comprise (v)

Compound (n)

١) مركب

★Common salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.

٢)كلمة او تعبير مركب

Two or more words or parts of words, written as one or more words, or joined by a hyphen.

★Travel agent, dark-haired and bathroom are all compounds.

٣) قطعة ارض مسيجة عليها مجموعة مبانِ

★a prison compound.


Compound (v)

١) يزيد الامر او الوضع سواً

★The problems were compounded by severe food shortages.

٢) يركب ، يؤلف

★liquid soaps compounded with disinfectant.


Compound (adj)

١) مركب

★a compound adjective, such as fair-skinned.



Composite (adj)

١) مركب

★a composite picture (= one made from several pictures)


Composite (n)

٢) مركب

The document was a composite of information from various sources.

2) also composite sketch) (both US English) (British English Identikit™) a set of drawings of different features that can be put together to form the face of a person, especially somebody wanted by the police, using descriptions given by people who saw the person; a picture made in this way.


Composition (n)

١) تركيب ، تكوين

★the chemical composition of the soil.

٢) قطعة موسيقية

★one of Beethoven’s finest compositions.

٣) تاليف (قطعة موسيقية او كتاب )

٤) تاليف موسيقي.

★pieces performed in the order of their composition.

★to study composition.

٥) كتابة قطعة انشائية.


Compose (v)

١) يؤلف ، يشكل

★Ten men compose the committee.

٢) يؤلف (قطعة موسيقية).

★Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died.

٣) يكتب بعناية ، يولف قطعة

★She composed a letter of protest.

٤) يهدي نفسه ، يضبط (افكاره)

*compose yourself

★Emma frowned, making an effort to compose herself.

*compose something

★I was so confused that I could hardly compose my thoughts.


Composed (adj)

١) مؤلف من

★The committee is composed mainly of lawyers.

٢) هادئ ، رابط الجاش

★She seemed outwardly composed.★He remained perfectly composed and calm.


Composure (n)

١) ضبط الأعصاب ، هدوء

★to keep/lose/recover/regain your composure.

★He maintained his composure despite a desperate desire to laugh.

★She closed her eyes for a moment, to gather her composure.★She totally lost her composure and began shouting.


Composer (n)

١) مؤلف موسيقي

★Verdi was a prolific composer of operas.


Comprise (v)

١) يتالف من

synonym consist of

★The collection comprises 327 paintings.★The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors.

٢) يؤلف ، يشكل

synonym make up

★Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty.

consist of somebody/​something


make up something


be composed of somebody/​something

These words all mean to be formed from the things or people mentioned, or to be the parts that form something.

consist of somebody/​something to be formed from the people, things or activities mentioned:

Their diet consists largely of vegetables.

comprise (rather formal) to be formed from the things or people mentioned:

The collection comprises 327 paintings.

Comprise can also be used to refer to the parts or members of something:

Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty.

However, this is less frequent.

make up something (rather informal) to be the parts or people that form something:

Women make up 56% of the student numbers.


to be the parts or people that form something:

People under the age of 40 constitute the majority of the labour force.

be composed of somebody/​something (rather formal)

To be formed from the things or people mentioned:

Around 15% of our diet is composed of protein.



which word?

Consist of somebody/​something is the most general of these words and the only one that can be used for activities with the -ing form of a verb:

My work at that time just consisted of typing letters.

The other main difference is between those verbs that take the whole as the subject and the parts as the object:

The group consists of/​comprises/​is made up of/​is composed of ten people.

and those that take the parts as the subject and the whole as the object:

Ten people make up/​constitute/​comprise the group.

It is not correct to use ‘comprises of’ or ‘is composed by/​from’.