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608 Cards in this Set

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Four justiciability doctrines
What is standing?
The issue of whether the plaintiff is the proper party to bring a matter to court for adjudication
What are the four requirements for standing:
P has been injured or imminently will be injured
What must P show for standing if P seeks injunctive/declaratory relief?
A likelihood of future harm
'Best standing'
P has personally suffered monetary loss
What is the problem if there is no redressability?
If a favorable court ruling would have no effect it would be an impermissible advisory opinion
Third party standing - exceptions
P must meet other standing requirements
Can father sue on behalf of daughter
if he doesn't have legal custody
When may P sue 'as a taxpayer'?
ONLY to challenge government spending (of MONEY) pursuant to federal statutes as violating the Establishment Clause (RELIGION)
When may P sue 'as a citizen'?
What Establishment Clause spending won't be a basis for taxpayer standing?
Spending from general expenditures (rather than fed statutes)
What is ripeness?
The question of whether a federal court may grant preenforcement review of a statute or regulation.
When should I look for ripeness
What criteria do courts consider in deciding ripeness questions?
Hardship that will be suffered without preenforcement review
What is mootness?
If events after the filing of a lawsuit end P's injury
What are the exceptions to mootness?
Wrong capable of repetition but evading review
What case exemplifies wrong capable of repetition but evading review?
Roe v. Wade
How does mootness work in class-action context?
If named P's claim becomes moot
What are the nonjusticiable political qs?
'Republican form of government' clause (Art. 4
What's wrong with Vietnam war lawsuits saying President didn't have to declare war?
They're nonjusticiable because they challenge the President's conduct of foreign policy
Which cases must come to Supreme Court by writ of certiorari?
All state court cases
What does a writ of certiorari mean?
Discretionary review
Which cases must the Supreme Court hear on appeal?
Decisions of three-judge federal district courts (available only for some specific statutes) - appeals heard DIRECTLY by U.S. supreme Court
Which court(s) have original/exclusive jurisdiction?
Suits between state governments
What is the final judgment rule?
Supreme Court may hear only after there has been a final judgment of the highest state court
The final judgment rule means there's no ___ appeal
For the Supreme Court to review a state court decision
there must not be …
When can the Supreme Court review a state court decision?
When there is no independent and adequate state law ground of decision
What is the principle of sovereign immunity?
The 11A bars suits against state in federal court (unless exception)
May federal courts (or state courts) hear suits against state governments?
When may states be sued - AKA
when does sovereign immunity not apply? (4)
When may state officers be sued?
For injunctive relief
When may state officers NOT be sued?
If the state treasury will wind up paying retroactive damages
How do you get around sovereign immunity?
Sue state officers for injunctive relief or money damages to be paid out of their own pockets (and don't name the state!)
What does abstention mean in context of constitutional law?
Federal courts may not enjoin pending state proceedings (even though federal court has jx and all justiciability requirements are met)
What does congress need to act?
Express or implied authority
When does Congress have police power?
MILD: When legislating for MILITARY
What does the Necessary and Proper clause allow?
Congress may choose any means not prohibited by the constitution to carry out its authority
What would allow Congress to hold a national bake sale to fund the army and the navy?
The Necessary and Proper clause.
For what purposes may Congress tax and spend?
For the general welfare
When is the general welfare sufficient justification for congressional action?
Only for taxing and spending
What is the commerce clause allow?
Congress may regulate commerce among states
In what three situations may Congress regulate interstate commerce?
Channels of commerce (railroad
What's the challenge with noneconomic activity and commerce clause legislation?
Congress cannot find substantial economic impact based on cumulative
What does the 10A do?
Reserves to the states
What does the 10A keep Congress from doing?
Compelling state legislative or regulatory activity
How may congress induce state government action without violating the 10A?
By putting strings on grants
What does the 10A NOT keep Congress from doing?
Prohibiting harmful commercial activity by state governments
What does § 5
14A allow?
What limits are there on § 5 legislation?
Congress may not create or expand 14A rights. It may only prevent or remedy violations of 14A already recognized by courts; even then laws must be proportional and congruent to remedying the constitutional violation.
What limit exists on Congress' ability to delegate legislative powers?
Legislative and line-item vetoes are…
Why are legislative/line-item vetoes unconstitutional?
They lack bicameralism and presentment
May the President sign/veto only part of a bill?
No; the President must sign/veto the bill in its entirety
When may Congress delegate executive power to itself/its officers?
What is a treaty?
Agreement between U.S. and foreign power that is negotiated by president and ratified by senate
Which controls
treaty or state law?
Which controls
treaty or federal law?
Which controls
treaty or U.S. constitution?
What is an executive agreement?
Agreement between U.S. and foreign power that is effective when signed by the president and head of a foreign nation
What is the difference between a treaty and an executive agreement?
Only treaties require senate ratification
Which controls
executive agreement or state law?
Which controls
executive agreement or federal law
Which controls
executive agreement or constitution?
If someone sues over President's use of troops in foreign country?
Best result
Who must be appointed by the President?
President appoints ambassadors
Who appoints inferior officers?
Congress may vest appointment of inferior officers in President
What is an inferior officer?
One who can be fired by other officers
When may Congress give itself the appointment power?
The President may fire any executive branch officer unless…
Congress by statute limits removal
When may Congress limit removal?
Must be an office where independence from President is desirable (not cabinet officer)
Who may be impeached?
For which offenses may Congress impeach
Does impeachment remove a person from office?
No - a trial in the senate must follow
Who impeaches?
When does the President have absolute immunity?
For civil suits for money damages for anything President do to carry out office while in presidency
When does President not have absolute immunity?
Actions that occurred prior to taking office
What protects presidential papers/conversations?
Executive privilege
When must executive privilege yield?
Other important government interests (e.g.
Who may president pardon?
All accused/convicted of federal crimes
When may president pardon as to state crimes?
Never - only federal
What's the difference re criminal/civil liability re presidential pardon power?
President may pardon only criminal convictions (under federal
What is the Supremacy Clause?
Art. VI - the Constitution and laws
What are the types of preemption?
If federal statute provides that federal law is exclusive in the field
May states set stricter environmental standards than federal law?
What does inter-governmental immunity prohibit?
It prohibits states from taxing or regulating federal government activity
Can a state tax a store operated by a federal government on an army base?
No; this is prohibited by inter-governmental immunity
Must the federal government comply with state anti-pollution laws?
What is the dormant commerce clause?
The principle that state and local laws are unconstitutional if they place an undue burden on interstate commerce
What are the two applications of the Commerce Clause?
Authority of Commerce to Act
What is the negative implications of the commerce clause?
The dormant commerce clause
What is the Privileges and Immunities Clause of Art. IV
Art IV - no state may deprive citizens of other states of the privileges and immunities it accords its own citizens
Which constitutional provision is an anti-discrimination provision protecting out-of-staters?
Privileges & Immunities clause of Art IV
The Privileges and Immunities Clause of 14A is always the wrong answer
unless the question involves…
What does the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the 14A protect?
Freedom of travel
How to analyze a law that doesn't discriminate among states?
If the law burdens interstate commerce
When does a state/local law NOT violate the Dormant Commerce Clause
if it discriminates against out of staters and burdens interstate commerce?
What does the market participant exception allow?
A state/local government may favor its own citizens in receiving benefits from government programs or in dealing with government-owned businesses
What are the two situations that illustrate the market-participant exception?
In-state tuition preferences by PUBLIC universities
When does a state/local law NOT violate the Privileges and Immunities Clause of Art. IV
if it discriminates against out-of-staters with regard to their ability to earn a livelihood?
If a state/local government discriminates against out-of-staters
and challenger is corporation or alien
How may states use their tax systems to help in-state businesses?
Not at all
When may state tax activities?
If there is a substantial nexus to the state
How is state taxation of interstate business limited?
It must be fairly apportioned (e.g.
What does Full Faith and Credit require?
State/federal courts in one state must give full faith and credit to judgments of courts in another state
Re individual liberties
need the president of Austin College comply with the First Amendment?
Re individual liberties
need a local officer comply with the constitution?
How may Congress apply constitutional norms to private conduct?
By statute - 13A - Congress may prohibit private race discrimination; the commerce power can be used to apply constitutional norms to private conduct
Can discrimination violate the 13A?
No - only federal laws adopted under 13A (only slavery violates the 13A)
Best grounds for Congress to use to adopt laws prohibiting race discrimination in housing?
13A could work
14A § 5 can regulate only…
public action
In what situations must private conduct comply with the Constitution?
Public function (private entity performing a task traditionally/exclusively done by government - e.g.
Does the public function exception apply to private utilities (e.g.
must the utility provide due process before cutting off service)?
In what seven main situations does the entanglement exception apply?
Government cannot enforce racially restrictive covenants
When does the Court seem most willing to apply entanglement exception?
When race discrimination is found
How does Bill of Rights apply to state/local governments?
Through its incorporation into the due process clause of the 14A.
In what cases does the Bill of Rights not apply to state and local governments (because these rights are less fundamental)?
Second Amendment right to bear arms
Rational basis test
Rationally related for a legitimate conceivable government purpose / burden on challenger / no least restrictive alternative analysis
Intermediate scrutiny
Substantially related to an important
Strict scrutiny
Necessary to a compelling
What is a substantive due process question?
Whether the government has sufficient justification for taking away rights
What is an equal protection clause question?
Whether government's different treatment of people is adequately justified
What is a procedural due process question?
Whether the government followed sufficient process in taking away life liberty or property
Due process violation analysis:
Has there been a deprivation of life
When does a deprivation of liberty occur?
If there is a loss of a significant freedom provided by the Constitution or a statute
Is harm to reputation a violation of liberty?
Do prisoners have liberty interests?
How do we consider whether a person has a property interest?
Whether there is an entitlement = a reasonable expectation of continued receipt of a benefit
What is the rights/privileges distinction?
A red herring - it is always wrong to distinguish
What kind of government act is required for due process violation?
When can an officer be held liable for due process violation
in an emergency case?
Does the government have a duty to protect people from privately inflicted harms?
When does the government have a duty to provide protection?
Only if government literally creates the danger
How to determine proper procedure?
Balance the importance of the interest to the individual
What procedure is required for termination of welfare benefits?
Notice and hearing
What procedure is required for termination of social security disability benefits?
Only a post-termination hearing
What procedure is required for a student to be disciplined by a public school?
Notice of the charges and an opportunity to explain
What procedure is required before a student is disciplined through corporal punishment by a public school?
What procedure is required before a parent's custody of a child can be permanently terminated?
Notice and a hearing
What procedure is required for punitive damages?
Instructions to the jury and judicial review
Grossly excessive punitive damages violate…
due process
What procedure is required for an American citizen detained as an enemy combatant?
Due process
What procedure is required for prejudgment attachment?
Except in exigent circumstances (reasonable belief that person would get rid of property before judgment)
What standard of review is used for laws affecting economic rights?
Rational basis review
What are examples of economic rights?
Minimum wages
What does the takings clause allow?
The government may take private property for public use if it provides just compensation?
Analysis for takings?
Is there a taking (possessory/regulatory)
What is a possessory taking?
Government confiscation or physical occupation of property is always a taking
What is a regulatory taking?
Government regulation that leaves no reasonable economically viable use of the property
When are government conditions on development of property a taking?
When the benefit is not roughly proportionate to the burden imposed
May a property owner bring a takings challenge to regulations that existed when the property was acquired?
Is the government's temporarily denying an owner use/development of property a taking?
When is a taking for public use?
So long as the government acts out of the reasonable belief that the taking will benefit the public
How is 'just compensation' measured?
By the loss to the owner in reasonable economic/market terms. The gain to the government is irrelevant.
When does the contracts clause apply to the federal government?
What does the contract clause state?
No state shall impair the obligations of contracts
To which contracts does the contract clause apply?
State or local interference with existing contracts
What is the test for determining whether local/state government interference violates the contracts clause?
Does the legislation substantially impair a party's rights under an existing contract? If so
What is the standard for state/local interference with government contracts?
Strict scrutiny
How does the ex post facto clause apply in civil cases?
It doesn't. An ex post facto law is a law that criminally punishes conduct that was lawfully when it was done or that increases punishment for a crime after it was committed
What is the standard for retroactive civil liability?
Rational basis review
Privacy is…
a fundamental right protected under substantive due process
When may the federal government interfere with the right to privacy?
Only when government can meet strict scrutiny (exception: abortion rights - different standard; homosexual activity/refuse medical care - no articulated standard)
What rights are included in the right to privacy?
Right to marry
May the state create an irrebutable presumption that a married woman's husband is the father of her child
Regulation of abortions: Prior to viability…
The government cannot prohibit abortions
Is a 24-hour waiting period for abortions an undue burden?
Is a requirement that abortions be performed by licensed physicians an undue burden?
Is the prohibition of 'partial birth abortions' an undue burden?
Regulation of abortions: After viability…
States may prohibit abortions unless necessary to protect the public's life/health
Does the government have a duty to subsidize abortions or provide abortions in public hospitals?
Is a requirement of spousal consent/notification and undue burden?
Is a requirement of parental notice/consent for an unmarried minor's abortion and undue burden?
Do competent adults have the right to refuse medical treatment
even if it would be life-saving?
What evidence may a state require that a person wanted treatment terminated before it is ended?
Clear and convincing evidence
May a state prevent family members from terminating treatment for another?
Does the second amendment provide right to possess guns for self-protection?
What is the standard for laws preventing people from moving into a state?
Strict scrutiny
What is the standard for durational residency requirements?
Strict scrutiny
What is the standard for restrictions on foreign travel?
Rational basis review
What is the maximum allowable durational residency requirement?
50 days
Is the right to vote a fundamental right?
Poll taxes must pass…
strict scrutiny
Property requirements to vote…
must meet strict scrutiny (and they won't)
What is the standard for regulations of the electoral process to prevent fraud?
The only need be on balance desirable
One person-one vote must be met for…
all state/local elections
Are at-large elections constitutional?
May race be used in drawing election district lines?
Only if it meets strict scrutiny
Counting uncounted votes without standard in a presidential election violates…
equal protection
The right to education is…
not a fundamental right
How to approach equal protection questions:
What is the classification? What level of scrutiny should be applied? Does this law meet the level of scrutiny?
When does the 14A apply to the federal government?
How is equal protection applied to state and local governments?
How is equal protection applied to federal governments?
What is the standard for classifications based on race/national origin?
Strict scrutiny
How is the existence of a racial classification proven?
Classification exists on the face of the law; if law is facially neutral
Does discriminatory use of peremptory challenges based on race deny equal protection?
What is the standard for racial classifications benefiting minorities?
Strict scrutiny
Numerical set-asides to benefit minorities require…
clear proof of past-discrimination
How can educational institutions use race in admissions tests to help minorities?
As one factor among many
Colleges and universities have a compelling interest in …
a diverse student body
May colleges and universities add points to applicants' admissions scores solely on basis of race?
When may public school systems use race as a factor in assigning students to schools?
Only if strict scrutiny is met - remedy for past discrimination
What is the standard for gender classifications?
Intermediate scrutiny - only if 'an exceedingly persuasive justification'
How is the existence of a gender classification proven?
Classification exists on the face of the law; if law is facially neutral
Are gender classifications benefiting women allowed
if they are based on role stereotypes?
Are gender classifications allowed if they are designed to remedy past discriminations/differences in opportunity?
Is it constitutional to grant survivor benefits to women but not to men?
What is the standard for gender classifications benefiting women?
Intermediate scrutiny
What are alienate classifications?
Laws that discriminate against non-citizens
What standard is used for alien classifications when government discriminates against non-citizens?
Strict scrutiny
When may government discriminate against non-citizens
What standard is used for discrimination against aliens regarding becoming notary?
Strict scrutiny - not related to self-government/democratic process
What standard is used for discrimination against nonmarital children?
Intermediate scrutiny
Are laws that deny a benefit to all non-marital children but grant it to all marital children constitutional
and under what test?
Rational basis review is used for
All other discrimination (age
No equal protection cases have been heard for religion
but the expectation is that that standard would be
Is poverty a suspect class?
No - RBR
Is age a suspect class?
No - RBR
Is sexual orientated a suspect class?
No - RBR
Free speech methodology
Content-based v. content-neutral
Content-based restrictions on speech generally must meet…
Strict scrutiny
What are the two types of content-based laws?
Subject matter restrictions (application of the law depends on the topic of the message)
Content-neutral restrictions on speech generally must meet…
Intermediate scrutiny
What is a prior restraint?
A judicial order or an administrative system that stop speech before it is made
Court orders suppressing speech must meet…
Strict scrutiny
Gag orders on the press to prevent prejudicial pretrial publicity…
are not allowed
Procedurally proper court orders…
must be complied with until they are vacated or overturned
A person who violates a court order is barred…
from later challenging it
When may the government require a license for speech?
Only if there is an important reason for licensing and clear criteria leaving almost no discretion to the licensing authority; licensing schemes must contain procedural safeguards
When is a law unconstitutionally vague?
If a reasonable person cannot tell what speech is prohibited and what is allowed
When is a law unconstitutionally overbroad?
When it regulates substantially more speech than the constitution allows to be regulated
Are laws prohibiting fighting words protected by the First Amendment?
What are fighting words?
Words directed at another that are likely to promote a fighting response
Are fighting words constitutionally protected by the First Amendment?
No <cq>
When can government regulate symbolic speech?
Only if it has an important interest unrelated to suppression of the message and if the impact on communication is no greater necessary to achieve the government's purpose
Is flag burning constitutionally protected speech?
What is symbolic speech?
Conduct that communicates (flag burning
Is draft card burning constitutionally protected speech?
No - the government had an important interest in making sure people had their draft cards…and the impact on communication was no greater than necessary to achieve the government's purpose
Is nude dancing protected speech?
Is burning a cross protected speech?
Are campaign contributions constitutional?
Are campaign expenditure limits constitutional?
Is anonymous speech protected by the First Amendment?
Which speech is unprotected/less protected by the First Amendment?
Incitement of illegal activity
When may the government punish speech related to the incitement of illegal activity
When there is a substantial likelihood of imminent illegal activity and if the speech is directed to causing imminent illegality
What is the test for obscenity /sexually oriented speech?
The material must appeal to the prurient interferes (shameful/morbid interest in sex - healthy interest not OK)(local standard); material must be patently offensive under the law prohibiting obscenity (based on legislative body involved)
How can the government regulate the location of adult bookstores/movie theaters?
Zoning ordinances
Erogenous zoning…
is permissible
How may the government regulate child pornography?
Child pornography may be completely banned
How can the government regulate private possession of obscene material?
It can't - other than child pornography
May the government seize the assets of businesses convicted of obscenity law violations?
Is profane and indecent speech protected by the First Amendment?
How may the government regulate advertising for illegal activity
and false and deceptive ads
How may the government regulate true commercial speech that inherently risks deception?
It may be prohibited
May the government prevent professionals from advertising/practicing under a trade name?
Yes (TX prohibited Sight for Sore Eyes)
May the government prohibit attorney solicitation of clients for profit?
Yes - but only in-person solicitation
May the government prohibit accountants from in-person solicitation of clients for profit?
what is the standard for regulating commercial speech?
Does government regulation of commercial speech need to be narrowly tailored or use the least restrictive alternative?
Narrowly tailored? Yes; Least restrictive alternative? No
How can a public official
candidate for public office
How can a private figure recover for damages for defamation regarding a matter of public concern?
Only by proving falsity and negligence by the defendant; presumed (e.g.
How can a private figure recover for damages for defamation NOT regarding a matter of public concern?
P can recover presumed/punitive damages without showing of actual malice
May the government create liability for the truthful reporting of information that was lawfully obtained from the government?
If the media broadcasts a tape of an illegally intercepted call
is liability allowed?
May the government limit is dissemination of information to protect privacy?
When is there a first amendment right to attend government proceedings?
Criminal trials and most pre-trial criminal proceedings
Does the First Amendment protect the speech of government employees on the job in performance of their duties?
What places are available for speech?
Public forums (sidewalks/parks) - government constitutionally required to make available for speech; limited public forums (government property that the government could close to speech but chooses to open to speech); non-public forums (government properties that the government constitutionally can/does close to speech)
In public forums
how may regulations avoid strict scrutiny?
Does government regulation of speech in public forums need to use the least restrictive alternative?
May city officials have discretion to set permit fees for public demonstrations?
No - too great a danger that fee will vary based on content/viewpoint
What is a limited public forum?
Government property that the government could close to speech but chooses to open to speech.
What is a school campus on weekends?
A limited public form
How may speech be regulated in a limited public forum?
Same as public forum
When can government regulate speech in a non-public forum?
So long as regulation is reasonable and viewpoint neutral?
What are examples of nonpublic forums?
Military bases (even parts open to public)
What speech may government prohibit in airports?
Solicitation of money
What is the First Amendment right to access private property for speech purposes?
None (but CA constitution has that right)
What kind of right is freedom of association?
Fundamental right
What is the standard for laws prohibiting or punishing group membership?
Strict scrutiny
To punish membership in a group
it must be proven that the person:
What is the standard for laws that require disclosure of group membership
where such disclosure would chill association?
When are anti-discrimination laws (laws that prohibit a group from discriminating) unconstitutional?
Only when they interfere with intimate association (small dinner party) or expressive activity (Klan can exclude blacks; Nazi party can exclude Jews; Boy Scouts can exclude gays)
What are the two constitutional clauses dealing with freedom of religion?
General exercise clause
When can the free exercise clause NOT be used to challenge a law that affects exercise of religion?
When the law is a neutral law of general applicability
May the government deny benefits to individuals who quit their jobs for religious reasons?
What is the test for the establishment clause?
A law is unconstitutional if it fails any one of these (SEX): there must be a secular purpose for the law
What is the standard for government discrimination against religion speech or among religions?
Strict scrunity - religious speech = protected speech; among religions = establish clause
Government sponsored religious activity in public school is…
not allowed
Are student-delivered prayers before high school football games allowed?
Is a moment of silent prayer allowed?
Is a moment of silent reflection allowed?
What protections do religious student/community groups have in schools?
They must have the same access to school facilities as non-religious groups
When may the government give aid to parochial schools?
So long as it is not used for religious instruction
May the government give vouchers for parents to use them in parochial schools?
Can federal government action violate the equal protection clause?
When can conduct by a private individual violate the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment?
Only when the private individual was (i) performing exclusively public functions or (ii) took actions with significant state involvement
A complete ban on truthful advertisement of a lawful product is probably...
Unconstitutionally because it is overbroad/not narrowly tailored.
What is the standard for regulations of commercial speech that concerns a lawful activity and is not misleading or fraudulent?
The regulation will be valid if it (i) serves a substantial government interest
May Congress regulate the wages and salaries of private/state/municipal employees
and if so
Which branch has power to dispose of all property belonging to the federal government?
Are charitable solicitations of funds in residential areas protected by the First Amendment?
Yes - so municipal ordinance prohibiting door-to-door solicitation by charities that don't use at least 75% of funds for charitable purpose is unconstitutional
May the government limit contributions by one person to a specific campaign? To a lobbying firm?
Yes; no - the latter doesn't satisfy sufficiently important interest to outweigh the restraints it puts on First Amendment freedoms of speech/association
Four justiciability doctrines
Standing mootness ripeness political question
What is standing?
The issue of whether the plaintiff is the proper party to bring a matter to court for adjudication
What are the four requirements for standing:
P has been injured or imminently will be injured
What must P show for standing if P seeks injunctive/declaratory relief?
A likelihood of future harm
'Best standing'
P has personally suffered monetary loss
What is the problem if there is no redressability?
If a favorable court ruling would have no effect it would be an impermissible advisory opinion
Third party standing - exceptions
P must meet other standing requirements
Can father sue on behalf of daughter
if he doesn't have legal custody
When may P sue 'as a taxpayer'?
ONLY to challenge government spending (of MONEY) pursuant to federal statutes as violating the Establishment Clause (RELIGION)
When may P sue 'as a citizen'?
What Establishment Clause spending won't be a basis for taxpayer standing?
Spending from general expenditures (rather than fed statutes)
What is ripeness?
The question of whether a federal court may grant preenforcement review of a statute or regulation.
When should I look for ripeness
What criteria do courts consider in deciding ripeness questions?
Hardship that will be suffered without preenforcement review
What is mootness?
If events after the filing of a lawsuit end P's injury
What are the exceptions to mootness?
Wrong capable of repetition but evading review
What case exemplifies wrong capable of repetition but evading review?
Roe v. Wade
How does mootness work in class-action context?
If named P's claim becomes moot
What are the nonjusticiable political qs?
'Republican form of government' clause (Art. 4
What's wrong with Vietnam war lawsuits saying President didn't have to declare war?
They're nonjusticiable because they challenge the President's conduct of foreign policy
Which cases must come to Supreme Court by writ of certiorari?
All state court cases
What does a writ of certiorari mean?
Discretionary review
Which cases must the Supreme Court hear on appeal?
Decisions of three-judge federal district courts (available only for some specific statutes) - appeals heard DIRECTLY by U.S. supreme Court
Which court(s) have original/exclusive jurisdiction?
Suits between state governments
What is the final judgment rule?
Supreme Court may hear only after there has been a final judgment of the highest state court
The final judgment rule means there's no ___ appeal
For the Supreme Court to review a state court decision
there must not be …
When can the Supreme Court review a state court decision?
When there is no independent and adequate state law ground of decision
What is the principle of sovereign immunity?
The 11A bars suits against state in federal court (unless exception)
May federal courts (or state courts) hear suits against state governments?
When may states be sued - AKA
when does sovereign immunity not apply? (4)
When may state officers be sued?
For injunctive relief
When may state officers NOT be sued?
If the state treasury will wind up paying retroactive damages
How do you get around sovereign immunity?
Sue state officers for injunctive relief or money damages to be paid out of their own pockets (and don't name the state!)
What does abstention mean in context of constitutional law?
Federal courts may not enjoin pending state proceedings (even though federal court has jx and all justiciability requirements are met)
What does congress need to act?
Express or implied authority
When does Congress have police power?
MILD: When legislating for MILITARY
What does the Necessary and Proper clause allow?
Congress may choose any means not prohibited by the constitution to carry out its authority
What would allow Congress to hold a national bake sale to fund the army and the navy?
The Necessary and Proper clause.
For what purposes may Congress tax and spend?
For the general welfare
When is the general welfare sufficient justification for congressional action?
Only for taxing and spending
What is the commerce clause allow?
Congress may regulate commerce among states
In what three situations may Congress regulate interstate commerce?
Channels of commerce (railroad
What's the challenge with noneconomic activity and commerce clause legislation?
Congress cannot find substantial economic impact based on cumulative
What does the 10A do?
Reserves to the states
What does the 10A keep Congress from doing?
Compelling state legislative or regulatory activity
How may congress induce state government action without violating the 10A?
By putting strings on grants
What does the 10A NOT keep Congress from doing?
Prohibiting harmful commercial activity by state governments
What does § 5
14A allow?
What limits are there on § 5 legislation?
Congress may not create or expand 14A rights. It may only prevent or remedy violations of 14A already recognized by courts; even then laws must be proportional and congruent to remedying the constitutional violation.
What limit exists on Congress' ability to delegate legislative powers?
Legislative and line-item vetoes are…
Why are legislative/line-item vetoes unconstitutional?
They lack bicameralism and presentment
May the President sign/veto only part of a bill?
No; the President must sign/veto the bill in its entirety
When may Congress delegate executive power to itself/its officers?
What is a treaty?
Agreement between U.S. and foreign power that is negotiated by president and ratified by senate
Which controls
treaty or state law?
Which controls
treaty or federal law?
Which controls
treaty or U.S. constitution?
What is an executive agreement?
Agreement between U.S. and foreign power that is effective when signed by the president and head of a foreign nation
What is the difference between a treaty and an executive agreement?
Only treaties require senate ratification
Which controls
executive agreement or state law?
Which controls
executive agreement or federal law
Which controls
executive agreement or constitution?
If someone sues over President's use of troops in foreign country?
Best result
Who must be appointed by the President?
President appoints ambassadors
Who appoints inferior officers?
Congress may vest appointment of inferior officers in President
What is an inferior officer?
One who can be fired by other officers
When may Congress give itself the appointment power?
The President may fire any executive branch officer unless…
Congress by statute limits removal
When may Congress limit removal?
Must be an office where independence from President is desirable (not cabinet officer)
Who may be impeached?
For which offenses may Congress impeach
Does impeachment remove a person from office?
No - a trial in the senate must follow
Who impeaches?
When does the President have absolute immunity?
For civil suits for money damages for anything President do to carry out office while in presidency
When does President not have absolute immunity?
Actions that occurred prior to taking office
What protects presidential papers/conversations?
Executive privilege
When must executive privilege yield?
Other important government interests (e.g.
Who may president pardon?
All accused/convicted of federal crimes
When may president pardon as to state crimes?
Never - only federal
What's the difference re criminal/civil liability re presidential pardon power?
President may pardon only criminal convictions (under federal
What is the Supremacy Clause?
Art. VI - the Constitution and laws
What are the types of preemption?
If federal statute provides that federal law is exclusive in the field
May states set stricter environmental standards than federal law?
What does inter-governmental immunity prohibit?
It prohibits states from taxing or regulating federal government activity
Can a state tax a store operated by a federal government on an army base?
No; this is prohibited by inter-governmental immunity
Must the federal government comply with state anti-pollution laws?
What is the dormant commerce clause?
The principle that state and local laws are unconstitutional if they place an undue burden on interstate commerce
What are the two applications of the Commerce Clause?
Authority of Commerce to Act
What is the negative implications of the commerce clause?
The dormant commerce clause
What is the Privileges and Immunities Clause of Art. IV
Art IV - no state may deprive citizens of other states of the privileges and immunities it accords its own citizens
Which constitutional provision is an anti-discrimination provision protecting out-of-staters?
Privileges & Immunities clause of Art IV
The Privileges and Immunities Clause of 14A is always the wrong answer
unless the question involves…
What does the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the 14A protect?
Freedom of travel
How to analyze a law that doesn't discriminate among states?
If the law burdens interstate commerce
When does a state/local law NOT violate the Dormant Commerce Clause
if it discriminates against out of staters and burdens interstate commerce?
What does the market participant exception allow?
A state/local government may favor its own citizens in receiving benefits from government programs or in dealing with government-owned businesses
What are the two situations that illustrate the market-participant exception?
In-state tuition preferences by PUBLIC universities
When does a state/local law NOT violate the Privileges and Immunities Clause of Art. IV
if it discriminates against out-of-staters with regard to their ability to earn a livelihood?
If a state/local government discriminates against out-of-staters
and challenger is corporation or alien
How may states use their tax systems to help in-state businesses?
Not at all
When may state tax activities?
If there is a substantial nexus to the state
How is state taxation of interstate business limited?
It must be fairly apportioned (e.g.
What does Full Faith and Credit require?
State/federal courts in one state must give full faith and credit to judgments of courts in another state
Re individual liberties
need the president of Austin College comply with the First Amendment?
Re individual liberties
need a local officer comply with the constitution?
How may Congress apply constitutional norms to private conduct?
By statute - 13A - Congress may prohibit private race discrimination; the commerce power can be used to apply constitutional norms to private conduct
Can discrimination violate the 13A?
No - only federal laws adopted under 13A (only slavery violates the 13A)
Best grounds for Congress to use to adopt laws prohibiting race discrimination in housing?
13A could work
14A § 5 can regulate only…
public action
In what situations must private conduct comply with the Constitution?
Public function (private entity performing a task traditionally/exclusively done by government - e.g.
Does the public function exception apply to private utilities (e.g.
must the utility provide due process before cutting off service)?
In what seven main situations does the entanglement exception apply?
Government cannot enforce racially restrictive covenants
When does the Court seem most willing to apply entanglement exception?
When race discrimination is found
How does Bill of Rights apply to state/local governments?
Through its incorporation into the due process clause of the 14A.
In what cases does the Bill of Rights not apply to state and local governments (because these rights are less fundamental)?
Second Amendment right to bear arms
Rational basis test
Rationally related for a legitimate conceivable government purpose / burden on challenger / no least restrictive alternative analysis
Intermediate scrutiny
Substantially related to an important
Strict scrutiny
Necessary to a compelling
What is a substantive due process question?
Whether the government has sufficient justification for taking away rights
What is an equal protection clause question?
Whether government's different treatment of people is adequately justified
What is a procedural due process question?
Whether the government followed sufficient process in taking away life liberty or property
Due process violation analysis:
Has there been a deprivation of life
When does a deprivation of liberty occur?
If there is a loss of a significant freedom provided by the Constitution or a statute
Is harm to reputation a violation of liberty?
Do prisoners have liberty interests?
How do we consider whether a person has a property interest?
Whether there is an entitlement = a reasonable expectation of continued receipt of a benefit
What is the rights/privileges distinction?
A red herring - it is always wrong to distinguish
What kind of government act is required for due process violation?
When can an officer be held liable for due process violation
in an emergency case?
Does the government have a duty to protect people from privately inflicted harms?
When does the government have a duty to provide protection?
Only if government literally creates the danger
How to determine proper procedure?
Balance the importance of the interest to the individual
What procedure is required for termination of welfare benefits?
Notice and hearing
What procedure is required for termination of social security disability benefits?
Only a post-termination hearing
What procedure is required for a student to be disciplined by a public school?
Notice of the charges and an opportunity to explain
What procedure is required before a student is disciplined through corporal punishment by a public school?
What procedure is required before a parent's custody of a child can be permanently terminated?
Notice and a hearing
What procedure is required for punitive damages?
Instructions to the jury and judicial review
Grossly excessive punitive damages violate…
due process
What procedure is required for an American citizen detained as an enemy combatant?
Due process
What procedure is required for prejudgment attachment?
Except in exigent circumstances (reasonable belief that person would get rid of property before judgment)
What standard of review is used for laws affecting economic rights?
Rational basis review
What are examples of economic rights?
Minimum wages
What does the takings clause allow?
The government may take private property for public use if it provides just compensation?
Analysis for takings?
Is there a taking (possessory/regulatory)
What is a possessory taking?
Government confiscation or physical occupation of property is always a taking
What is a regulatory taking?
Government regulation that leaves no reasonable economically viable use of the property
When are government conditions on development of property a taking?
When the benefit is not roughly proportionate to the burden imposed
May a property owner bring a takings challenge to regulations that existed when the property was acquired?
Is the government's temporarily denying an owner use/development of property a taking?
When is a taking for public use?
So long as the government acts out of the reasonable belief that the taking will benefit the public
How is 'just compensation' measured?
By the loss to the owner in reasonable economic/market terms. The gain to the government is irrelevant.
When does the contracts clause apply to the federal government?
What does the contract clause state?
No state shall impair the obligations of contracts
To which contracts does the contract clause apply?
State or local interference with existing contracts
What is the test for determining whether local/state government interference violates the contracts clause?
Does the legislation substantially impair a party's rights under an existing contract? If so
What is the standard for state/local interference with government contracts?
Strict scrutiny
How does the ex post facto clause apply in civil cases?
It doesn't. An ex post facto law is a law that criminally punishes conduct that was lawfully when it was done or that increases punishment for a crime after it was committed
What is the standard for retroactive civil liability?
Rational basis review
Privacy is…
a fundamental right protected under substantive due process
When may the federal government interfere with the right to privacy?
Only when government can meet strict scrutiny (exception: abortion rights - different standard; homosexual activity/refuse medical care - no articulated standard)
What rights are included in the right to privacy?
Right to marry
May the state create an irrebutable presumption that a married woman's husband is the father of her child
Regulation of abortions: Prior to viability…
The government cannot prohibit abortions
Is a 24-hour waiting period for abortions an undue burden?
Is a requirement that abortions be performed by licensed physicians an undue burden?
Is the prohibition of 'partial birth abortions' an undue burden?
Regulation of abortions: After viability…
States may prohibit abortions unless necessary to protect the public's life/health
Does the government have a duty to subsidize abortions or provide abortions in public hospitals?
Is a requirement of spousal consent/notification and undue burden?
Is a requirement of parental notice/consent for an unmarried minor's abortion and undue burden?
Do competent adults have the right to refuse medical treatment
even if it would be life-saving?
What evidence may a state require that a person wanted treatment terminated before it is ended?
Clear and convincing evidence
May a state prevent family members from terminating treatment for another?
Does the second amendment provide right to possess guns for self-protection?
What is the standard for laws preventing people from moving into a state?
Strict scrutiny
What is the standard for durational residency requirements?
Strict scrutiny
What is the standard for restrictions on foreign travel?
Rational basis review
What is the maximum allowable durational residency requirement?
50 days
Is the right to vote a fundamental right?
Poll taxes must pass…
strict scrutiny
Property requirements to vote…
must meet strict scrutiny (and they won't)
What is the standard for regulations of the electoral process to prevent fraud?
The only need be on balance desirable
One person-one vote must be met for…
all state/local elections
Are at-large elections constitutional?
May race be used in drawing election district lines?
Only if it meets strict scrutiny
Counting uncounted votes without standard in a presidential election violates…
equal protection
The right to education is…
not a fundamental right
How to approach equal protection questions:
What is the classification? What level of scrutiny should be applied? Does this law meet the level of scrutiny?
When does the 14A apply to the federal government?
How is equal protection applied to state and local governments?
How is equal protection applied to federal governments?
What is the standard for classifications based on race/national origin?
Strict scrutiny
How is the existence of a racial classification proven?
Classification exists on the face of the law; if law is facially neutral
Does discriminatory use of peremptory challenges based on race deny equal protection?
What is the standard for racial classifications benefiting minorities?
Strict scrutiny
Numerical set-asides to benefit minorities require…
clear proof of past-discrimination
How can educational institutions use race in admissions tests to help minorities?
As one factor among many
Colleges and universities have a compelling interest in …
a diverse student body
May colleges and universities add points to applicants' admissions scores solely on basis of race?
When may public school systems use race as a factor in assigning students to schools?
Only if strict scrutiny is met - remedy for past discrimination
What is the standard for gender classifications?
Intermediate scrutiny - only if 'an exceedingly persuasive justification'
How is the existence of a gender classification proven?
Classification exists on the face of the law; if law is facially neutral
Are gender classifications benefiting women allowed
if they are based on role stereotypes?
Are gender classifications allowed if they are designed to remedy past discriminations/differences in opportunity?
Is it constitutional to grant survivor benefits to women but not to men?
What is the standard for gender classifications benefiting women?
Intermediate scrutiny
What are alienate classifications?
Laws that discriminate against non-citizens
What standard is used for alien classifications when government discriminates against non-citizens?
Strict scrutiny
When may government discriminate against non-citizens
What standard is used for discrimination against aliens regarding becoming notary?
Strict scrutiny - not related to self-government/democratic process
What standard is used for discrimination against nonmarital children?
Intermediate scrutiny
Are laws that deny a benefit to all non-marital children but grant it to all marital children constitutional
and under what test?
Rational basis review is used for
All other discrimination (age
No equal protection cases have been heard for religion
but the expectation is that that standard would be
Is poverty a suspect class?
No - RBR
Is age a suspect class?
No - RBR
Is sexual orientated a suspect class?
No - RBR
Free speech methodology
Content-based v. content-neutral
Content-based restrictions on speech generally must meet…
Strict scrutiny
What are the two types of content-based laws?
Subject matter restrictions (application of the law depends on the topic of the message)
Content-neutral restrictions on speech generally must meet…
Intermediate scrutiny
What is a prior restraint?
A judicial order or an administrative system that stop speech before it is made
Court orders suppressing speech must meet…
Strict scrutiny
Gag orders on the press to prevent prejudicial pretrial publicity…
are not allowed
Procedurally proper court orders…
must be complied with until they are vacated or overturned
A person who violates a court order is barred…
from later challenging it
When may the government require a license for speech?
Only if there is an important reason for licensing and clear criteria leaving almost no discretion to the licensing authority; licensing schemes must contain procedural safeguards
When is a law unconstitutionally vague?
If a reasonable person cannot tell what speech is prohibited and what is allowed
When is a law unconstitutionally overbroad?
When it regulates substantially more speech than the constitution allows to be regulated
Are laws prohibiting fighting words protected by the First Amendment?
What are fighting words?
Words directed at another that are likely to promote a fighting response
Are fighting words constitutionally protected by the First Amendment?
No <cq>
When can government regulate symbolic speech?
Only if it has an important interest unrelated to suppression of the message and if the impact on communication is no greater necessary to achieve the government's purpose
Is flag burning constitutionally protected speech?
What is symbolic speech?
Conduct that communicates (flag burning
Is draft card burning constitutionally protected speech?
No - the government had an important interest in making sure people had their draft cards…and the impact on communication was no greater than necessary to achieve the government's purpose
Is nude dancing protected speech?
Is burning a cross protected speech?
Are campaign contributions constitutional?
Are campaign expenditure limits constitutional?
Is anonymous speech protected by the First Amendment?
Which speech is unprotected/less protected by the First Amendment?
Incitement of illegal activity
When may the government punish speech related to the incitement of illegal activity
When there is a substantial likelihood of imminent illegal activity and if the speech is directed to causing imminent illegality
What is the test for obscenity /sexually oriented speech?
The material must appeal to the prurient interferes (shameful/morbid interest in sex - healthy interest not OK)(local standard); material must be patently offensive under the law prohibiting obscenity (based on legislative body involved)
How can the government regulate the location of adult bookstores/movie theaters?
Zoning ordinances
Erogenous zoning…
is permissible
How may the government regulate child pornography?
Child pornography may be completely banned
How can the government regulate private possession of obscene material?
It can't - other than child pornography
May the government seize the assets of businesses convicted of obscenity law violations?
Is profane and indecent speech protected by the First Amendment?
How may the government regulate advertising for illegal activity
and false and deceptive ads
How may the government regulate true commercial speech that inherently risks deception?
It may be prohibited
May the government prevent professionals from advertising/practicing under a trade name?
Yes (TX prohibited Sight for Sore Eyes)
May the government prohibit attorney solicitation of clients for profit?
Yes - but only in-person solicitation
May the government prohibit accountants from in-person solicitation of clients for profit?
what is the standard for regulating commercial speech?
Does government regulation of commercial speech need to be narrowly tailored or use the least restrictive alternative?
Narrowly tailored? Yes; Least restrictive alternative? No
How can a public official
candidate for public office
How can a private figure recover for damages for defamation regarding a matter of public concern?
Only by proving falsity and negligence by the defendant; presumed (e.g.
How can a private figure recover for damages for defamation NOT regarding a matter of public concern?
P can recover presumed/punitive damages without showing of actual malice
May the government create liability for the truthful reporting of information that was lawfully obtained from the government?
If the media broadcasts a tape of an illegally intercepted call
is liability allowed?
May the government limit is dissemination of information to protect privacy?
When is there a first amendment right to attend government proceedings?
Criminal trials and most pre-trial criminal proceedings
Does the First Amendment protect the speech of government employees on the job in performance of their duties?
What places are available for speech?
Public forums (sidewalks/parks) - government constitutionally required to make available for speech; limited public forums (government property that the government could close to speech but chooses to open to speech); non-public forums (government properties that the government constitutionally can/does close to speech)
In public forums
how may regulations avoid strict scrutiny?
Does government regulation of speech in public forums need to use the least restrictive alternative?
May city officials have discretion to set permit fees for public demonstrations?
No - too great a danger that fee will vary based on content/viewpoint
What is a limited public forum?
Government property that the government could close to speech but chooses to open to speech.
What is a school campus on weekends?
A limited public form
How may speech be regulated in a limited public forum?
Same as public forum
When can government regulate speech in a non-public forum?
So long as regulation is reasonable and viewpoint neutral?
What are examples of nonpublic forums?
Military bases (even parts open to public)
What speech may government prohibit in airports?
Solicitation of money
What is the First Amendment right to access private property for speech purposes?
None (but CA constitution has that right)
What kind of right is freedom of association?
Fundamental right
What is the standard for laws prohibiting or punishing group membership?
Strict scrutiny
To punish membership in a group
it must be proven that the person:
What is the standard for laws that require disclosure of group membership
where such disclosure would chill association?
When are anti-discrimination laws (laws that prohibit a group from discriminating) unconstitutional?
Only when they interfere with intimate association (small dinner party) or expressive activity (Klan can exclude blacks; Nazi party can exclude Jews; Boy Scouts can exclude gays)
What are the two constitutional clauses dealing with freedom of religion?
General exercise clause
When can the free exercise clause NOT be used to challenge a law that affects exercise of religion?
When the law is a neutral law of general applicability
May the government deny benefits to individuals who quit their jobs for religious reasons?
What is the test for the establishment clause?
A law is unconstitutional if it fails any one of these (SEX): there must be a secular purpose for the law
What is the standard for government discrimination against religion speech or among religions?
Strict scrunity - religious speech = protected speech; among religions = establish clause
Government sponsored religious activity in public school is…
not allowed
Are student-delivered prayers before high school football games allowed?
Is a moment of silent prayer allowed?
Is a moment of silent reflection allowed?
What protections do religious student/community groups have in schools?
They must have the same access to school facilities as non-religious groups
When may the government give aid to parochial schools?
So long as it is not used for religious instruction
May the government give vouchers for parents to use them in parochial schools?
Can federal government action violate the equal protection clause?
When can conduct by a private individual violate the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment?
Only when the private individual was (i) performing exclusively public functions or (ii) took actions with significant state involvement
A complete ban on truthful advertisement of a lawful product is probably...
Unconstitutionally because it is overbroad/not narrowly tailored.
What is the standard for regulations of commercial speech that concerns a lawful activity and is not misleading or fraudulent?
The regulation will be valid if it (i) serves a substantial government interest
May Congress regulate the wages and salaries of private/state/municipal employees
and if so
Which branch has power to dispose of all property belonging to the federal government?
Are charitable solicitations of funds in residential areas protected by the First Amendment?
Yes - so municipal ordinance prohibiting door-to-door solicitation by charities that don't use at least 75% of funds for charitable purpose is unconstitutional
May the government limit contributions by one person to a specific campaign? To a lobbying firm?
Yes; no - the latter doesn't satisfy sufficiently important interest to outweigh the restraints it puts on First Amendment freedoms of speech/association