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86 Cards in this Set

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Order, response to stimuli, reproduce, grow and develope, regulation, homeostasis, energy processing

Properties of life

Dumb King penises carry off ******* giant spiders

Domain kingdom phylum class order family genus species

What are the three domains

Archaea bacteria and Eukarya

Proteins are made up of

Amino acids

Enzyme is a


DNA and RNA are made up of


Cells are classified into

Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Organelles that degrade macromolecules

Perform photosynthesis and cellular respiration

Formula for?


Enzymes catalyze chemical reactions and lower

Activation energy

Where does glycolysis occur


Where does the citric acid cycle and electron Transportation chain occur

The mitochondria

Cell energy is ATP which loses a

Phosphate to release energy

What are the two stages of photosynthesis

The light reaction on the thylakoids, and the Calvin cycle in the stroma

A somatic cell contains two matching sets of chromosomes and it's known as


Sex cells have one set of chromosomes are known as


Matching pairs of chromosomes in a diploid organism are called

Homologous chromosomes

What is a duplicated chromosome called

Sister chromatid

The cell cycle includes

Interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis

The three stages of interphase are

G1, s, G2

Prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase


Meiosis consists of one round of blank and two rounds of blank

1, chromosome duplication 2, nuclear division

Homologous pairs separate in

Meiosis 1 and the cell become haploid

Sister chromosomes separate in

Meiosis 2

Crossing over results in new combinations of

Genes or variations

Independent assortment occurs during

Metaphase 1

homologous chromosomes occur in...a

anaphase 1

Sister chromatids are separated in

Anaphase 2

Monohybrid cross results in a

3:1 phenotypic ratio

Dihybrid cross results

9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio

Alleles refer to

Different variants for the same gene

Incomplete dominance leads

1:2:1 phenotypic ratio

DNA is made up of

Polymers of nucleotides

DNA bases consist of

A t c g

RNA bases are


Transcription leads to

Messenger RNA

The MRNA is transported into the


Transcription takes place in


Translation involve synthesis of

Amino acid using the MRNA

Each amino acid is defined by a three nucleotide sequence called the

Triplet codon

The three steps of polymerase Chain Reaction are

Denaturing, annealing, and extension

Plasmids with foreign DNA inserted into them are called

Recombinant DNA

Restriction enzymes are used to cut the

DNA of the plasmid and the foreign DNA

Dolly the sheep was the result of

Nuclear transfer

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells and can develop

Many different types of cells

Using a virus to get the correct gene into a cell is

Gene therapy

When two species evolve in different directions from a common point is called

Divergent evolution

The sum of all alleles in a population is

Gene pool

The wing of bird and an arm of man are examples of


Mutation is a primary source for

New unique genes

Evolution that occurs as a result of a chance events is called

Genetic drift

Biogeography describes the distribution patterns

Living things around the world

The evolutionary history and relationships among a species or group of species


A branch point in a phylogenetic tree describes a

New lineage implies evolution

When two lineages arise from the same Branch went there called

Sister taxa

Genes for ribosomal RNA are used to determine the relationships between different

Species like Archaea and bacteria

Shared derived traits are important to


Transformation, transduction, and conjugation are the three types of

DNA transfer

DNA comparisons of shown that fungi more closely related

Animals than plants

The vegetative body of a fungus is called

Thallus and can be unicellular or multicellular

The vegetative stage of fungi is made up of mass of thread-like structures called


Fungi produce spores in both

Sexual and asexual reproduction

A cap of cells at the shoot tip or root tip that divide continuously throughout the life of the plant

Apical meristem

Transports water and nutrients

Xylem tissue

Transports sugars proteins and other solutes

Phloem tissue

Stamen, anther, and filament

The male flower parts

Carpel, stigma, style, and ovary

female flower parts

Endosperm tissue serves as a food source for the

Plant embryo

Ectoderm mesoderm and endoderm

Three germ layers, AKA triploblastic

Cnidarians have two distinct body plans

Polyp and Medusa

Evolution significance of amniotic membrane

Less dependence on water and able to survive on dry land

Functional units of the kidneys


Nobody can leave these big bitches alone

Nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli

The concentration of smooth muscles that moves food down the esophagus


For the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is

Small intestine

Capillary exchange of gases occurs in

Lung alveoli from diffusion

The heart has

To atriums and two ventricles

Reverse transcriptase enzymes help in synthesizing

DNA from viral RNA

Cell mediated immune response is controlled by

T cells

Humoral immune response is controlled

B cells

T cells undergo maturation in the

thymus gland

B cells secrete proteins called blank that bind to and inactivate antigens


T cells directly attack

Foreign particles

Semen includes sperm and secretions from

Prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and bulbourethral gland

GnRH causes the release of FSH and LH hormones from

Anterior pituitary

A binds to T or U in RNA, C binds to G
