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78 Cards in this Set

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ectopic pregnancy is

often ampulla, outisde uterus
rf ectopic
pid, std, surgery, smoking
sx ectopic
pain, nausea, bleeding, mass, amenorrhea; sever epain and unstable if rupture
labs ectopic
elevated bhcg but doesn't double
early bleeding in pregnancy
ectopic, abortion, physiologic, uterine/cervical
radio ectopic
ultrasound once 1500, transvaginal, free fluid if rupture
ectopic treatment
methotrexate to abort, surgical excision
ectopic complications
fetal death, material hemorrhage, rh sensitization, maternal death
spotaneous abortion is
less than 20w, often trisomies
later miscarriages due to
cervical incompetence, uterine, hypercoag, drug use
miscarriage rf
old, multip, prior miscarriage, uterine, smoking, alchol, nsaids, cocaine, caffeine, etc
types of miscarriages
threatened, missed, inevitable, incomplete, complete
what to do for missed-inevitable-incomplete
misoprostol and d&c to evacuate the uterus
threatned abortion?
bed rest, closed os, nothing expelled, u/s shows viable fetus
after 20w but no labor
iufd causes
placental/cord fail, infection, congenital abn
iufd sx
no activities, small, no movement, no heart
iufd dx
ultrasound shows no heart activity
iufd rx
oxytocin, misoprostol, prostaglandin, d&e, surgery
iufd complilcations
less than 10th percenitle
iugr types
symetric iugr is
20%, early, TORCH, chromosomes, drugs
asymmetric is
80%, later, poor health, placental insuff, multip
iugr sx
fundal height less than 3cm expected
iugr imaging
measure head, abd, femur; abd goes first, then femur and head
iugr treat
follow with u/s, nutritional, o2, bedrest, delivery if distress with betmethasone
AFI less than 5cm
oligo timing
1st aborts, 2nd renal abnorm, 3rd prom
oligo related sx
iugr, stress, renal, poor health
oligo sx
small fundus
oligo imaging
no fluid pockets more than 2cm, overall afi less than 5
oligo srx
induce delivery, hydration, bed rest
oligo comp
abortion, death, abnormalities in limbs and face from compression
afi more than 25
poly cs
esoph atresia, multi gest, anemia, chromo, maternal diabetes increased urination
poly sx
big fundal height
poly img
us showing pockets greater than 8 cm
poly treat
can do amnioreduction and indomethacin
poly comp
preterm labor, prom, fetal malpres, maternal resp comp
spontaneous amniotic rpture before labor
vag/cerv infection, cerv incomp, poor health, prior prom
prom sx
loss of fluids, pooling in vagina
prom labs
microscopic with ferning, nitrazine blue, can fulture fluid to check for infection
prom radio
u/s to asses fluid volume
prom means what is ci
internal manual exam before introduces infection
prom rx
less than 32w, give prophy steroids and abx, if 34w, check lung maturity, delivery if mature, more than 34, antibodies and delivery
how to check fetal lung mat
lecithin to sphingomyelin ratio more than 2, presence of phosphatidyl glycerol
preterm labor is
earlier than 37w
preterm rf
multip, prom, infection, abruption, smoking, incomp, stress, poor
preterm sx
low back pain, cramping, labor - ctx and cervical change
preterm labs
urine, vag, cerv cultures for infection
preterm img
u/s for afi, age, presentation
preterm treat
less than 34w - expectant hospitalize, tocolytic with mag, terbutaline, nifedipine, betamethasone, amp; more than 34, can expectant and deliver
preterm comp
neonatal complications, respiratory distress
placenta previa is
placenta near os, low/partial/complete
previa rf
multip, old, prior, prior c/s, fibroids, abortion, smoking
CI in previa!
examination@ you'll cause hemorrhage!
common causes of vag bleeding after 20w
previa and abruption
bleeding painful?
painful in abruption, painless in previa although baby freaks out
previs sx
painless third trim vag bleeding like 30w
previa img
u/s to find location
previa rx
if minor, bed rest and rhogam, if bad tocolytics until lung maturity, then caesarian
previa comp
bleeding, iugr, mal pres, prom, previa, death
abruption is
premature separation of placenta from wall; maternal bleeds out
abruption rf
htn, prior, trauma, smoking, cocaine, prom, multip
abruption sx
painful vag bleeding, back, abd, pelvic, pain, increased uterine tone, hypotensive
abruption img
u/s is inconsisnte, can sometimes show separation
abruption rx
bed rest, delivery by caesarian, transfuse
abruption comp
DIC, hemorrhage, death, future risk
more than 1 fetus, common with infertility treatments
monozycotic is
identical, may/not have amnion too
two eggs fertilized, fraternal, separate amnions
multip comp
htn, dm, pree, preterm, malpres, previoua, iugr, trauma, transfusion
multip sx
big fundus, multiple tones
multip img
ultrasound sees two duhh
multip treat
really close following, activity restriction, weekly nst at 36, tocolytics for preterm
can deliver what

only vertex-vertex, otherwise need caesarean