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30 Cards in this Set

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Your Client has the following symptoms: Ateration in bowel patterns (constipation, diarrhea, or both)
Pain (precipitted by eating and relieved by defecation)
and Abdominal distention

What do these symptoms suggest is the problem
Irritable bowel syndrome
Stress plays a big role
What foods would you tell a client with irritable bowel syndrome to eat?
High-fiber diet, containing Grains, cereals, vegetables.
Bowel friendly foods
Name the Risk factors for Colorectal Cancer?
Increasing age
Family histroy of colon cancer, IBD or polyps
Previous colon cancer or adenomatous polyps
High-fat, high-protein (beef), low-fiber diet
genital or breast cancer
Opposite of bowel friendly foods.
How is colorectal cancer detected?
blood testing
barium enema
Name the possible complications of anorectal surgery?
Urinary incontinence and retention
Nursing DX for anorectal surgery patients?
Constipation R/T igoring the urge to defecate because of pain during elimination
Anxiety R/T impending surgery and embarrassment
Acute pain R/T irritation, pressure, and sensitivity in the anorectal area from anorectal disease and sphincter spasms after surgery
Risk for ineffective therapeutic regimen management
What interventions would you use to help relieve Constipation?
Encourage fluids upto 2L water daily
Recommend high-fiber foods
Bulk laxatives (metamucil and stool softeners
Make time for BM's
Heed urge to defecate as quickly as possible
relaxation exercises
administer analgesics before bowel movements
What interventions would you utilize to help relieve Anxiety?
Identify Specific psychosocial needs
Mainain privacy
Remove soiled dressing promptly
use room deodorizers
What interventions would you utilize to relieve pain?
Encourage a comfortable position
Use flotation pads under buttocks
Ice and analgesic ointment may be used
Warm compresses my promote circulation and sooth iritated tissues
Sitz baths 3 to 4 times a day
Topical anesthetics to help relieve local irritation and soreness
What interventions would you utilize to promote voluntary urinary elimination?
Increase fluid intake
Listen to running water
dripping water over urinary meatus
What signs would indicate excessive bleeding?
What actions would you take if bleeding is obvious?
apply direct pressure to area.
Call physician
How does moist heat affect tisues?
Encourages vessel dilation and bleeding.
What are the signs and symptoms of a small bowel obstruction?
Crampy pain that is wavelike and colicky
Passing of blood and mucus
No fecal matter and no flatus
Vomiting occurs
Possible reverse dirction of peristalis and intestinal contents are propelled toward the mouth instead of the rectum
Dehydration is evident (intense thirst, drwosiness, generalized malaise, aching, and parched tongue and mucous membranes
Distended abdomen (the lower theobstruction the more distended the abdomen
What possible symptom may occur if there is a obstruction in the ileum?
Fecal vomiting
If a small bowel obstruction is left uncorrected what will occur?
Hypovolemic shock
List the signs and symptoms of appendicitis?
Vague epigastric or periumbilical pain progresses to right lower quadrant pain.
Low grade fever and nausea and vomiting w/loss of appetite
Local tenderness @McBurney's point when pressure is applied
Rebound tenderness
Possible pain and tenderness in the lumbar region.
Constipation may occur
What signs would you expect ot find if the appendix has ruptured?
The pain becomes more diffuse
Abdominal distention develops as a result of paralytic ileus
Condition worsens.
When a client presents with the signs and symptoms of appendicitis what medication is contraindicated?
Laxatives,(never administer laxatives with fever, nausea, or pain) it may produce perforation.
What is a complication of a perforated appendix. What are the signs and symptoms.
peritonitis or an abscess

Fever, continued, increassed abdominal pain or tenderness.

Perforation occurs in 10% to 32% of appendicitis
higher in young children and elderly
generally occurs 24 hours after onset of pain.
Name the signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis?
LL quadrant abdominal pain
Intermittent tenesmus
Rectal bleeding (mild or severe- pallor is a result)
Anorexia and weight loss
dehydration cramping
urgent need to defecate (10 to 20 liquid stools daily)
hypocalcemia and anemia frequently develop
rebound tenderness may occur in RL quadrant
Extraintestional symptoms include:skin lesions, eye lesions, joint abdnormalities, and liver disease.
List possible complications of Ulcerative Colitis.
Toxic megacolon (symptoms include fever, abdominal pain and distention, vomiting and fatigue.)
Bleeding as a resutl of ulceration
vascular engorgement
highly vascular granulation tissue.
What medical management is required for Toxic megacolon?
nasogastric suction
IV fluids w/electrolytes
What type of surgery is required if patient does not respond to medical management for Toxic megacolon?
Total Colectomy
What die would you recomend for a patient with Ulcerative Colitis?
Oral fluids
Low-residue diet
Supplemental vitamin therapy and iron replacement
List the signs and symptoms of Crohn's disease?
LR quadrant abdominal pain and diarrhea unrelived by defecaton
Abdominal tenderness and spasms
Cramping occurs after meals
Weight loss, malnutrition and secondary anemia
Weeping,swollen intestine (continually empties an irritating discharge into the colon
Chronic diarrhea and nutritional deficits
Inflamed intestine may perforate (leading to intra-abdominal and anal abscesses
Fever and leukocytosis
Joint involvement, (arthritis), skin lesions, conjunctivits, and oral ulcers
List the possible complications of Crohn's Disease
Intestinal obstruction or stricture formation
Perianal disease
Fluid an electrolyte imbalances
Malnutrition from malabsorption
Fistula and abscess formation
Increase risk for colon cancer
What is the treatment for Crohn's Disease?
Reduce inflammation
Suppress inappropriate immune responses
provide rest for diseased bowel
Improve quality of life
prevent or minimizing complications
Use of either Pharmacologic or Surgical treatments.
What is a low-residue diet?
A low residue diet is a diet designed to reduce the frequency and volume of stools while prolonging intestinal transit time. It is similar to a low fiber diet, but typically includes restrictions on foods that increase bowel activity, such as milk and milk products and prune juice. A low residue diet typically contains less than 10-15 grams of fiber per day. Long term use of this diet, with its reduced intake of fruits and vegetables may not provide required amounts of vitamin C, calcium, and folic acid.
What foods are included on a low residue diet.
White bread, refined pasta and cereals, and white rice
Limited servings of canned or well cooked vegetables that do not include skins, seeds, or pulp
Tender, ground, and well cooked meat, fish, and poultry
Milk and yogurt (usually limited to 2 cups per day), mild cheese, cottage cheese
Margarines, butter, vegetable oil, mayo, plain gravies and dressings
Broth and strained soups from allowed foods
Pulp free juices