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30 Cards in this Set

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the method of red blood cell production

what hormones control hematopoesis

negative feed back with kidney and liver


erythropoietic factor - from the liver acting on a specific globulin - stimulates the bone marrow

erythropoiesis what is it stimulated by (encouraged)
stimulated in response to lowered pO2, blood loss, chronic lung disease and exercise
erythropoiesis is decreased in people with? what to treat this with?

kidney disease

treat with epogen

normal range for white blood cells?

4500 to 11,000
normal range for red blood cells?

man - 4.5 million to 6.1 million
what are reticulocytes? percentage should be circulating?

0.5 to 1.5%

if higher this means issue


hormone that is secreted by the kidneys and liver

when falling O2 levels, then kidneys will secrete erythropoietin to increase RBC production

what is rouleaux formation

red blood cells are stacked like a roll of coins instead of being spread out

what might rouleaux formation indicate

inflammation, diabetes, immune dysfunction, infection, cancer, toxicology
high blood cell count - why

environmental changes

cyanotic heart disease

tumor polycythemia vera


hemoglobinopathy - sickle cell and thalassemia


low red blood cell count






poor diet, bone marrow failure

artificial heart valves, chronic illness, rheumatoid arthritis, blood cell cancers

what is hematocrit

percent of blood that consists of red blood cells
what is thalassemia

genetic disorder where hemoglobin is made incorrectly, red blood cells thus decrease in number

increased concentration of hemoglobin in the blood

due to increased red blood cells or decrease plasma volume

what is mean corpuscular volume?

how to calculate

average size of the red blood cell

hematocrit x 10/RBC number

what is mean corpuscular hemoglobin?

how to calculate

mass of hemoglobin inside the red blood cell

hemoglobin x 100 /RBC

mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration

how to calculate

percent of the red blood cell that consists of hemoglobin

can thus either be hyperchromic or hypochromic

MCHC = Hemoglobin x 100/ Hematocrit

red blood cell distribution

amount of variation in red blood cell size, spread out

what is platelet count, range

number of platelets/mm^3 of blood

150,000 to 400,000

what is increase platelet count called


greater than 475,000

what is decreased platelet count called


enlarged spleen

hat is mean platelet volume

volume of platelets

- increased volume means more platelets are being made

-decreased volume means bone marrow malfunction








normal ranges for neutrophils

2500 to 8000
characteristics of neutrophils

-stain pink

-rush to site first when acute inflammation

what does polymorpholeukocytes mean

multiple shaped nuclei - 2 to 5 lobes in a neutrophil
what is neutrophilia

elevated neutrophil count

what is cushing's disease

due to an adenoma in the pituitary gland

causes excess release of ACTH - which causes excess production of stress hormone cortisol