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118 Cards in this Set

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compensation: represents the __ __ __ for __ __ __.

they are either __ or __.

rewards employees receive

performing their job

intrinsic or extrinsic

intrinsic compensation: represents employees __ __ __ that result from __ __ __

it is s__ and a __ __ __ from the work they do

critical psychological states

performing their jobs

satisfaction, sense of accomplishment

extrinsic compensation: includes both __ and __ rewards

monetary and nonmonetary

2 types of base pay: __ __ and __ __

hourly pay and annual salary

base pay adjustments: __ __ __ ___, __ pay, __ pay, __ pay, __-__ pay, and __-__ pay

cost of living adjustments, merit, incentive, seniority, person-focused, skill-based

core compensation consists of __ __ and its __

base pay, adjustments

Base pay is influenced by 4 compensable factors:

an employee's __ __, an employee's __, an employee's __ __ __, the __ of the __ __

skill level, effort, level of responsibility, severity of the working conditions

Cost of living adjustments (COLAs): represent __ base pay __ that are founded on __ in __ as indexed by the __ __ __.

periodic, increases, changes, prices, consumer price index

seniority pay: reward employees with __ additions to base pay according to employees' __ __ __ in __ __ __.

periodic, length of service, performing their jobs

merit pay: assume that employees' __ __ __ should be determined , at least in part, by __ in __ __.

compensation over time, differences, job performance

incentive pay: rewards employees for __ or __ attaining a __ __ __

partially, completely, predetermined work objective

pay for knowledge plans: reward __, __, or __ workers, for successfully learning __ __.

managerial, service, professional, specific curricula

skill-based pay: used mostly for employees who perform __ __ and __ these workers __ as they __ __ __.

physical work, increase, pay, master new skills

2 types of employee benefits: __ __ and __ __ __.

discretionary benefits and legally required benefits

discretionary benefits has 3 broad categories: __ __, __ __-__, and __.

where tax incentive are relevant, companies can reduce their __ __ by __ the __ they spend on __ __

protection programs, paid time-off, and services

taxable profits, deducting, costs, employee benefits

discretionary benefit- protection programs: provide __ __, promote __, and guard against __ __ caused by such catastrophic factors as __, __ or __ __.

family benefits, health, income loss, unemployment, disability, serious illness

discretionary benefits- paid time-off: provides employees with __ for __ when they are __ __.

pay, time, not working

discretionary benefits- services: provides such __ as t__ r__ and __ __ assistance to __ and their __.

enhancements, tuition reimbursement, day care, employees, families

legally required benefits are __ __ that are designed to __ worker __ and __ and maintain __ __. They __ families in __ and provide __ when an employee is __ or __.

protection programs, promote, safety, health, family income, assist, crisis, assistance, disabled, unemployed

Know at least 2 historical events in the evolution of compensation practice leading to the current strategic compensation era.

historical perspective on compensation:

1) many employees instituted so-called __ __ practices to control __ __, as well as __ practices to maintain control over __

scientific management

labor costs



Know at least 2 historical events in the evolution of compensation practice leading to the current strategic compensation era.

historical perspective on compensation:

2) __-__-__ studies analyze the __ it took employees to __ their jobs. These studies literally focused on employees' __ and the __ of the __ __ __ to __ __ in the __ __ __ __.






most efficient steps

complete jobs

least amount of time

4 historical perspectives on compensation: __ __ __, __-__-__ __, __ __, and __ __

scientific management practices, time-and-motion studies, welfare practices, and competitive advantage

Know at least 2 historical events in the evolution of compensation practice leading to the current strategic compensation era.

historical perspective on compensation:

3) __ __ were originated to provide __ and __, i__ or s__, to employees over and above wages paid to discourage __, promote __ __ and enhance __. Some of the examples of benefits under __ __ include use of __ and __ __, e__ assistance, and __ insurance.

welfare practices

comfort and improvement

intellectual or social


effective management


welfare practices

libraries and recreational facilities



Know at least 2 historical events in the evolution of compensation practice leading to the current strategic compensation era.

historical perspective on compensation:

__ __ refers specifically to a __ ability to __ __ __ and __ over a __ period of __ __.

competitive advantage


maintain market share and profitability


several years

2 types of competitive strategy choices: __ __ strategy and __ strategy.

lowest cost strategy and differentiation stratgey

competitive strategy- lowest-cost strategy:

generally used for jobs that include __ and __ behaviors, have a __-__ __, require __ activity, and focus on __ of __.

Example is Ryanair.. they only use one type of aircraft which reduces __ __ and __ __. seating costs and labor costs are minimized because the seats take up minimum room and passengers are asked to carry their luggage,

repetitive and predictive

short-term focus


quantity of output

aircraft training and maintenance costs

competitive strategy- differentiation strategy:

the main emphasis is generally not __ __ __. Employees usually have jobs that require __ __ __, a relatively __-__ __, c__ and i__, and a greater degree of __ __.

increasing employee productivity

highly creative behaviors

long-term focus

cooperation and independence

risk taking

human resource professionals are __ employees because they offer a wide variety of __ __ for __ employees. HR professionals promote the e__ use of all employees in companies. E__ use means __ work objectives that fit with the overall __ of the __.


support services for line employees


effective use means attaining

mission of the company

human resource practices:

R__, S__, P__ A__, T__, C__ D__,

L__-M__ relations, E__ T__, and I__ L__ C__.

recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, training, career development, labor-management relations, employment termination, insuring legal compliance

compensation department's main goals:

Compensation professionals promote __ __ __ by meeting 3 important goals. These goals include i__ c__, m__ c__, and recognizing i__ c__.

effective compensation systems

internal consistency, market competitiveness, and recognizing individual contributions

compensation department's main goals- internal consistency:

internal consistency refers to __ __ that define the r__ v__ of each job among jobs. It represents job __ or __.

According to internal consistency, employees working at jobs that require greater __, more __, and more __ job duties should be __ __.

In order to achieve internal consistency, compensation professionals use job __ and job __.

compensation systems, relative value, structure or hierarchy

qualifications, responsibilities, complex, paid more

job analysis and job evaluation

compensation department's main goals- market competitiveness:

Setting pay __ and __ offerings is essential to r__ and r__ the best employees.

Companies make j__ about what is best based on the __ in companies with whom the compete for __.

They use s__ a__ (understanding who the __ are) and c__ s__ (understanding what competitors __).

pay rates and benefits offerings, recruiting and retaining

judgments, norms, labor

strategic analyses, competitors

compensation surveys, pay

3 main methods of individual contributions:

pay s__, pay g__, and pay r__.

1) pay __: pay rate __ for jobs of __ worth. Pay is determined by employees' c__, job k__, and job p__.

2) pay __: group jobs based on similar c__ f__ and __.

3) pay __: builds on pay __, uses m__, m__ and m__.

pay structures, pay grades, and pay ranges

pay structure: differences, unequal, credentials, knowledge, performance

pay grades: compensable factors and value

pay ranges: grades, midpoints, minimums,and maximums

stakeholders: __ or __ d__ affected by __ __.

individuals or entities directly affected by compensation practices

various stakeholders include: e__, l__ m__, e__, u__, and _._. __

employees, line managers, executives, unions, and u.s govt

unions rely on compensation professionals to abide by their __ __ __.

collective bargaining agreements

stakeholders- employees rely on compensation professionals to develop and implement systematic __ __, inform them of __ and __ links, and offer discretionary benefits that provide: i__ p__, p__ t__ o__, and s__.

training programs, training and pay links, income protection, paid time off, and services

stakeholders- line managers rely on compensation professionals to ensure k__ of r__ l__ to help them make __ __ __, advise for establishing p__ d__, and train them how to properly e__ j__.

knowledge of relevant laws, sound compensation judgments, pay differentials, evaluate jobs

stakeholders- executives rely on compensation professionals to develop and manage __ __ __ and insure the company's practices are l__, sufficiently __ to r__ and r__, and are c__ e__.

sound compensation systems, legal, attractive to recruit and retain, cost effective

stakeholders- unions rely on compensation professionals to

1) abide by their __ __ __.

2) ensure they get their c__ of l__ a__ and __ pay.

collective bargaining agreements

cost of living adjustments and seniority pay

stakeholders- the u.s. govt requires compensation professionals to

1) keep updated and __ with all employment l__.

2) demonstrate that alleged __ pay practices are a business __.

3) demonstrate that alleged __ pay practices are mot __

comply, legislation

discriminatory, necessity

discriminatory, discriminatory

employment laws are essential to maintain a balance of __ between __ and __.

4 Compensation law themes:

i__ continuity, s__ and w__ h__

p__ d__

meeting d__ and f__ n__

prevailing w__ laws

income, safety, work hours

pay discrimination

disabilities, family needs

wage laws

government makeup

levels: __, __, and __.

branches: __, __, and __.

federal, state, and local

executive, legislative, and judicial

government makeup levels:

Federal- oversees the entire __ __ and its __.

State- e__ and e__ laws that pertain exclusively to their respective __.

Local- e__ and e__ laws that are most pertinent to __ __ regions.

united states and its territories

enact and enforce, regions

enact and enforce, smaller geographic

government makeup branches:

executive- __ laws

legislative- __ laws

judicial- __ laws




FLSA of 1938 3 broad issues: __ __, __ __, and __ __ __.

FLSA exempt positions: e__, a__, l__ professional, c__ professional, c__ p__, and o__ s__.

__ pay does not apply to these jobs.

minimum wage, overtime pay, and child labor provisions

executive, administrative, learned, creative, computer positions, outside sales


compensable work activities: w__ time, o__-c__ __, __ and __ periods, __ time, l__, m__ and t__ programs, and __ time

waiting, on-call time, rest and meal periods, sleeping, lectures, meetings, travel time

child labor:

_________ cant work

ages 14 and 15 can work ________

age 16 and 17 have... and cant...

age 14 and younger

3 hours on school nights, 18 hours in school week, and 40 hours in a week when school is out

no hourly restrictions and cant work in hazardous conditions

equal pay act of 1963 broadened ______ and was enforced by _____.

according to this men and woman should receive __ __ for performing __ __.


equal pay, equal work

4 compensable factors: __, __, __ and __ __

skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions

pay differential are not always __. They are __ when payment made due to __ system, __ system, system which measures __ by q__ or __ of production, and factors other than __.


legal, seniority, merit, earnings, quantity, quality, gender

civil rights act of 1964 (title __)

promotes equal employment opportunities for __.

2 types of discrimination: __ __ and __ __.

1)__ __ is __ discrimination

2)__ __ is __ discrimination



disparate treatment and disparate impact



disparate treatment: workers treated unfairly because of __, __, __, __, __ __.

race, color, religion, gender, national origin

disparate impact example:

awarding pay increases to male and female workers based on seniority when female had less seniority


lilly ledbetter fair pay act: pay discrimination charge must simply be __ with __ __ of __ __.

filed, 180 days, discriminatory paycheck

Age discrimination in employment act of 1967:

protect workers age __ and older from __ discrimination. Eliminated minimum __ __.

40, age

retirement age

Civil rights act of 1991 shifts burden of __ __ to __

disparate impact, employees

family and medical leave act of 1993:

job protection during __ and __ emergencies.

guarantees __ __.

employee return with same or similar p__, p__, c__ and b__,

family and medical

unpaid leave

position, pay, conditions, and benefits

employee retirement income security act of 1974: regulates the implementation of various employee __ __, including m__, l__, d__, and p__.

benefits programs

medical, life, disability, and pension

COBRA 1985: provide employees opportunity to continue receiving __-__ __ __ insurance temporarily if their coverage otherwise ceases die to- t__, l__ or other changes in __ __.

employers exempt: companies with __ than __ workers, c__ p__, and _._. __ __.

employer- sponsored medical care

termination, layoff, employment status

fewer, 20, church plans, and u.s. govt plans

federal employees not protected by _______, _____, and ____

title 7 of the civil rights act, ADEA, and equal pay act

decline in union representation: since 1954 the percentage of __ __ in both the __ and __ sectors represented by __ has steadily __.

civilian workers, public and private, unions, declined

seniority pay: employees become more __ __ __.

rationale based on the __ __ theory.

designed to award job __, time designed __, avoids perception of __, poor fit with most c__ s__

valuable over time

human capital

tenure, increases, favoritism, competitive strategies

collective bargaining designed to n__ l__ c__ and provide g__ p__,

led to j__ c__ u__, c__ b__ a__, and u__ s__

negotiate labor contracts and provide grievance procedures

job control unionism, collective bargaining agreements, and union shops

longevity pay rewards employees who have reached __ __ maximums and are not likely to move into higher __. Used by most __ employees.

subject to longevity pay via the __ __.

pay grade, grades

general schedule

merit pay plans: pay increases based on __, motivate __ __, help retain __ __.

based on o__ and s__ indicators of job __, p__ performance reviews, and r__ and a__ standards.

performance, future performance, valued employees

objective and subjective, performance, periodic, realistic and attainable

4 performance appraisal plans: __ systems, __ systems, __ systems, and __-__ systems

trait, comparison, behavioral, goal-oriented

PA plans- trait systems: ask raters to __ each employees __ or __.

comparison systems: evaluate a given employee's __ against the __ of other __.

evaluate, traits or characteristics

performance, performance, enmployees

PA plans- behavioral systems: rate employees on the extent to which they display __ __ __ __.

goal-oriented systems: used mainly for __ and __ employees and typically evaluate employees' __ toward strategic planning o__.

successful job performance behaviors

managerial, professional, progress, objectives

trait system characteristics: __ of work, __ of work, d__, c__, i__, j__, l__ r__, d__-m__ a__, and c__.

quality, quantity, dependability, cooperation, initiative, judgement, leadership responsibility, decision-making ability, and creativity

performance appraisal practices

1) conduct a j__ a__

2) incorporate r__ into r__

3) trains __ on use

4) impelment formal a__ p__

job analysis

results, ratings


appeals process

sources of performance appraisal information:

e__, s__, c__, s__, c__/c__

employee, supervisor, coworker, subordinate, and customer/client

360 degree PA: uses __ __ __ appraisal source.

Reduces ___ and __ costs

appropriate for __ __ __.

more than one

recruiting and hiring

work team evaluations

major 4 types of rater errors: __ errors, __ errors, errors of __ __, and errors of __ or __.

bias, contrast, central tendency, leniency, strictness

bias errors happen when rater evaluates employee based on a __ or __ opinion of the employee rather than on the employee's __ __.

positive or negative

actual performance

contrast errors take place when rater compares the employee to other employees rather than to a __ __ __.

problem: what if the best employee is __?

specific performance standards


errors of central tendency occur when a supervisor rates all employees as __. Usually only occurs when only __ __ require __.


extreme behaviors, documentation

with a leniency error, managers rate employees performance more __ than they would rate them using __ __.

With strictness error, supervisors rate employees performance __ than they would using __ __.

higher, objective criteria

lower, objective criteria

link between pay and performance:

link __ to business __, analyze __, ___, establish effective __, empower __, and differentiate among p__.

appraisals, goals






limitations of merit pay programs: failure to d__ among p__, poor m__, s__ biases, poor c__, undesirable s__ s__, using n__ factors, undesirable c__, and little m__ v__.

differentiate, performers, measures, supervisor, communication, social structures, non merit, competition, motivational value

companies usually institute incentive pay programs to control __ costs or to __ employee __.

Compensation fluctuates according to: a p__ formula, __ or __ goals, and __ earnings.

adds to __ pay, controls __, and __ employees

payroll, motivate, productivity

predetermined, individual or group, company

base, costs, motivates

effective incentive pay systems are based on 3 assumptions:

1) __ employees and __ teams differ in how much they __ to the __.

2) the company's overall __ depends on its __.

3) To a__, r__, and m__ high performers and to be __ to all employees, a company needs to __ employees on the basis of their __ __.

individual, work, contribute, company

performance, employees

attract, retain, and motivate, fair, reward, relative performance

traditional pay:

traditional pay generally includes an __ __ or __ __ which is increased periodically on a __ or __ basis.

annual salary or hourly wage

seniority or merit

merit increases are __ increases to base pay. incentive pay does not add __ __ to base pay.


recurring amounts

3 incentive pay categories: __, __, and __-__.

individual, group, and company-wide

incentive pay categories:

individual- reward employees whose __ is performed __.

group- promote s__, c__ behavior among employees.

company-wide- tie employees __ to a company's __ over a __ time frame.

work, individually

supportive, collaborative

compensation, performance, short

individual incentive performance measures:

__ and __ of work output, __ sales, w__ s__ record, and __ attendance

quality and quantity, monthly, work safety, work

4 types of individual incentive plans: __ plans, __ __ plans, __ __ plans, and __ plans

piecework, managment incentive, behavioral encouragement, referall

piecework plans: reward workers for every item __ over a __ production standard

management incentive plans: award b__ to m__ when they meet or exceed objectives based on sales , profit, and production.

produced, designated

bonuses, managers

behavioral encouragement plans: employees receive __ for specific __ accomplishments.

Referral plans: employees receive __ for __ of highly qualified __.

payments, behavioral

bonuses, recruitment, employees

individual incentive plan advantages:

helps relate __ to __, promotes equitable d__ of c__, helps retain best __.

disadvantages: may promote i__, unrealistic s__ may hamper employee __, setting standards is __ __.

pay, performance, distribution, compensation, performers

inflexibility, standards, motivation, time consuming

group incentive plans reward employees for their c__ __. Has __ in industry.

Two major types: __ based or __ group and g__ s__.

collective performance, increased

team, small, gain sharing

group incentive performance measures:

__ satisfaction, l__ c__ savings, m__ c__ savings, reduction in a__, and s__ c__ savings

customer, labor cost, materials cost, accidents, services cost

types of teams for team incentive plans:

work (process) teams: organizational units that perform the work of the organization on an __ __.

project teams: group of people assigned to complete a __-__ __.

parallel teams (task forces): employees assigned to work on a __ __ in addition to __ __ __.

ongoing basis

one-time project

specific task, normal work duties

rewards can be allocated in 3 ways:

1) e__ i__ payments

2) differential payments based c__ to g__

3) differential payments according to __ pay.

equal incentive

contribution to goals


gain sharing: incentives based on __ performance in increased p__, increased c__ s__, lower __, and better s__ records.

involves employee __

includes b__

company, productivity, customer service, costs, safety



the 3 components of gain sharing programs are l__ philosophy, e__ i__ systems, and b__.

leadership, employee involvement, bonuses

three most common forms of gain sharing plans are S__ plan, R__ plan and I__.

scanlon, rucker, improshare

gain sharing plan- scanlon plan: emphasis on t__ to reduce costs, production-level employees


gain sharing plan- rucker plan: emphasizes employee __ and provides m__ incentives. Uses a v__-a__ formula to measure p__.

involvement, monetary, value-added, productivity

gain sharing plan- improshare: measure productivity p_ rather than in terms of __ savings. Emphasis on providing employees with an incentive to __ products

bonuses paid __

physically, dollar



adv of group incentives: companies can more easily develop p__ m__ for group plans than __ plans. Greater group c__.

disadv: may lead to higher employee __ because of the f__-r__ effect, members may feel uncomfortable with the fact other members' performance influences their __ __

performance measures, individual


turnover, free-rider, compensation level

company-wide incentive plans: rewards employees when __ meets __ __.

2 types: p__ s__ plans and e__ s__ options

company, performance standards

profit sharing plans and employee stock options

company-wide performance measures: __ profits, cost a__, __ share, and __ revenue

company, attainment, market, sales

3 distribution methods: e__ p__, proportional payments based on __ salary, and proportional payments based on __ to profits

equal payments



incentive pay considerations:

based on __ or __ performance?

acceptable level of __?

replace __ pay?

performance __ evaluated?

appropriate t__ h__.

individual or group




time horizon

person-focused plans: rewards employees for acquiring j__-r__ competencies, k__, and s__.

2 main types: p__-__-k__ and s__-b__ pay

job-related, knowledge, and skills

pay-for-knowledge and skill-based pay

competency-based pay programs

pay-for-knowledge: reward managerial, service, or professional workers for successfully __ specific __.

skills based: used mostly for employees who do __ work, increases pay as they __ __ __.

learning, curricula

physical, master new skills

horizontal skills: skills at the same __ of r__ or d__.

vertical skills: skills that are traditionally considered s__

depth of skills: level of e__ or s__ an employee possesses

level of responsibility or difficulty


expertise or specialization

reasons for adopting person-focused pay programs: removes e__ label, connects pay to j__-r__ a__, jobs require new and different worker __.


job-related abilities


person focused pay program models:

s__ step, skill b__, j__-p__ accrual, and cross-d__.

stair, block, job-point, departmental

stair step model: jobs from same job f__

differ in c__



skill block model: same family, employees expected to progress to increasingly c__ jobs, skills may not __ on one another.



job-point accrual model: d__ job families, created organizational f__, points assigned to various __.




cross-departmental model: develop skills usable in __ __

other departments

job-based pay: compensated employees for c__ jobs

pay limits set for each __

evaluations based on job d__ and o__



descriptions and pbjectives

adv to person focused pay to employees:

can provide job e__, provides job s__, jobs more i__ motivating, increases employee f__

enrichment, security, intrinsically, flexibility

job characteristic theory: employees are motivated to perform jobs that contain: s__ v__, t__ i__, a__, and f__.

skill variety, task identity, autonomy, and feedback