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207 Cards in this Set

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Integumentary System
skin and its derivatives (hair, scales, horns)
Integumentary System Functions
protection, sensory, respiration, temperature regulation, electrolyte balance, food storage, nourishment for young, locomotion
Epidermis Layers
stratum corneum
stratum lucidum
stratum granulosum
stratum germinativum
a continuous layer of epithelial cells
Epidermis nutrition
-has no blood vessels
-dependent on underlying dermis for nutrition
-process seen in amniotes
-includes flattening, loss of nuclei, thickening of the cell membrane, cells die and are sloughed off at times (called desquamation)
Dermis Layers
papillary layer
fibrous reticular region
subcutaneous layer
Fibrous Reticular Region
Other Name
Corium - because the "skin" (leather) is made from this layer
Dermis Contents
-small blood vessels
-nerve endings
-sweat glands
-sebaceous glands
-pigment cells
Dermis Composition
collagen and elastin fibers in a gel-like matrix

-panniculus adiposus: fatty tissue
-panniculus carnosus: muscle tissue
Dermis Composition
collagen and elastin fibers in a gel-like matrix

-panniculus adiposus: fatty tissue
-panniculus carnosus: muscle tissue
Epidermal Derivatives
thickened epidermis covering the jaws
Epidermal Derivatives
Epidermal Scales
embryological outpushing of epidermis containing a small papilla of mesodermal tissue, connected by narrow zones of uncornified epidermis
Epidermal Derivatives
a derivatives of the stratum corneum
Epidermal Derivatives
-do not cover the body
-lie in tracts called pterylae
-featherless areas are apteria
Epidermal Derivatives
-down (plumules)
-contour feathers (flight feathers)
Contour Feathers
-divided into remiges (wings) and retrices (tail)
-larger and made of several components
Contour Feather Components
inserts into the skin
Contour Feather Components
Shaft (rachis)
main support bean for feather
Contour Feather Components
a small secondary feather located near the plume base of some feathers
Contour Feather Components
the small lines that extend from the shaft to make the vane of the feather
Contour Feather Components
smaller hook-like offshoots from the barb that holds barbs together
Contour Feather Components
the area in the skin from which the feather grows
Contour Feather Components
the collection of barbs that provide a wind resistant surface for flight
Epidermal Derivatives
strictly mammalian, purely epidermal in origin
Epidermal Derivatives
-downy coat of hair on a fetus
-lost just before or just after birth
Parts of Hair
above skin
Parts of Hair
within skin
Parts of Hair
Hair Follicle
pit sunk in dermis
Parts of Hair
hollow structure surrounding dermal papilla
Parts of Hair
Dermal Papilla
contains connective tissue, blood vessels
Cross-Section of Hair
outside, it is a pattern of scales
Cross-Section of Hair
layer inside cuticle
Cross-Section of Hair
inner layer, pigment is usually found there
Epidermal Derivatives
Claws, Nails, Hooves
highly keratinized structures at tips of digits in amniotes
Epidermal Derivatives
Claws, Nails, Hooves
the harder upper portion of a nail or claw
Epidermal Derivatives
Claws, Nails, Hooves
the softer under portion of a nail or claw
Epidermal Derivatives
Horns, Horn-like Structures, Antlers
True Horn
-never shed, made of a bony core and an epidermal sheath
Epidermal Derivatives
Horns, Horn-like Structures, Antlers
-found in the pronghorn, which is not an antelope
-a true horn whose bony core is never shed, but the epidermal sheath is shed
Epidermal Derivatives
Horns, Horn-like Structures, Antlers
Giraffe Horn
bony core is covered by living skin
Epidermal Derivatives
Horns, Horn-like Structures, Antlers
-bony core grows anew each year
-velvet is the skin
Epidermal Derivatives
Horns, Horn-like Structures, Antlers
-agglutinated hair-like filaments
-always grows
-never shed
Skin Glands
mucous and poison glands
Skin Glands
granular glands (poison) and mucous glands
Skin Glands
preen glands, but not much else
Skin Glands
Sebaceous Glands
-lanolin, used as a base for cosmetics, comes from sebaceous secretions of sheep
Skin Glands
Sweat Glands
cool the body
Skin Glands
Mammary Glands
produce milk for babies
Other Cornified Structures of the Skin
whales that filter plankton (krill)
Other Cornified Structures of the Skin
on tails of rattlesnakes
Other Cornified Structures of the Skin
some birds, such as chickens
Where was dermis first present?
as bony scales or plates in Ostracoderms
How did dermis evolve?
gradual trend toward reduction of dermal bone and development of fibrous, leathery dermis
Dermal Scales
Cosmoid Scale
-primative bony scale made of several layers
Dermal Scales
Cosmoid Scale Layers
top: single enamel layer
second: cosmine layer
third: spongy bone
fourth: lamellar bone
Dermal Scales
Cosmoid Scale Layer: Cosmine Layer
-type of dentine
-has branching canals
What do the first two layers of the Cosmoid Scale lead to?
evolution of teeth
Dermal Scales
Ganoid Scale
-most primative of extant forms
-several shiny, hard layers of ganoine are present
-found in gars
Dermal Scales
Cycloid and Ctenoid Scales
-Cteni = teeth
-found in most teleosts
-consists of thin layers of bone imbedded in dermis and covered by a layer of epidermis
Dermal Scales
Placoid Scale
-found in Chondrichthyes
-homologous to the vertebrate tooth
-inner layer of hard, mesodermal dentine
-outer layer is a epidermal enamel layer forming a "spine"
Skeletal System
Primary Function
biomechanics - provides motion and support
Skeletal System
Secondary Functions
-protection of internal organs
-mineral homeostasis
-hemapoiesis (production of blood cells)
Tissue Components
from endoderm
Tissue Components
Connective Tissue, Cartilage, Bone
formed from mesodermal mesenchyme
-proteinaceous fiber synthesized by fibroblasts
-bundles form framework for connective tissue and network on which minerals are deposited for bone and cartilage
Loose Connective Tissue
-small branching reticular fibers and collagen fibers
-makes up framework for organs
-binds muscle fibers together
-holds muscle to skin
Dense Connective Tissue
-collagen fibers and elastin fibers
-makes up tendons and ligaments
-muscle to bone attachment
-long parallel bundles
-bone to bone attachment
-a less regular arrangement of collagen fibers
-formed within a matrix of collagen fibers
-living cells lie in lacunae
-chondrocytes are derived from chondroblasts
-chondrocytes lay down the intercellular matrix of sulfonated mucopolysaccharides
hyaline cartilage
found at articular surfaces of bones at the joints
intervertebral discs, attachment of ligaments to bones
elastic cartilage
pinnae of ear
calcified cartilage
jaws of sharks
evolutionary trend
reduction in the amount of cartilage and specialization of whats left
made of hydroxyapatite crystals with intercellular matrix deposited by osteoblast cells
trapped in the lacunae
connected by lacunae
Spongy Bone
probide strength at areas of greatest stress
Spongy Bone
yellow-much adipose tissue
red- highly vascularized, hemopoietic tissues
Bone Development (Ossification)
aggregation of mesenchymal cells that differentiate into muscle, bone, or cartilage depending on the stimulus
Bone Development (Ossification)
Membrane Bone
-bone formed directly from membranous blastema with no cartilage precursor

example-lower jaw, parts of the skul, vertebrae of salamanders and caecilians
Bone Development (Ossification)
Membrane Bone
Dermal Bone
histologically membrane bone which is ontologically derived from the dermis
Bone Development (Ossification)
Membrane Bone
Endochondral Bone
-bone formed where hyaline cartilage already exists
Long Bones
-Endochondral Bone
-the shaft is is diaphysis
-periosteal bone grows outside the diaphysis
where two bones meet
Joint types
-movable joints
Joint Types
-joint capsule - encloses the cavity around the joint
-synovial fluid - lubricates the joint and nourishes the cartilage
-synovial membrane - line the capsule
Joint Types
sutures, such as in the skull
Joint Types
fusions, also found in the skull
Heterotopic Bones
Sesamoid Bones
found at friction points, fibrous connective tissue
True Heterotopic Bones
-just embedded in tissue
example: baculum (penis bone found in some mammals), os clitoridus (female homology of baculum)
developed in dermal skin, no precartilage
usuallly preformed in cartilage, deeper lying
visceral skeleton
branchial (pharyngeal) skeleton and derivatives such as ear ossicles, jaws, hyoid, and visceral arches
somatic skeleton
remaining internal skeletal structures
axial skeleton
-postpharyngeal axial: vertebrae, ribs, trunk, and tail

-cranial: skull (part visceral, part dermal, part somatic)
appendicular skeleton
limb girdles and limbs
(free appendages)
Function of the Postpharyngeal Axial Skeleton
1) compression struct in fishes - movement
2) suspension of body mass and transfer of weight to girdles an appendages; in tetrapods, protection of visceral organs and spinal cord and rigid support; lung ventilation in amniotes
What does the shape of the centrum reflect?
the nature of movement between adjacent centra and the amount of support the vertebral column must provide
articular surfaces between vertebrae
Vertebral Development
-in connective tissue, septa between myotomes (embryonic muscle segments)

-from mesenchyme of schlerotome origins

-arches form first as cartilagenous plates
Vertebral Development
centra form by:
-chondrification (cartilagenous fishes)

-ossification of cells that invade the notochord (most amniotes)

-perichondrial deposition (bony fishes)
Evolution of Axial Skeletal System
-for motion and buoyancy

-vertebral column -->
-resists compression of body
-converts contractions of longitudinal muscles into lateral undulations
Fishes use what type of locomotion?
(figure in notes)
-anguilliform (eel-like) locomotion: like skating\

using alternating waves of contraction
depends on tail shape
Heteroceral - sharks, heavy-bodied fishes without lungs or air bladders

Homocercal - most other fishes
Evolution of Axial Skeletal System
axial skeleton is a support beam to resist bending in the vertical plane (belly doesn't drag)
(ancestral amphibians, a step up from Rhipidistian Crossopterygians) have:
rachitomous vertebrae, including an intercentrum and a pair of pleurocentra
Rachitomous vertebrae evolved into several other forms:
-stereospondylous vertebrae
-embolomerous vertebrae
-amniote vertebrae
Stereospondylous Vertebrae
intercentrum enlarged and became the sole component of the centrum; pleurocentrum disappeared
Embolomerous Vertebrae
found in a sideline of labyrinthodont evolution; pleurocentra enlarge and fuse to the enlarged intercentrum
Amniote Vertebrae
pleurocentra enlarged greatly; intercentrum greatly reduced or completely lost
Amphibian vertebrae show the beginnings of regional specialization
1) single cervial vertebra (like Necturus)

2) trunk vertebrae

3) single sacral vertebra which articulates with the pelvic girdle

4) caudal vertebrae
Frog specialization
shortened vertebral column

urostyle - fused caudal vertebrae
Evolution of Axial Skeletal System
1)intercentrum completely lost; centrum enlarged and composed of fused pleurocentra

2) more cervical vertebrae including atlas and axis (lizard head movement)

3)at least 2 sacral vertebrae

4)caudal vertebrae variable
Evolution of Axial Skeletal System
Reptiles Ribs
-costal cartilages found in the septa between muscle segment become ossified, usuallly only in the thoracic region

-gastralia: abdominal ribs found in the ventral abdominal wall of some reptiles
Evolution of Axial Skeletal System
Modifications primarily for flight and bipedal walking
Evolution of Axial Skeletal System
Birds (5 changes)
1)long, flexible neck (heterocoelous vertebrae)
2)trunk - acts as a fulcrum
3)synsacrum - fused trunk and sacral vertebrae
4) 6-7 caudal vertebrae movable, but last 4-7 are fused into a pygostyle
5) sternum has a large keel for flight muscle attachment
Evolution of Axial Skeletal System
1) most have 7 cervical vertebrae, atlas and axis are highly specialized
2)trunk region - subdivided
3)sacral region - 3 or more fused vertebrae to form the sacrum
4) caudal - vertebrae vary greatly in number
Evolution of Axial Skeletal System
Trunk Subdivision
thoracic - 12-15 vertebrae, bear ribs

lumbar region - 4-7 vertebrae, have pleuropophysis (the rib component of the transverse process)
Evolution of Axial Skeletal System
Specialized Caudal Vertebrae
coccyx - modified caudal vertebrae in humans
Appendicular Skeleton
skeletal elements supporting paired appendages and girdles
Origin of the Appendicular Skeleton
there was no appendicular skeleton in Ostracoderms or in modern agnathans
Origin of the Appendicular Skeleton Theories 1
modified gills - girdles come from gill arches
Origin of the Appendicular Skeleton Theories 2
fin-fold theory - continuous lateral folds on each side of trunk (such as metapleural folds in Amphioxus)
(most acceptable theory, based in part on Hox genes)
Origin of the Appendicular Skeleton Theories 3
spine fin theory - spiny sharks with rows of lateral fins supported by spines
Evolutionary Development of Appendicular Skeleton
a group of Placoderms with pectoral spines associated with pectoral fins

1) had dermal plates comparable to dermal elements of pectoral girdle

2)Scapulocoracoid cartilage
Scapulocoracoid cartilage
a U-shaped girdle of one piece, serves as attachment surface for pectoral fins, and is the endoskeletal portion of the pectoral girdle
Evolutionary Development of Appendicular Skeleton
Fossil Sharks
had broad based fins supported by cartilageous pterygiophores
Evolutionary Development of Appendicular Skeleton
Modern Sharks
- narrow based fins

-reduction in the number of pterygiophores (basal pterygiophores: 3 in front -pectoral, 2 in back - pelvic)

-radial pterygiophores extend outward from basal ones
Evolutionary Development of Appendicular Skeleton
Acanthodians ("spiny sharks")
-had rows of lateral fins supported by a large spine at the anterior edge of each fin, crude pectoral girdle associated with first spine
Evolutionary Development of Appendicular Skeleton
"modern ray-finned fishes"
-narrow based fins
-proximally, 3 basal pterygiophores
-distally, bony fin rays (lepidotrichia - evolved from rows of bony scales)
-pectoral girdle
-pelvic girdle is a small cartilagenous rod
pectoral girdle
endoskeleton portion small, usually not ossified

dermal portion large:
-cleithrum large, scapulocoracoid attaches to it
-clavicle small
-post-temporal bone anchors pectoral girdle to back of skull
pelvic girdle
small cartilagenous rod does not articulate with the vertebral column because the body is supported by water, not limbs
Evolutionary Development of Appendicular Skeleton
have jointed limbs which support body weight and articulate to allow rotation
Evolutionary Development of
Appendicular Skeleton
early Labyrinthodonts
(See Figure)
(primative amphibians) show the three distinct segments in the Chiropterygium (hand wing or fin)
Evolutionary Development of Appendicular Skeleton
Labyrinthodonts Pectoral Girdle
-dermal portion reduced

-cleithrum and clavicle still present

-post-temporal gone (head can move independently)

-endoskeleton portion enlarged, scapulocoracoid ossified as a single element
Evolutionary Development of Appendicular Skeleton
Labyrinthodonts Pelvic Girdle
-generally enlarged

-ilium: extended dorsally, articulated with sacral rib

-pubis and ischium: ventrally expanded

-pubic symphysis: strengthened the girdle
Requirements to shift from Crossopterygian girdles and limbs to Labyrinthodont girdles and limbs
-loss of elements connecting pectoral girdle to skull

-expansion of scapulocoracoid

-expansion of pelvic girdle and attachment to vertebral column
Evolutionary Development of Appendicular Skeleton
Trends in Modern Vertebrate
Limbs of Modern Amphibians and Reptiles
more slender

reduction in number of tarsals and carpals
Evolutionary Development of Appendicular Skeleton
Trends in Modern Vertebrate
Girdles in Modern Amphibians and Reptiles 1
-endoskeletal pectoral: distinct scapula and anterior coracoid

-dermal portion of the pectoral - more reduction

-clavicle and interclavicle present, cleithrum gone
Evolutionary Development of Appendicular Skeleton
Trends in Modern Vertebrate
Girdles in Modern Amphibians and Reptiles 2
pelvic girdle - puboischiadic fenestra between pubis and ischium (reptiles)

pubic regions do not ossify in amphibians
Pterosaur wings
skin membrane supported by an elongated fourth phalange
Bat wings
skin membrane supported by greatly elongated 2, 3, 4, and 5th phalanges
Bird wings
arm and modified hand with feathers

han consists of three modified digits, two distinct carpals remain, and other carpals and metacarpals have fused to form the carpometacarpus
Pectoral Girdle of Birds
-scapula reduced

-clavicles and interclavicle fuse to form furculum (wishbone)

-greatly enlarged keel on sternum for attachment of flight muscles

-anterior coracoid remains
Pelvic Girdle of Birds
-pubis is rotated in a caudal direction

-all bones are firmly fused

-ilium greatly elongated and fused with synsacrum

-midventral pelvic symphysis gone, enlarging pelvic canal (for eggs)
First to show?
therapsids first show rotation under the body of limbs
Mammals Ventral Musculature
reduced in importance
Mammals Dorsal Musculature
more important for swinging legs and bracing legs at girdles; therefore, dorsal portions of girdles are expanded and vental portions are reduced
Evolution of Mammals Pectoral Girdle 1
anterior coracoid gone

posterior coracoid in synapsids reduced to coarcoid process in mammals, where is articulates with the humerus near the glenoid cavity of the scapula
Evolution of Mammals Pectoral Girdle 2
cleithrum gone

interclavicles gone in all but the Monotremes

clavicle reduced or completely lost in many forms (large in humans, but small in most others)
Evolution of Mammals Pelvic Girdle
pubis and ischium reduced

all elements firmly fused (ilium, ischium, and pubis to form the innominate bone)

epipubic bones in monotremes and marsupials are present to provide support for the pouch (marsupium)
Evolution of Mammals Limbs
-long bones become longer
-radius is main support in the forearm
-tibia is main support in the shin
-carpals and tarsals reduced in number
-feet and hands point forward instead of outward, digits more equal in length
Viceral Skeleton
-skeleton of the pharyngeal arches, gill arches and their derivatives

-mesenchyme origin is from ectoderm rather than mesoderm
Basic Gill Skeleton
agnathans - branchial basket

jawed fishes - several jointed bars along the walls of the pharynx forming arches between gill slits
first two gill arches are specialized as:
1) the mandibular arch (jaw)

2)the hyoid arch (supports the tongue)
Shark Skull
1) Meckel's cartilage and palatoquadrate cartilage articulate with each other and with the ventral portion of the hyomandibula

2)dorsal portion of hyomandibula is connected to the otic capsule of the cranium by ligaments
Jaw Suspension
jaws braced against the hyomandibula, hyomandibula braced against otic capsule of the brain case

ex. elasmobranchs and most actinopterygians
Jaw Suspension
jaws and hyoid arch both braced against brain case

ex. some primitive sharks
Jaw Suspension
hyomandibula not involved in supporting jaw at all, upper portion of jaw (palatoquadrate) fused or attached immovably to braincase

ex. lungfishes, chimera, all tetrapods
What changed with aquisition of terriestrial modes of life?
first and second specialized arches and following gill arches changed dramatically
Metamorphosed amphibians and amniotes have completely lost functional gills, but gill arches are still present as:
1) support for the tetrapod tongue

2) form special structures at the entrance to the lungs
Fate of Gill Arches in Tetrapods
ensheathed by dermal bone, part becomes primary palate and part becomes ossified as the quadrate bone (hinge of the jaw in amphibians reptiles and birds)
What does the palatoquadrate become in mammals?
one of the ear ossicles called the incus
Fate of Gill Arches in Tetrapods
Meckel's Cartilage 1
may remain as cartilage in crocodilian and turtle mandibles
Fate of Gill Arches in Tetrapods
Meckel's Cartilage 2
becomes invested by dermal bones (several), gradually reduced in number leaving only the dentary

-posterior end ossifies as articular cone in amphibians, reptiles, and birds

-ossifies as the middle ear bone (malleus) in mammals
Fate of Gill Arches in Tetrapods
-no longer involved in bracing jaw against brain case, so is lost (lungfishes) or modified (everybody else)
Fate of Gill Arches in Tetrapods
Hyomandibula in Amphibians
-lost articulation with palatoquadrate (now quadrate) and has become attached to new tympanic membrane ("eardrum")

-also abuts the otic capsule, surrounded by first pharyngeal pouch to become middle ear and first ear ossicle (columella, also called stapes in mammals)
The rest of the hyoid arch is incorporated into the tetrapod hyoid apparatus
body (corpus) - derived from the basihyal of the original hyoid arch and the basibranchial cartilages of gill arch 3 (and sometimes 4)
Entoglossal Bone
in lizards, a greatly extended process from the body reaching into the tongue
Horns (cornua)
ceratohyal cartilage of original hyoid arch (anterior pair) and 3rd and 4th arches (caudal pairs)
-amphibians and reptiles have several horns
-birds have one pair
-mammals have two pairs
Hyoid Apparatus functions to :
-anchor the tongue
-provide attachment for larynx muscles
-assist in lower jaw movement
-provide attachment of muscles for swallowing
Laryngeal Skeleton
cricoid cartilage - from arch V

arytenoid cartilage - from V, supports vocal cords

thyroid cartilage - from IV, maybe V (mammals only)
Primative Visceral Skeleton
associated with feeding and branchial respiration is modified by tetrapods for use in communication

1)transmission of airborne sound (ear bones)
2)attachment of tongue muscles
3)attachment and movement of vocal cords
Cranial Skeleton Components

cartilage precursor, surrounds brain and sense organs
Cranial Skeleton Components
Visceral Skeleton
pharyngeal skeleton or splanchnocranium

skeletal derivatives of gill arches
Cranial Skeleton Components
portion derived from dermal bone, surrounds the other two components
Neurocranium Development
-of mesenchyme (sclerotomal) origin
-orderly process, similar in all vertebraes
--cartilagenous rods and six sense capsules coalesce, followed by centers of ossificaiton turning the structure into bone
Neurocranium Development
parachordal - rods that develop on either side fo the front of the notochord

trabeculae (prechordal) - a pair of rods located near the pituitary gland
Neurocranium Development
Sense Capsules
nasal capsules (olfaction - smell)

orbital cartilages (eyes - vision)

otic capsules (ears - audition)
Occipital Arch
posterior fused arch forming foramen magnum (hole in skull where spinal cord and brain meet)
Chief Centers of Ossification
occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid, otic
dermal bones ensheathing toher parts of head skeleton, consists of 5 groups
Group 1
Dermal Roof bones
-top of skull: frontal parietal, postparietal
-edge of upper jaw: maxilla, premaxilla
-circumorbital: lacrimal, prefrontal, postfrontal, jugal
-temporal region: intertemoporal, supratemporal, tabular
-cheek region: squasmosal, quadratojugal
Group 2
Palatal bones
-located in roof of mouth: vomer, pterygoid, palatine, ectopterygoid, epipterygoid (alisphenoid of mammals)
Group 3
Lower Jaw bones:
dentary, splenials, surangular, angular, prearticular
Group 4
under neurocranium
Group 5
Opercular and Gular Bones:
covering branchial arches
Trends in Labyrinthodonts
(similar to crossopterygian ancestors) 1-3
1)increase in snout and jaw length

2)loss of joint near middle of neurocranium

3)many small snout bones fused
Trends in Labyrinthodonts
(similar to crossopterygian ancestors) 4 & 5
4)most of neurocranium ossified

5)opercular and gular bones lost

Trends in Labyrinthodonts
(similar to crossopterygian ancestors) 6
6)visceral skeleton modified
a)autostylic suspensorum at palatoquadrate
b)hyomandibula - now auditory ossicle
c)hyoid arch for tongue support
Trends in Extant Amphibians
1)exceptionally broad and flat skulls

2)dermal bones lost

3)chondrocranium (neurocranium) unossified
Trends in Stem Reptiles
1) skull higher, more narrow

2)external and middle ear moved lower and more caudal

3)temporal rood has no opening (fenestra) =Anapsid
Temporal Fenestra
holes in the temporal region

developed in two main lines in reptilian skull evolution
Temporal Fenestra
-developed in areas of reduced stress where several bones come together

-provide firm attachment for jaw closing musculature

-provide space for into which contracting jaw muscles could bulge
Temporal Fenestra Types
no temporal opening although a notch sometimes occurs at the back of skull

-seen in stem reptiles and chelonians (turtles)
Temporal Fenestra Types
one opening bordered above by postorbital and squamosal, seen in mammal-like reptiles

modified synapsid - opening merges onto braincase and into orbit, modern mammals
Temporal Fenestra Type
two openings separated by the postorbital and squamosal (which join to form a bar)

modified diapsid:
-bar between openings lost, birds
-bar below lower opening lost, lizards
Trends in Birds
-modified diapsid
-numerous dermal bones
-skulls thin, high domed
-large orbits
Trends in Mammals
Changes in cranium associated with changes in sensory organs, brain size, breathing and feeding mechanisms

bones reduced by fusion and loss
Trends in Mammals
Otic Capsule
greatly enlarged as inner ear becomes more complex
Trends in Mammals
Nasal Capsules
expanded, turbinate bones (delicate scrolls or bone supporting olfactory cells) are ossified
Trends in Mammals
Brain Case
completely ossified
Trends in Mammals
Hard Palate/ Soft Palate
secondary palata for separation of food and air passages
Trends in Mammals
Changes in Jaw Musculature
-enlargement of temporal fenestrae
-stronger bite, more precise jaw movement
-dentary articulates directly with the squamosal
Trends in Mammals
Lower Jaw
reduction in number of bones to one, the dentary