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82 Cards in this Set

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CIA Triad is three parts
Confidentiality integrity and availability
the four A's Of Security are
Authorization access control role based access control and rule based access control
what is the only true streaming encryption
What is Diffle Hellman used for
Key exchage in presence of advisary
name 3 hashing algorythims
Why do we use hashing
It protect integrity
Why do we use symetric encryption
it is faster
why do we use asymetric encryption
key distribution
What is a denial of service attack
attack where you block users Ip address so they cannot access services
what is a man in the middle attack
attacker inserts himself in between two points talks on behalf of each enduser and then steals info sent to each user
what is a drive by download attack
attacker gives you something to download and you download it which allows them in
what is clickjacking
one click installs a lot of data on machine
what is a distributed denial of serve attack
attack where each computer is under attackers control and he attacks you with them causing you to block more IP addresses till you cannot reach any outside services
how do you repair DOS attacks
block Ip address and apply patches
what is session hijacking
wait till session is set up and then take session over by lloking at ip address knocking you offline
what is a eavesdropping attack
attack at a open wifi location where user installs software on secure machine and then software opens for him inside secure hub at facility. Like trojan horse
what is password stealing
asking users to reset password then stealing it
what is block sypher
chunks of data stored and broken up and re put together after decryption on the other side a example is email
what is the goal of encryption
cofidentiality integrity nonrepudiation authorization and access
what is a brute force attack
key space is so small all of the possible codes can be ran before time expires
what is ASC II
digit that represents each key on keyboard and converts it to increption
a user connects to a wifi at a hotel with the name of the hotel. What type of attack could he be vulnerable towards
Rogue Access Point
New admin did not lock down the wifi what attack could this cause
A user has slow wifi connection when working at home at the office the wifi is much better what type of attack could she be experiencing
A signal overshaddows our wifi signal with the same name and is used to eavesdrop on wireless communication
Evil Twins
intercepting a blue tooth signal is what type of attack
blue jacking
What are the blue tooth range used
1 meter 10 meter 100meter
capturing signal of bluetooth and using it to access passwords is what type of attack
generally looking for wifi access points is known as what
describing where a network physically is is known as what
attacks star of encryption to crack WEP
Initial vector attack
Turn off the ethernet filter so you can see everyones traffic
packet sniffing
this type of attackrequires user interaction click on a link to excute a script if not this will not work
uses a open port like 80 to deliver vulnerable program code
does one thing we want but in the background downloads software to allow key loggers to hijack user name and password to attacker
wait for a certain time to excute attack a example is when a free trail is over
logic bomb
email born attack to convince you to buy products
monitor your activity and report it back to outside resources
command and control software that take over root software and hide or subvert your control
software you install for free but has advertisments
several machines with rootkits installed
single machine with rootkits installed
keeps trying to guess password until its right
limit number of password attempts
the best way to deal with guessing attacks
test that causes squiggly letters to tell humans from computures
capturing password by using man in the middle attack or blue snarfing
using social media to narrow down what your password might contain then using every synonym of key words to get your password
dictionary attack
going through every combo to get password
brute force attack
sorting by hash value to speed up search to discover hash has every number from 1-9 and tries to figure out every hash
rainbow tables
combining brute force and dictionary attack
hybrid password attack
using math to attack hashing algorhythm
birth day attack
trojan that bypass secuirty controls of system
back door attack
attacker uses vulnerabilities in web based applications weakness to gain access to the comany server because it is from a trusted site
cross site scripting xss
using SQl LDAP injection or XMl injection to attack
command injection
zero day exploit
attack no one has ever seen and therfore cannot defend against
layer 3 device that segregates subnets does not pass layer two traffic makes decisons based on Ip address
makes decisons based on layer 2 address based on mac address
acts on behalf of something else
proxy server
filtering device that enable filtering rule based and can be on any layer and makes decisons on the port
balances workload to keep from one computer getting overwhelmed
load balancer
capturing packets and transmits all data across this port
segregate all network based on layers starting with layer 2 then 3 proxy server and fiewall load balncer
segregate network traffic
rejecting email on incoming transmission
using iron port to rate IP addresses and content so they can be deemed reputable
reputation filtering
getting info and analyzing it from the spam filters
protocal analyizers
what is the difference between host based and network based firewalls
network based only looks at the packet and host based looks at the application
what device uses actively scan and alert and block any activity that is suspicious
NIPS network intrusion prevention systems
which technology is only used for monitoring and capturing data communications on network
Intrusion detection system
what is remote service
work from anywhere cvia authenticated device
What is NAC
Network Access Control looks at network by device unifies endpoint security technology user or system suthentication and network security
DMZ is what
DMZ place in middle where shared service is placed
what are shared services
webserver mail server DNS server
What are the 3 filter zones
untrusted internet semi trusted zone perfectly trusted zone
What is VLAn
layer 2 tool helps segregate machines with implemention switches
What is Sub Net
layer 2 traffic gets separtated from layer three according to subnet mask and IP address grouping
what is Nat
Ip address to internal due to RFC 1918 maps internal to external Ip address
Port Address Translation
map internal private email to external IP address at port level
how many host does a class c Ip address host
What is a class c Ip address
what is a class b Ip address
172.16-172.31.255 holds 65000 IP addresses
What is a class A IP address
10.0.0 16 million addresses
what is the key request for comment document for NAT