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131 Cards in this Set

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The Freshman Seminar is NOT a Computer Class but what?

But a Communications Class.

We use technology tools to do what?

To structure effective communications.

There is no textbook for Communications class so what is mandatory?

Taking notes is mandatory.

What is the most basic form of personal communication?

The handshake

What did handshaking begin as?

As a way to ensure the person you were greeting wasn’t hiding any weapons.

Why do we continue to shake hands today?

In order to convey trust and establish a personal relationship.

What type of judgements do people make within the first 4 seconds of meeting?

About their personal relationships

How are people twice (2x) as likely to remember a name?

If they shake hands in addition to just introducing themselves.

What are the 5 elements of an effective handshake?


Firm, dry grip

Make eye contact

Be personable, smile

Say person’s name

Lasts about 3 seconds

What are the 6 times to shake someone’s hand?

When introduced for the first time

When you run into someone you haven’t seen in a while

To say hello or goodbye

To calm a nervous or volatile situation

When meeting someone of authority

When they extend their hand to you

What are the 9 types of technological communication?



Text Messages



Walkie Talkies

Cell Phones

Land Phones

Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)

Computers (word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software)

What is CBA’s operating system?

It would be Windows 7.

What is the Z:\drive?

Your personal account.

What is the C:\ drive?

The hard drive associated with the local computer

What is the A:\ drive?

The floppy drive

What is the H:\ drive?

It is the shared drive

What is the S:\ drive?

It is read only for students

Where should you not save to?

The C:\ drive.

Where should you save work to?

Your personal account, the Z:\ drive

What 2 ways can you launch programs?

By left clicking on the Start button or by double clicking on a program icon off the main desktop.

The F1 key what?


What are wizards?

Wizards are step-by-step mini programs (applications) or templates.

What do wizards do?

Wizards guide you through a process and simplify your life.

What are the 3 advantages of wizards?

Easy to use

Perform tasks faster

Can customize output with detail

What are some examples of wizards?

Examples of Wizards include: Memo Wizard, Letter Wizard, Envelop Wizard, Web Page Wizard, Resume Wizard, and Fax Wizard, Software Installation Wizard, Photoprint Wizard.

What is the CBA website address?


Ms. O’Connor’s email address is what?


Where do you can locate assignments for your classes?

The Assignments Log

What is better for email?

Plain and simple text.

What is the definition of attachments?

Attachments are separate files that can be sent along with an email.

When to use attachments?

Use attachments to email when including detail.

When writing email what should you be cautious of?

Be cautious with abbreviations and try to use abbreviations that are already common to the English language.

What are smilies?

"email facial expressions"

What do facial expressions help us do?

Understand context and determine good versus bad communication.

What's another longer definition for smilies?

Simple strings of characters in the e-mail text to convey the writer's emotions.

What should users do because it’s not always clear to the recipient by the email address who is the sender.

Include their name in their e-mail messages

True or false is there such thing as a private email?


What is the definition of a FLAME?

In email is a verbal attack in electronic form.

What are the 5 do's of email usage etiquette?

Respond in a timely fashion

Answer question to email directly and conciseRespond to email that is asking for a response.Allow time for people to check their email (out of town, etc.)

Communicate verbally when necessary.

What are the 6 don't's of email usage etiquette?

Use email for emergency communication

Clutter your email with useless informationIgnore email and claim never to have received it.Expect people to receive the email instantaneously.

Hide behind your email.

Rely on confirmation notices that others have received your email.

What are the three keys to effective communication? (Question Form)

What are you communicating?

Who is your audience?

How should you organize and deliver your message

True or false: spelling and grammar check replace the need to proofread?


True or false: the quality of your work is judged by the content as well as the presentation.


Is proofreading a learned skill or is it something you were born with (an innate behavior)

A learned skill

What are two sources of proofreading error?

1) Faulty memory, 2) Inattention/Laziness

Tips for better proofreading include what 6 things?

Slow down when reading

Read out loud

Read more than once

Get help from someone else

Pay particular attention to mistakes you commonly make

Read Backwards

What are you twice as likely to do when you proofread?

Catch other people’s mistakes than your own.

What can the average reader only process accurately in one viewing?

6 letters

What do we tend to read more of when we proofread?

“Shells” the first and last letters of a word and fill in the rest in our mind.

True or false: can cell phones be an effective tool for communication if use properly?


Although policies on cell phone use vary what has increased?

The problems—or distractions—of cell phone technology have only increased.

True or false: cell phones today allow users to do so much more than just three years ago?


What can students can use their cell phones to do?

To write and send text messages, take and send digital photos, and even take and send short digital video clips, in addition to making phone calls.

True or false: nearly all of the uses can become inappropriate and undesirable in school classrooms?


What are the 4 key problems of cell phone use in schools?

Sending friends text messages during class time. Sending or receiving test answers.

Bullying or harassment via unwanted text messaging.

Taking and distributing inappropriate digital photos of students.

The 5 don't's of cell phone etiquette include

Never take a personal call during meetings or class time.

Don’t discuss personal subjects in public.

Keep at least a 10-foot private zone around you.

Never talk in elevators, libraries, museums, restaurants, theaters, dentist or doctor offices, places of worship, auditoriums or other places with posted “no talking” signs.

Don’t’ use loud annoying ring tones or voices.Never make calls while doing other things like shopping, banking and waiting in line (especially driving).

The 5 do's of cell phone etiquette include
Keep communication brief and to the point.

Use an earpiece in high traffic or noisy locations.Identify to callers that you’re on a cell phone.Look for and respect “quiet zones” in public places.

True or false: Copyright rules are the same for printed material as they are for Web material.


Three levels of Copyright permission are what?


Fair Use

Public Domain

What are Fair Use guidelines?

Subjective and tricky

What do Fair Use guidelines protect?

Our right to free speech.
True or false: It is not permissible to use portions or copyrighted material without permission to comment and criticize other people’s work.

False, it is

What is a good resource for beginning internet research?

Search engines

What is the definition of Webfeet?

Is a paper index of websites organized by subject.

Where is Webfeet available for use?

In the CBA library

What are three resources to help Internet research?

Search engines

Indices, like Webfeet

Competitor’s websites

Name some commonly known search engines.

Google.com, Ask.com (Ask Jeeves), Mamma.com, 37.com, Teoma.com, Vivisimo.com, Msn.comDogpile.com, Altavista.com, Infoplease.com, and Metacrawler.com

At some point we will all have to deal with what?

Speaking to groups of people.

Where does the stress come from when it comes to public speaking?

The stress comes from the pressure you put on yourself.

If you do what 2 things you can help avoid it?

1) KNOW your subject and are 2) PREPARED, you can be confident that you will succeed.

Name the first reminder on the Public Speaking Top 10 Reminders and what does it mean?

#1--Speaking in Public is NOT Automatically Stressful

You can conquer your fear by approaching it logically.

Name the second reminder on the Public Speaking Top 10 Reminders and what does it mean?

#2--You Don't have to be Smart or Perfect to Succeed

Just give them something of value.

Name the third reminder on the Public Speaking Top 10 Reminders and what does it mean?

#3--All You Need is Two or Three Main PointsStick to two or three main points – studies show that’s all people can remember anyway.

Name the fourth reminder on the Public Speaking Top 10 Reminders and what does it mean?

#4—Determine the “Right” Purpose for the Task GIVE not GET!

The purpose of public speaking is not for you to get something (good grades, approval, fame, respect, girls, sales, clients, etc.) from your audience. It is to give something useful to your audience (like information).

Name the fifth reminder on the Public Speaking Top 10 Reminders and what does it mean?

#5—Don’t get hung up on being a fancy “Public Speaker”!

Don’t try to be like somebody else. Give yourself permission to be yourself in front of other people.

Name the sixth reminder on the Public Speaking Top 10 Reminders and what does it mean?

#6-- Humility and Humor Can Go a Long Way

Humility and humor, can go a long way to making your talks more enjoyable and entertaining for your audience.

Name the seventh reminder on the Public Speaking Top 10 Reminders and what does it mean?

#7—What’s the worst that could happen to you?! Pass out? Forget everything? Audience throws stuff at me? Everyone leaves? Wise cracks? Heckling? Questions I can’t answer? …all possibly embarrassing – Yes. Anything life threatening – No. All learning experiences…PRICELESS.

Name the eighth reminder on the Public Speaking Top 10 Reminders and what does it mean?

#8—Only worry about what’s in your control: Research and Preparation.

To succeed as a public speaker, you don't have to control the behavior of your audience.

Name the ninth reminder on the Public Speaking Top 10 Reminders and what does it mean?

#9--In General, the More You Prepare, the Worse You Will Do

Know your subject well. Prepare enough to be confident speaking about your subject in public. Do not over-prepare.

Name the tenth reminder on the Public Speaking Top 10 Reminders and what does it mean?

#10--Your Audience Truly is on your side.

Your audience truly wants you to succeed. Most of them are scared to death of public speaking, just like you. This means that most audiences are truly forgiving.

What are the 11 Causes Of Public Speaking Stress?

Thinking that public speaking is inherently stressful (it's not).

Thinking you need to be brilliant or perfect to succeed (you don't).

Trying to impart too much information or cover too many points in a short presentation.

Having the wrong purpose in mind (to get rather than to give/contribute).

Trying to please everyone (this is unrealistic). Trying to emulate other speakers (very difficult) rather than simply being yourself (very easy). Failing to just be human and humble.

Being fearful of potential negative outcomes (they almost never occur and even when they do, you can use them to your advantage).

Trying to control the wrong things (e.g., the behavior of your audience).

Spending too much time over-preparing (instead of developing confidence and trust in your natural ability to succeed).

Thinking your audience will be as critical of your performance as you might be.

What are the 6 Ways to help conquer fear of public speaking?


Go out and speak in public.

Volunteer in class when opportunities come up.Join a local Toastmasters or Forensics (speaking) Group

Join a debate team.

Offer to teach something at your place or worship (CCD)

What is the definition of Prezi?

It is is an online resource for developing visual aids. Like Google slides, this website auto saves your data and can be delivered in person or collaboratively through remote access.

True or false: Prezi is more complicated than Powerpoint, but offers a more professional looking output.


True or false: Prezi can be paid for students and teachers.

False, it is a free website

What is the definition of PowerPoint?
It is software used to develop visual aids to support presentations.

True or false: PowerPoint can develop just presentation slides.

False, it can develope more

Some more things that Powerpoint can develop include what?

On-screen presentations, Presentations on the Web, Overhead transparencies, Paper printouts, 35mm slides, Notes, handouts, and outlines

In Communications class we are focusing on what?

On On-screen presentations, Paper printouts, Notes, handouts and outlines.

How is powerpoint different from word processing?

PowerPoint is different from Word processing because you are not limited by line spaces and can draw freely anywhere on the page.

What can powerpoint combined?

Many different file formats, including Word, Excel, Audio and Visual.

True or false: PowerPoint isn't very flexible and can't incorporate many forms of multimedia.

False, it is very flexible and can incorporate many forms of multimedia.

What does powerpoint allow you to add to your slide show very easily?

It allows you to add enhancements to your slide show very easily.
What do basic enhancements in PowerPoint include?

Transitions and effects

What is the definition of transitions?

It describes how one slide moves to the next

What is the definition of effects?

It describes how the information appears on a slide

What are four ways to begin work in PowerPoint?
Open Existing Presentation

AutoContent Wizard

Design Template

Blank Presentation

What are five ways of looking at information in PowerPoint?

Normal View

Outline View

Slide View

Slide Sorter


Slide Show

True or false: There is only a few different Search Engines for images on the Web.

False, there are many

How many images does Google's Image Search have?

Google's Image Search has more than 425 million images

What is the definition of query?

It is another name for Search

What is the definition of thumbnail?

It is a small preview of the image you are looking at.

Images identified by Search Engines may be protected by what?


True or false: Search Engines cannot grant you any rights to use them for any purpose other than viewing them


What are three websites to where you can search for images?




What does a search engine do for a image search?

A Search Engine analyzes the text on the web page adjacent to the image, the image caption and dozens of other factors to determine the image content.

What do sophisticated tests do?

Sophisticated tests remove duplicates and select the highest quality images for your search results.

Name some common file formats for pictures.

.jpg, .gif, .tif, .bmp

True or false: You can't refine image searches to specify size ranges, color, file types and more by asking for more specific requirements or using an Advanced Search feature in the engine.

False, you can

What is searching for images just as much as an art as a what?

A science

What do types of artwork that can enhance visual presentations include?

Original drawings, clip art and photos/pictures

Images can be enhanced or edited to suit your what?

Individual needs.

Where can clip art be inserted from?

Clip art can be inserted from the clip art gallery or downloaded from the web.

What can clip art be edited like?

Clip art can be edited like an Object or a Photo/Picture

What happens when you ungroup images?

A clipart image separates it into individually drawn shapes.

What happens when you click format object?
It o pens a dialogue box to edit an object like an “ungrouped” clipart

What does the picture toolbar enable you to do?

The Picture Toolbar allows you to edit an inserted clipart or a photo copied from the Web.

What is another term for cut?


Where is the cropping tool found?

The Cropping tool can be found on the Picture Toolbar

What happens when you right-click on an image on the web?

It will open a menu that helps you copy that image.

What does holding down shift (or control) while resizing an image do?

Helps keep the picture in proportion

What is distorting an image?

Distorting an image is when you resize it only horizontally or vertically

What is the key shortcut for copy?


What is the key shortcut for cut?


What does alt+tab do?

It toggles between open programs in Windows

What are the three levels of Copyright permission?


Fair Use

Public Domain

What are the two types of copyrighted images?

Rights-Managed & Royalty-Free

The cost to use Rights-Managed images is based on what two things?

1) the type of publication that is going to be used and 2) the circulation.

What is the definition of circulation?

It is how many people are going to see the image.

True or false: Royalty-Free images are free


True or False: Royalty-Free images charge one set price for their use
