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21 Cards in this Set

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a program that translates a high-level language program into machine code
high-level language that provide a richer set of instrucitons that make programmer's life easier
what does it do
also viewed as:
translating program that translates and executes
statement in sequence

translates and immediately executes statement

also viewd as simulators
standard machine language=
intro. 1996 and swept computer community by storm

why? portability

standard machine language is bytecode

software intpreter called JVM (java virtual machine) takes bytecode program executes it

object-oriented paradigm ex.
set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitute a way of viewing reality

executing statements in sequence until an instruction is encountered that changes this sequencing

deciding which to take, IF

Boolean expression required
Iteration (looping)

repeating action

Boolean expression required
Boolean Expression
sequence of identifiers, separated by compatible operators, that evaluates to true or false

boolean expression can be:
1. boolean variable
2. arithmetic expression followed by a relational operator followed by an arithmetic expression
3. a boolean expression followed by a boolean operator followed by a boolean expression
a location in memory that is referenced by an identifier that contains a data value

thus, a boolean variable is a location in memory that can contain either true or false
strong typing
the requirement that only a value of the proper type can be stored into a variable
data type
a description of the set of values and the basic set of operations that can be applied to values to the typ
data types:
Integer numbers = int
real numbers = double
characters = char
boolean values = boolean
strings = string
the range varies depending upon how many bytes are assigned to represent an integer value

some high-level languages provide several integer types of different size
like integer data type, the range varies depending on the number of bytes assigned to represent a real number.

many high-level languages have two sizes of real numbers

the operations that can be applied to real numbers are the same as those tha can be applied to integer numbers
one byte to represent characters in the ASCII character set

Two bytes to represent characters in the Unicode character set

Applying arithmetic operations to character is not right
consists of two values: true or false

not all high-level languages support boolean
string is a sequence o characters considered as one data value

ex: "this is a string.
containing 17 characters, 1 uppercase letter, 12 lowercase letters, three blanks, a period

operations defined on string vary from language to language
a statement that associates an identifier with a variable, an action, or some other entity within the language that can be given a name so that the programmer can refer to that item by name
assignment statement
an action statement (not a declaration) that says to evaluate the expression on the right-han side of the symbol and store that valuye iunto the place named on the left-hand side
named constant
a location i memory, referenced by and identifier, that contains a data value that cannot be changed