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63 Cards in this Set

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What is contained in the DA2PPC shot?
Distempter, Adenovirus 2, Parvo virus, Parainfluenza, Corona virus
What is contained in the FVRCP shot?
Feline viral rhinotracheitis, Calici virus, Panleukopenia
What are some side effects of vaccines?
Lethargy, fever, v/d, restlessness, pain at injection site or joints, abscesses, swelling, getting the disease.
What is the face sheet?
It's the white form in the animals file that. Vx are listed, as well as surgeries, etc. Wt. is tracked weekly.
What shots do all cats get at school?
Get a feline leukemia test, FVRCP, rabies and 2 fecals.
What things do we do/give to all dogs at school?
Heart worm test (occult & filter), DA2PPC, bordetella, rabies and 2 fecals.
What does SOAP stand for?
Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan
What is in the S part of the SOAP?
The clients complaint, basic observations of the animal (BAR, lethargic, etc.)
What is in the O part of the SOAP?
A full PE, test results (highlighted), how are they eating/drinking/BM/urinating?
What is in the A part of the SOAP?
A diagnosis, and general assessment.
What is in the P part of the SOAP?
What needs to be done - any Vx, tests, or treatments.
What areas are included in the PE?
Integument (skin), Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth & Throat, Lungs sounds, Heart (rate, rhythm, murmurs), Abdoment, Genitals, Rectum, Extremeties, Neck & Back, Neurological, Lymph Nodes
What are normal cat TPRs?
100-102.5*, 110-180bpm, 10-30rpm
What are normal dog TPRs?
100-102.5*, 70-130bp,
What lymph nodes should you be able to palpate?
Mandibular and Popliteal.
What are all 5 of the lymph nodes?
Mandibuliar, Axillary, Prescapular, Popliteal and Inguinal.
What are 6 things to indicate on the integumentary system?
Abnormal hair color, Texture of hair, Alopecia, Hydration, Ectoparasites, Skin lesions.
What are 6 things to indicate regarding the animals general appearance?
Overall appearance (anything not normal), Abnormal gait or pattern, Nutritional state, Temperament, Alertness, Grooming care.
What are 6 things to indicate regarding the animals eyes?
Eyelids (cherry eye, ectropian, entropion), discharge, conjunctive, sclera, cornea, lens
What do you look at when checking their ears?
The pinna (scratches, swelling, hair loss, pain), canal (discharge, redness, swelling, odor), otoscopic exam (ear mites, bacteria, yeast).
What to you check for when examining the mouth and throat?
Jaw alignment, MM (color, CRT, lesions), Teeth (missing, broken, tartar, baby).
What do you check for when examining the neck and back?
Palpate soft tissues for swelling, discomfort; neck movement; palpate spine; check for gross deformities (sway back, kinked tail).
What 5 things should you check when examining the thorax, heart and lungs?
Palpate ribs, auscultation, HR,Pulse, Heart rhythm, Respirations.
When checking the heart check for the following:
Sinus arrhythmia (normal in dogs), Murmurs, Muffled heart sounds & Arrhythmias
What should you note when checking the animals respiration?
Dyspnea, Tachypnea, respiratory sounds and coughing.
What should you examine when looking at the abdomen?
Swelling, growth or pain, check the mammary glands, check for firm masses in the abdomen, & feel for kidneys, intestines and bladder.
Note the following when checking the genitals:
Swelling or discharge from vulva, spay incision, intact or castrated, cryptorchid (testicles not dropped), examine penis for discharge & color, extrude penis.
What should you check for around the perianal area?
Check for fecal mats, hot spots, parasites, anal sacs.
Check the following on their extremities:
Feets (nail, pads, webs), bones, joints (range of motion), muscle mass eveness, any loss of mobility.
What neurological tests should you do?
Righting reflex, Sensory (sight & sound).
What is the standard dose for Vx?
1 ml.
How long does it usually take for a Vx to be effective?
2-4 weeks.
Should you give all animals all Vxs?
No, some don't need certain ones (Lymes, Feline Leukemia)
What are some things that can intefere with a Vx?
The health of the animal, improper handling, maternal antibodies.
When can you start Vx an animal?
At 6 weeks with boosters in 3-4 weeks. Rabies they need to be 16 weeks old.
Where do you give the cats FVRCP Vx?
SQ in the Right distal brachial (shoulder), booster in 3 wks, then 1 year.
Where do you give the Feleuk Vx?
SQ Left distal hind leg, booster in 3 weeks, then 1 yr. Only if test comes back negative.
Where do you give rabies in cats?
SQ Right distal hind leg, booster in 1 year.
Why do you give cats Vx low in the leg?
In case of problems and the need to amputate.
Where to you give DA2PPC Vx?
SQ in Left scruff, booster in 3 weeks, then yearly.
Where do you give Bordetella?
Intranasal, booster in 6 mths.
Where do you give rabies in dogs?
SQ in Right scruff, booster in 1 year.
What do you need to do with the rabies vx?
Write serial # & man. name on Medical chart, record rabies tag #, Write a cert., tap & tag a S-wire to sep. cert., punch & put in med. record, record tag #, date, animal Id and semester in log book.
What does POMR stand for?
Problem Oriented Medical Record
Where do you chart the animals weight?
In the left margin of the medical form.
What do you need to note when palpating the lymph nodes?
The size.
Where are the axillary lymph nodes?
In the armpit - only palpable when enlarged.
Where are the inguinal lymph nodes?
Inside the thigh.
Where are the popliteal lymph nodes?
Caudal thigh behind the stifle.
Where are the prescapular lymph nodes?
In front of the shoulders.
Where are the mandibular lymph nodes?
Under the lower jaw.
What's a normal CRT?
1-3 sec.
When do puppies deciduous teeth erupt?
4-6 weeks.
When do kittens deciduous teeth erupt?
3-6 weeks.
When do dogs permanent teeth erupt?
4-7 months.
When do cats permanent teeth erupt?
3-5 months.
When do adult canine teeth erupt?
about 6 months.
What's a normal puppy pulse?
What's a sinus arrhythmia?
Where the heart rate increases on inspiration & decreases on expiration.
Are sinus arrhythmias normal in cats or dogs?
What are rales?
Abnormal lungs sounds. Crackling-dry, moist-bubbling.
Why don't you vaccinate a sick animal?
The vaccine could be ineffective & you could make the animal even more sick.
What is a concern when vaccinating a cat? What may happen to them?
They could get a vaccine induce fibrosarcoma.