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139 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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The fundamental position is used in discussing
rotation of the upper extremity
First bone in the body to ossify
Connects the clavicle to the humerus
The superior angle of the scapula is aligned with what vertebrae? And the inferior?
T2, T7
The SC joint is a ______ shaped synovial joint
The AC joint is a ______ synovial joint
Stabilizes the AC joint and prevents upward displacement of the humeral head
Coracoclavicular ligament
Composed of the trapezoid and conoid ligaments
CC ligament
The coracoclavicular ligament covers the ____________ muscle and may be involved in _____________ syndrome
supraspinatus, impingement
Separated shoulder injury is associated with which shoulder joint?
acromioclavicular joint
The GH joint is a ___________ joint
multiaxial ball and socket
These ligaments act as static restraints of the GH joint to prevent excessive anterior translation
superior, middle and inferior GH ligaments
RTC muscles
teres minor

The RTC muscles insert into the ____ joint capsule
If static stability of the GH joint is compromised, the asynchronous firing of the RTC muscles may cause
subacromial impingement
Degrees of elevation at the GH joint (abd,flx)
Degrees of elevation at the scapulothoracic articulation
During the first 90 degs of shoulder abd, the clavicle elevates __________ degrees at the ____ joint
35-45, SC
Ratio of scapular to humeral motion
Full scapular upward rotation requires ______ degrees of __________
45-50, clavicular backward rotation
The GH joint is protected anteriorly by the ______ muscle
The _______ and _______ muscles stabilize the GH joint posteriorly
infraspinatus and teres minor
Primary cause of crutch palsy
compression of the radial nerve
Winging of the scapula may be caused by injury to what nerve?
long thoracic
Most frequently fractured sites of the humerus
surgical neck
The __________________ ligament provides lateral stability to the radiohumeral joint
radial collateral (LCL)
The ___________________ ligament stabilizes the ulnohumeral joint
ulnar collateral (MCL)
The superior radioulnar joint is stabilized by the ___________ ligament
Stabilizes the elbow during pushing movement
interosseous membrane
Resists distal displacement of the radius during pulling movements
oblique cord
Flexes the elbow and stabilizes sup/pron durins STRONG RESISTANCE
Flexes the elbow with forearm supination and when lifting loads of >2 lbs
Biceps brachii
Main elbow flexor muscle
________ is the main elbow extensor, with _________ providing stabilization for supination/pronation
Triceps, Anconeus
The ______ and ___________ facilitate elbow extension in closed chain movements
Pec major, anterior deltoid
The biceps performs supination when the elbow is
flexed 90 degrees
Occlusion or laceration of the brachial artery can result in associated ischemia of the deep flexor muscles of the forearm, causing a
Volkmann;s ischemic contracture permanently shortening the involved muscles
A fall in an outstretched hand (FOOSH) is commonly associated with what type of fracture?
Colles fx
CTS is caused by compression of the _________ nerve under the __________________________
median, flexor retinaculum
Most commonly fractured carpal bone, poor vascularity
The mid carpal joints are stabilized by
dorsal and palmar ligaments
The intercarpal joints are stabilized by
dorsal, palmar and interosseous ligaments
Most active muscle in grasping
3 muscles that provide wrist dynamic stability
Major wrist flexors
FCR (main), FCU
A supracondylar fx of the elbow can cause damage to the _____________ in the cubital fossa
radial artery
Women are more prone to hip fracture than men due to
postmenopausal osteoporosis
This ligament resists extension at the hip joint
Iliofemoral "Y" ligament
The pubofemoral ligament resists
The ischiofemoral ligament resists
extension and IR
Normal degrees of anteversion
Excessive anteversion will position the LE in
Excessive retroversion will position the LE in
Main hip flexor
Primary hip extensors
gluteus maximus
Primary hip abductors
gluteus medius
gluteus minimus
Primary hip adductors
Adductor magnus, brevis and magnus
Primary hip internal rotators
Anterior fibers of gluteus medius and minimus
Primary hip external rotators
Obturator externus
Quadratus femoris
Largest nerve in the body
Entrapment of the sciatic nerve at the buttock area
piriformis syndrome
Located in the femoral triangle, provides chief blood supply to the lower limb
femoral artery
Largest sesamoid bone in the body
The tibiofemoral joint is a _________ joint
modified hinge
Ligaments that provide static knee stability
Stabilize the knee in the anterior-posterior and rotational planes of mvmt. and remain taut during knee ROM
cruciate ligaments
Tendon support for the patellofemoral joint
Quads tendon superiorly
Vastus medialis and lateralis tendons
ITB laterally
The ________ meniscus is most commonly torn
Why is healing of the menisci limited?
Reduced circulation, poor vascularity
rupture of this ligament can occur with a lateral blow to the knee and is commonly associated with rupture of the _____ meniscus and tearing of the ______ ligament
MCL, medial, ACL
Strongest knee ligament
Most commonly injured knee ligament, taut during knee ext
Muscle that resists lateral displacement of the patella out of the trochlear groove during CC activities
Poor VMO activation or tightness of the ITB can lead to
patellofemoral syndrome
The most stress from the Quads on the ACL occurs
from 45 to 0 degrees of extension
Internally rotates the tibia and retract the medial meniscus
Externally rotates the tibia
biceps femoris
Can occur from severe tibial torsion during a skiing accident
spiral fx of the tibia
Tibial fxs can take up to ________ to heal due to its poor blood supply
6 months
Talus articulates with
tibia, fibula, navicular bones and calcaneus
Largest bone of the foot and first to ossify
Articulates with the cuboid anteriorly
Peroneus brevis tendon inserts into
the 5th metatarsal tuberosity
The distal tibiofibular joint is a ______________ joint that is stabilized by the _____________ ligaments

inferior transverse, interosseous, anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligaments
Trimalleolar fx includes fxs in
both malleoli and inferior tibia
The talocrural joint is a ____________________ joint formed by the
single uniaxial modified hinge joint

tibia, fibula and talus
Ligaments that support the talocrural joint
deltoid, calcaneofibular, anterior and posterior talofibular
Most frequently injured major articulation in the body
ankle joint
Most common injury of the ankle
inversion sprain to the lateral ligaments
The subtalar joint is formed by
the talus and calcaneus
Ligaments that support the subtalar joint
Medial and lateral collateral
Posterior and lateral talocalcaneal
Interosseous talocalcaneal
Midfoot joints
intercuneiform joints
The calcaneocuboid joint is a ______________ joint
The talonavicular joint is a _____________ joint
ball and socket
Ligaments supporting the calcaneocuboid and talonavicular joints
dorsal talonavicular
The joints between the cuneiforms and the cuboid and navicular bones are
plane synovial
The TMT and IMT joints are
plane synovial
The MTP joints are
condyloid synovial joints
Open chain pronation consists of
eversion, dorsiflexion and abduction of the calcaneus
Closed chain pronation consists of
eversion, plantarflexion and adduction of the talus on the calcaneus
This joint allows for tibial rotation during the gait cycle
Ligament that supports the lateral longitudinal arch of the foot
long plantar ligament
Essential to palpate this pulse to r/o possible intermittent claudication
dorsalis pedis
The medial arch of the foot is statically supported by the
calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament
Cervical vertebra that does not have a spinous process
Vertebra prominens
From ___ down, the bodies of the vertebrae become increasingly larger to support the body weight
Compression of the anterior body of the vertebra can cause a _______________, in which a triangular fragment is split from the vertebral body anteriorly.
teardrop fx
The facet joints are ___________ joints
plane synovial
Ligament that covers and connects the anterior aspects of the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs
anterior longitudinal
The ___________-connects the laminae of adjacent vertebral arches
ligamenta flava
The broad-band anterior longitudinal ligament prevents ____________ and supports _______________
hyperextension, the discs
The narrower, weaker posterior ligament of the spine prevents _________________
hyperflexion and posterior protrusion of the nucleus pulposus
These ligaments provide structural support to the L spine and connect the sacrum and ilium to the L spine
Iliolumbar ligaments
Dysfunction of the SI joint may influence the structure and function of the _____________ vertebrae
L4, 5
The back intermediate muscles are
respiratory muscles
The deep layer of the intrinsic back muscles is composed of
splenius cervicis and capitis
3 vertical columns of the erector spinae
iliocostalis (lateral)
longissimus (intermediate)
spinalis (medial)
Known as the transversospinal muscles, they are the deep layer of the back intrinsic muscles
semispinalis, multifidus and rotatores
The ___________________ muscles are commonly involved in back strain injuries
erector spinae
The thyroid cartilage is located at the level of
The hyoid bone lies superior to the thyroid cartilage at the level of
Absence of a carotid pulse indicates
cardiac arrest
The vertebral arteries branch off from the ______________ and ascend vertically through the transverse foramina of the cervical vertebrae into the brain at the level of the __________________
subclavian artery

foramen magnum
These muscles elevate the mandible for the biting movement
Temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid
Mandibular depression occurs primarily by
Mastication and sensory nerve for the head.
Trigeminal V
The crest of the ilium is at the level of
The xiphoid process is at the level of
The PSIS is at the level of
The type I red oxidative muscle fibers are ______ twitch fibers
The type II white glycolytic muscle fibers are _____ twitch fibers
Fibers are larger and are used for activities that require speed, strength and power
Fast twitch, type II
Anaerobic fibers
Type II, fast twitch
Fibers that contract slowly and allow for endurance activities, aerobic
Type I, slow twitch
Type II fibers are more common in _________ muscles
Normal step width in adults
2-4 inches
An indolent wound is related to a
venous insufficiency ulcer
Can cause HIV to progress to full-blown AIDS
reduction in T cells (<250) and a high viral load