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229 Cards in this Set

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47 pmh of htn - ED for left-sided chest pain that began while snorting cocaine 1 hour ago BP 170 over 90 101 18 98 % takes alprazolam to calm his nerves which of the following meds is contraindicated


75- ED with syncope, a&o and in retrospect describes occasional external cp, sob w/ exertion, 110/80, bibasilar rales- which ausculatory finding would exp this?

A harsh systolic murmur crescendo decrescendo best hears over the right sternal boarder

ECG findings indicative of severe hyper k+ in pt with a paced rhythm include?

QRS widening

Failure to capture

Sine wave QRS morphology

AMI in a paced rhythm?

Can be detected by increased st-segment in a pattern of exaggerated discordance

Cp & 190/105, denies drug use/etoh/tobacco. PE=track marks. Best Tx for BP?


What BP med is used in pregs with htn emergency?


Which medication should be considered if atropine fails in bradycardia?

Dopamine/epi- beta agonist

Common sxs of afib?


Dabigatran increases what bleeding risk

Gi bleeding

59 pmh dm &ami, 5 days ago argued with husband. CC: CP. 1st ecg negative for ischemic changes, trops mildly elevated. Next step?

Serial ECGs and ck-mb

Left cp & sob x 1hr, 85/45, 105, 94%ra. ECG: Next step?

Percutaneous angioplasty

Oh in CCU x 24hrs develops mobitz 1 (2nd°type1 wenckebach), BP remains stable. Next step?

Arrange for a pacemaker

Hypertensive emergency

Uncontrolled BP that is life threatening.

58 w/ aortic dissection BP 180/120

Admit dizziness, heart monitor=afib w/ rvr mngd with beta blocker, 2Decho= left atrial enlargement. Stable now. Management?

Continuous rate control plus prolonged anticoagulation

Syncope after dinner, +loc 1 minute, rpt CP & Sob pt a. Ecg=?

Mobitz 2 (2nd° type 2)

Chest pressure center of chest, 130/70, 76, 98%, asa+nitro


Acute inferior MI

Placing a magnet on a pacemaker does

Switched the pacemaker in asynchronous mode

3days severe heavy CP this am radiating to left shoulder, cp post walk 20 minutes, better with rest, cp at rest this AM. vss. Dx?

Unstable angina

Acute CP x 45min ECG= inferior stemi 2:1 av block, increased jvp, cta lungs, no murmur. Which tx is a NoNo?


Appears apprehensive, sudden onset CP radiates to jaw, 205/110, 90, 20,97%. Diastolic murmur r sternal boarder, cxr= widening mediastinum. Next test?

Ct scan

Chf at a picnic- increased SOB, 185/90, 101, 85%, rales, increased JVP & ble edema. Tx?


Dyspnea, palpitations, hypotension, cool/diaphoretic, bilateral crackles, chest pain. ECG narrow complex irregular Rhythm rate 140 s next step?

Synchronized cardioversion

In patient with moderate pretest probability DVT which of the following is not the diagnostic test

Moderate sensitivity D-dimer

What is the order of ECG changes in an MI?

Hyperacute t-wave, ST segment elevation, Q wave

Syncope during basketball systolic ejection murmur left sternal border and Apex ECG left ventricular hypertrophy and left atrial hypertrophy septal Q wave valsalva makes the murmur?

Louder increased murmur

Acep clinical policy on asymptomatic hypertension. Which patient gets labs in the Ed

Homeless no insurance

Decompensated CHF Home Med Lasix 40 what medication should you give?

60 mg IV Lasix

68 pmh mi/chf- is comfortable at rest, walking to the car= increased sob. What is the nyha class of heart failure?

Class 3

Sudden onset left side CP with mild SOB woke up with persistent pain increased with inspiration 2 weeks ago 7-hour flight with left-sided calf pain and swelling. ECG changes?

Tachycardia or

nonspecific St- T wave changes

Suspect PE

Which is hypertensive urgency

Hypertensive urgency is defined as severely elevated BP with no evidence of Target organ damage

65 BP 185/120 with minor arm Lac

To decrease Shear Force which medication do you give for an aortic dissection


Beta blocker

Acute onset substernal chest pain sharp radiates to the back increase when laying down better when sitting up. Lungs CTA. friction rub abdomen benign, negative for edema cxr and Echo unremarkable. What is the management?

NSAIDs and discharge patient home

Friction rub equals pericarditis

Increased sob, recent episode of gout -not able to move x 1 week- left calf pain tachycardia sharp pain with inspiration chest x-ray negative PE suspected. Next Step?

Hydrate patient and establish diagnosis with CT PE protocol

Which is an increase risk factor for DVT

History of malignancy

Which is a lab finding with CHF(advanced hf)



Which =s severe fluid overload on chest x-ray

Bilateral perihilar consolidation

Kerley B lines are wrong

Which of the following is suggestive of critical ischemia of the right foot

Ankle brachial index less than 0.3

Which of the following diagnosis does the ultrasound support


Increased SOB increased work of breathing, excessive use of respiratory muscles, diminished breath sounds bilaterally without adventitious sounds, 97% room air chest x-ray=

Flattened diaphragm

Flattened diaphragm

Acute SOB PTA 89%ra, cxr negative, systolic ejection murmur O2 and monitor in place, what is the next step?


History of cystic fibrosis with multiple CT scans increase SOB rule out pneumothorax which rad study has the highest sensitivity and decreased risk factor for patient


Ultrasound is more sensitive and specific for a pneumothorax than chest x-ray

Which organism is most common cause of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia

Streptococcus pneumoniae

Which chest x-ray view would reveal a small pleural effusion

Lateral decubitus left side down

You want to trap the fluid on the side of the adventitious breath sounds

Site for needle decompression of a tension pneumo

2nd intercostal midclavicular line

Needle aspiration front of chest

Which ECG finding is the most common in pulmonary embolism

T wave inversions V1 and V3

Which diagnostic tool is neither sensitive nor specific enough to be helpful in evaluation of a pulmonary embolism


It's not spo2

Dull percussion left lower field decreased tactile fremitus decreased breath sounds and no Voice transmission, cxr obtained. what is the next step?


Sounds like he has a big pleural effusion

Fever cough rhonchi right lung chest x-ray right middle lobe infiltrate treatment?

Outpatient with po azithromycin

This is a community-acquired pneumonia

Severe asthma exacerbation inpatient treatment with albuterol corticosteroids and?


Chest x-ray and Asthma equals true

Increased heart rate increase respiratory rate and abnormal breath sounds equals increase probability of radiographic abnormality in acute asthma

Cough chills pleuritic chest pain barrel-chested few suizas chest x-ray shows left lower lobe infiltrate and a pleural effusion. Best treatment?

In patient with Ceftriaxone and azithromycin

This is a cap Complicated by COPD

Which physical exam finding diagnosis pneumonia

None- no physical exam finding can diagnose pneumonia

Which of the following patients has the lowest clinical probability of a diagnosis of PE

39 year old someday smoker status post uncomplicated appy, 2 months ago

Patient with a PE patient had hemorrhagic stroke 2 weeks ago what is the best management

IVC filter

Gero asthma post bronchodilator spirometry

They may show only partial Airway reversibility

True or false? Short-acting beta-agonist iprstropium, and inhaled corticosteroids appear to be safe in pregnancy and outweigh the Maternal-Fetal risk of uncontrolled asthma

That is true

NH pt- Diagnosis of pneumonia antibiotic regimen must cover


Free flowing pleural effusion left lower lobe pneumonia thoracentesis shows straw-colored fluid with gram positive diplococci and glucose 32, LDH 1890 what is the next step?

Tube thoracostomy to drain the effusion

Early sign of pneumonia in elderly patient

Altered mental status

Cough increased shortness of breath headache x 3 days

mild hypertension

facial plethora

jvd with prominent veins over anterior chest

firm hard supraclavicular lymph nodes

heart WNL

no edema

lungs CTA

what is the diagnosis?

Lung cancer

4 days shortness of breath

cough copious sputum

severe COPD fev1 42%


respiratory distress

+accessory muscle use

+ retractions

bilateral diffuse wheezes rhonchi chest x-rays negative for infiltrates what is the treatment to decrease mortality

BiPAP use of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation

Which patient has hcap

76 inpatient gastroenteritis + dehydration 5 Days 1 month ago

Hcap is healthcare-associated pneumonia

Humira tx RA.

CC: pneumonia, 1month ago was inpatient for 1 week for ams and UTI which is recommended by ATS/ idas treatment?

Vanc, cefepime, Levaquin

Immunocompromised hcap

Tall thin acute onset SOB at rest sharp pain on right side chest increased with inspiration. Next step?

Chest x-ray

Spontaneous pneumothorax// tall thin

Mild SOB respiratory distress subclavicular retractions scattered wheezes bilateral lungs what is the treatment

Beta-2 Agonist neb treatment


Per 2005 ATS/idsa which is considered an mdro to Target in the treatment of hcap?


Which of the following are four main classes of RX treatment of pulmonary hypertension

Endothelium receptor antagonist, calcium channel blockers, phosphodiesterase Inhibitors,

prostacyclin analogs

Pah tx= era+ccb+pde5+pa

What is a benefit of using digoxin as an adjuvant treatment in pah?

Digoxin preserves right ventricle contractility

decreases circulating catecholamines and

increases resting cardiac output

Cystic fibrosis referred for lung transplant patient is concerned about long-term outcome which is the main impediment to long-term survival post lung transplant?

Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome BOS

B o s

Nephrolithiasis is strongly associated with which haart Med

Protease inhibitors

Nephrolithiasis from PIs

Hung from right arm right shoulder pain decreased ROM shoulder is swollen w/o deformity or obvious injury positive pulse can wiggle fingers cannot internally rotate shoulder or raise his arm above his head

pinprick= paraesthesia lateral deltoid. Dx?

Anterior shoulder dislocation and axillary nerve impingement

Left wrist pain x 1 month fell 3 months ago from ladder landed on outstretched hand no treatment PMS intact tender to palpation at snuff-box diagnosis?

Avascular necrosis of the scaphoid

Tenderness at snuffbox equals scaphoid

this is not an acute injury

What clinical criteria equals gamekeepers thumb?

30 degree laxity thumb mCP joint with radial stress

Correct physical assessment for median nerve in the hand

Light Touch 2nd fingertip resistance to thumb opposition

Which carpal fracture causes median nerve involvement



Which of the following statements regarding glenohumeral dislocations is true

Most common type is anterior dislocation

Right hand swelling pain and erythema * 3 days no trauma travel insect bites sick contact or fever. punctuated lacs over third and fourth mCP what is the treatment

Admit for IV antibiotics

Is it a fight bite

Wrist pain fell onto out stretched hand-swelling of left wrist- AP and lateral view thin radiolucent transverse line across the distal radius without displacement no angulation no deformity diagnosis?

Non-displaced radial fracture

Right elbow pain x 3 weeks baseball season elbow shows full room in flexion extension supination and pronation no pain on varus or valgus stress dorsiflexion of the right hand against resistance immediately equals pain that is localized to the right elbow lateral side what is the diagnosis

Lateral epicondylitis

Abduction of arm and extend the elbow and external rotation this test is called

Apprehension test

A mallet finger is

Avulsion fracture of extensor tendon of distal phalanx

Monteteggia fracture upper 1/3 of ulna

Hemodynamically unstable pelvic ring disruption and positive fast exam Best Next Step

Consider diagnostic peritoneal aspiration to assess for gross blood in the urine

emergent surgery consult

and immediate transfer to OR for ex lap with pelvic packing

Pain &stiffness right knee x 2 weeks post fall while skiing. Felt knee was locking in a semi Flex position and noted popping sensation.

on exam there is tenderness over the medial joint line of the knee marked flexion and extension of the knee and increase pain positive mcmurray's what is the diagnosis

Medial meniscus tear

What percentage of patients with posterior hip dislocation will have a sciatic nerve palsy


What is the only absolute contraindication of a closed hip reduction

Femoral neck fracture

Test of choice to detect an occult pelvic and or hip fracture with a negative plain radiograph


Which of the following is true re femoral neck fracture

Femoral neck fractures are more common in elderly adults with underlying osteoporosis or osteomalacia

Varus pressure on a knee that is slightly Flex tests

Lateral collateral ligament stability


What is the time limit for hip reduction to reduce the likelihood of avascular necrosis

6 hours

Football player knee pain

direct blow to the lateral aspect of his knee RADS are negative for fracture positive effusion

physical exam confirms Hemi arthrosis joint instability with valgus stress in 30 degrees of flexion injury

Rupture of the median collateral ligament

To accurately assess a low back injury you must know

The mechanism of injury

MVC right leg is shortened and internally rotated and abducted what is the diagnosis

Posterior dislocation of the hip

This happens when a leg is in flexion such as sitting in the car seat the knee hits the dash and pops out of the hip if it is turned in and shortened it's posterior

Which exam finding is true

The cross straight leg exam is specific but not sensitive

Which physical exam finding might be found in a right s1nerve root compression

Loss of right ankle flexion

An emergent MRI is indicated

In a patient with back pain that dribbles urine

Soccer player right knee pain and swelling states that earlier in the day he was in a soccer match and was running the ball but stopped abruptly to try and run a new Direction immediate intense knee pain in knee with instant swelling most reliable test

Lachmann test

All of the following except or characteristic of an acute fracture

Fracture fragments are smooth and corticated

Pain L2 through L5 with full range of motion post flag football without injury what is the treatment

Anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant

Posterior ankle pain sudden onset while playing volleyball positive Thompson test what is the diagnosis

Achilles tendon rupture

Fell off ladder bilateral feet and then down swelling tenderness and ecchymosis to right hind foot what else is true about this injury

10% associated with compression fracture of the dorsolumbar spine

Pain near the malleolus and what indicates need for RADS per the Ottawa ankle rules?

Bony tenderness at the navicular OR at the base of the 5th metatarsal

Hx of lung cancer sudden onset lumbar spine pain x 24hrs. What test differentiates lumbar disc herniation from cauda equine syndrome

Pain radiating to one buttock

Flexion abduction and external rotation with limb discrepancy is seen in what injury

Anterior dislocation of hip

Anterior hip dislocation is limb shortening flexed and rotated out

Fast exam positive for free fluid in Morrison pouch in unstabilized pelvic trauma what is the cause

A fast exam cannot determine the source only the presence

How much free fluid might collect in the retroperitoneum before it leaks into the intra-abdominal abdominal cavity

400 to 600 ml

How do you stabilize a suspected pelvic ring disruption

Pelvic compression binder

MVC 2 weeks ago has increased headache and decreased level of Consciousness what is the most likely diagnosis

Subdural hematoma

Female history of mg diagnosed with a UTI started on antibiotics patient now has increased weakness able to move arms and legs but difficulty raising head off bed negative inspiratory Force is -17 fvc is 1.2 L she Sob and somewhat somnolent but doesn't seem in severe distress what is your next step

Strongly consider intubation and review of her meds

Low back pain numbness weakness of legs urinary retention MRI of the entire spine shows epidural spinal cord compression at T6 from a metastatic lesion in the epidural space best immediate step

Administer 100 mg IV dexamethasone

Status post subarachnoid hemorrhage patient develops neck stiffness and photophobia this is followed by left-sided weakness and hyperreflexia left plantar response is up going. Md presumes that these effects are related to the sah what is the treatment


Routine serologic testing in TIA should include all of the following except


What type of headache typically presents with signs and symptoms of severe frequent headaches injected sclera and rhinorrhea


What vascular image modality is most sensitive aortic dissection

CT angiography

MVC found next to his vehicle after hitting a tree bystanders state that the man got out of his vehicle after Collision within a few minutes Ms subsequently found the man on the side of the road in the ED his vitals are stable his right pupil is fixed and dilated his head CT shows

Epidural hematoma

Obese daily headache increase with straining during BM and in the a.m. after waking up she also reports tinnitus in her right ear headache without Aura transient blurred vision in the right eye binocular Double Vision on right word gaze with slight limitation of abduction of the right eye visual fields are normal on bedside confrontation testing optic disc have normal appearance neuro exams normal diagnosis

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension

metastatic lesions to the brain most often appear in which location

At the grey white Junction

Primary use of data gathered from multimodal CT scanning in emergent management of a stroke

Differentiate between ischemic core and penumbra tissue

3 weeks post URI increased weakness of the legs over several days, no motor reflexes, 2 days oBS, weakness ascending, he begins to notice increased weakness of hands mild tingling, sensory continue to be normal. workup shows?

CSF increase high protein

Guillain Barre

New-onset witness 2 minute seizure generalized tonic-clonic

no history of infection or other illness or head trauma no pain

vital signs stable

mental status /cranial nerve/ sensation normal/ labs WNL



Several month history of bilateral upper and bilateral lower extremity weakness on exam in addition to weakness of several muscle groups he demonstrates atrophy hyperreflexia spasticity of the legs bilateral Babinski sign fasciculations and multiple muscles are also noted his pain and sensation Temp and joint position are intact. Diagnosis?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

With ALS sensation is intact

With Guillain-Barre a sensation is lost

Found unresponsive is shaking able to get him to open his eyes briefly began speaking nonsense and fell back asleep a febrile what should not be done immediately upon arrival to the Ed

An LP for CSF

Never do an LP before a CT scan

Sudden onset dysarthria left facial weakness left hemiparesis 4 hours post onset BP is 210/100, 2 days status post skin biopsy what's your next step

Administer labetalol until BP is less than 185 / 110 treated with IV TPA at 0.9 Mg per kg

This has to be under control in order to give TPA

Increase weakness muscle in legs and cramping weakness bue increase difficulty removing Lids from jars and neck stiffness no back pain injury bowel or bladder incontinence. Physical exam atrophy of interosseous muscles decreased strength in hands and feet decrease range of motion in the C spine reflexes are hyperactive and upper extremities sustained clonus in the ankles The Next Step?

MRI of the C spine

This is cervical spondylosis you need to focus on decreased strength in the upper extremities next this and her pertinent negatives

Hyper-dense artery sign on a non-con CT of the head in an acute ischemic stroke

An active thrombus

The teardrop fracture

Involves disruption of all three spinal columns

The most appropriate term to use when describing an impact to the head that causes an episode of vomiting headache and a GCSE of 15 is

Mild TBI

Weakness of the arms and legs suspected ALS which diagnostic study is critical to diagnosis

EMG ncv

Lateral View CT

Hangman's fracture

What is type of injury is a Jefferson fracture

Axial loading

Best image to diagnose of Jefferson's fracture

Open mouth odontoid

Football tackle of football player reports being knocked backwards hard and the burning sensation and weakness to his arms is neurological deficit of the upper extremities is more pronounced than the lower extremities with scattered sensory losses diagnosis

Anterior cord

Which is not part of the parallel lines of the cervical vertebrae alignment

Facet line

When reviewing the odontoid open mouth you suspect fracture if

There is a sideways slippage of the atlas and axis

Which is true regarding use of anticoagulation in management of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis

Treatment of cvst with anticoagulation is safe even in the face of hemorrhagic venous infarction

I see you unconscious on public bathroom he was awake upon arrival to Ed labs and head CT normal ICU nonverbal but follows commands then he turned suddenly becomes unresponsive bilateral tonic-clonic extension of the trunk Limbs and muscle jerking intervention

Lorazepam formula mg IV

He's having a seizure

The above patient continues to have seizures post initial intervention what is the next treatment

Phenytoin 18 mg per kg IV

Severe sudden onset headache and vomiting CT shows sah most common cause?

Aneurysmal rupture

The most reliable method for distinguishing between sah and traumatic spinal tap is the presence of


Patient on Warfarin Falls while in hospital difficult to arouse new right hemiparesis and intracranial hemorrhage is suspected best initial rad

Head CT non-con

The most sensitive brain image for detecting cytotoxic edema formation in early ischemia is

Diffusion-weighted MRI

Progressive weakness of extremities over one week further Evolution and arms face and chest eventually she is intubated and sent to the ICU nerve and EMG widespread demyelination which treatment speeds recovery

Plasma exchange or IVIG

Deficit of what component of the GCS have the strongest correlation with poor outcomes and a patient with a TBI

Best motor response

Which signs and symptoms tend to be predictive of Tia

Loss of sensation

High speed MVC bruises on the head and comatose head ct - for focal lesion what is the likely diagnosis

Diffuse axonal injury

Physical exam withdraws from noxious stimuli only right pupil 10mm unresponsive to light left people 5mm reactive which is contraindicated


Right arm weakness * 90 minutes pmh hypertension and long smoking history BP 215 / 118 physical exam anxious mildly aphasic 2/5 decreased sensation right upper extremity CT head within normal limits 2 hours post on set which is the most appropriate Next Step

Labetalol IV push BP should be less than 185 / 110

Severe TBI with fixed and dilated pupils flexion posturing what is the target etco2 post appropriate ventilatory management

30 mm HG

Early goal-directed therapy for management of severe sepsis or septic shock involves maximizing preload afterload and contractility to balance O2 delivery with demand for 6 hours of resuscitation for sepsis induced hypoperfusion which represents Target numbers

Scvo2 greater than 70% map greater than 65

Urosepsis ICU status post 12-hour 6L IVF and levo drip SBP greater than 90 a c vent 12/8 peep 5/ fio2 50 O2 sat decrease to 90% even with increased fio2 80 -abg's shows respiratory acidosis and pulmonary pressure Peak Under Pressure to 40 what do you do

Decreased tidal volume to six ml/kg minute ventilation

Which is the most rapid accurate easily reversible means of assessing a patient's fluid responsiveness

Passive leg raise with cardiac output monitor

Which hemodynamic profile is most consistent with hemorrhagic shock

Svo2 38% CVP 1 mmhg and cardiac index 1.2

Massive GI bleed transfusion truth

Use of crystalloid should be ideally restricted to the initial phase of resuscitation

Antibiotics in the setting of a GI bleed in cirrhotic patients decreases what

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis

Which of the following two principles are the basis for formal logical treatment of ards

Decrease pulmonary edema and reversing O2 exchange issues

What is the major factor in the development of stress-related mucosal disease in the ICU

S p l a n c h i n i c hypoperfusion

Kleihauer bet ke test is for

Rh factor of mother

What are two strong independent risk factors for stress-related mucosal bleeding

Mechanical ventilation and coagulopathy

Post fluid resuscitation a septic patient has a CVP of nine a map of 60 hct of 26 in an scvo2 of 65 antibiotics plus what treatment is expected

Norepinephrine and prbc transfuse to HCT of 30%

If the h c t is 26 then the hemoglobin is less than 7 and you have to transfuse

4 hours Post in fusion of two units ffp patient is short of breath febrile tachycardic hypotensive and 86% on 100% non rebreather abg's show he's acidotic what is the treatment

Need for intubation and mechanical ventilation

This is trali

Which is contraindicated for the tips for esophageal varices

Right heart failure and severe hepatic encephalopathy

In regard to the stabilization in monitoring a patient with massive upper GI bleed which is true

Continuous heart and pulse monitoring are required

Which of the following emerging treatments for ards shows a pivotal role regarding repairing lung injury

Keratinocyte growth factor


disadvantage of propofol is

Dose related hypotension

Which of the statements best describes Berlin definition of ards

Acute development of bilateral infiltrates on chest x-ray and atrial wedge pressure less than 18 with no evidence of heart failure

Cerebral perfusion pressure level associated with cerebral ischemia

25 to 50

Alteration in ABG related to lower temperatures

The partial pressure values will be falsely elevated by 5 for every 1 degree below 37

Which Med mitigate or terminate the shiver response

Magnesium propofol Fentanyl and meperidine

Ketoconazol May benefit ards

Ketoconazole is beneficial related to anti-inflammatory properties

Chronic epigastric pain PUD to the e d with four hours severe diffuse abdominal pain emesis with intermittent streaks of blood denies bloody stool mild to stress evidence of peritonitis guarding and rigidity what is the test to diagnose this

Abdominal CT

Etco2 of less than 10 during Cardiac Arrest is

Predictive of a very low likelihood of rosc when measured during CPR 20 minutes into code

Airway assessment most likely to be accomplished in an unresponsive patient or uncooperative patient

Thyromental distance

Assessment data for a patient with traumatic brain injury include ICP of 15 which will likely improve the CPP

250 ml of physiologic saline

Neuromuscular Block in RSI

Relaxation of vocal cord muscles

Which vent parameters measure the amount of dynamic hyperinflation

Total peep flow in expiratory hold maneuver

Pressure control ventilation decrease in compliance will trigger

High pressure alarm

High Pap and high Pplat is associated with


Which of the following clinical scenarios best describes propofol related to infusion syndrome

Renal failure acidosis hypertriglyceridemia and rabdomiolisis

Pplat best represents which

Alveolar pressure at the end of inspiration

Which score equals light sedation Rass

0 and -2

What is a potential side effect of versed

Dose-dependent hypotension

Adverse effect of precedex


Which of the following drugs is first in RSI

Sedation ketamine

Patient with hypoxic respiratory failure RTS how to improve patient O2 saturation

Increase the peak end expiratory pressure

Patient with sickle cell disease painful crisis are associated with decrease in hemoglobin

Is false

Cell crisis equal sickle-cell Clump cells not from anemia

Patient with vaso-occlusive crisis what is the treatment to prevent ACS

Incentive spirometry

Lab test that can be used to objectively determine if a patient has a truly painful episode with sickle cell disease

There is no reliable test to ID painful episodes

Which of the following best characterizes sickle cell trait

Hematuria is one of the most common complaints

Retic counts should be obtained during initial evaluation of sickle cell disease to

Diagnose aplastic crisis

Most common cause of acute chest ACS in adults with sickle cell disease


Patient with antiphospholipid syndrome what is the treatment





A restrictive transfusion strategy

Employees a hemoglobin threshold of less than 6 to 8

Macrocytic normochromic is diagnosed in older male patient what is the next step

Vitamin B12 and RBC folate levels

Stable and unstable should have the same hemoglobin thresholds

It's false they're not the same

Erythropoiesis stimulation agent FDA approved for perioperative treatment of anemia

Epoetin Alpha

Male with iron deficiency anemia would have the following

Hematocrit 22

serum iron 18

MCV 70

increase transferrin

decrease ferritin

Female who is recovering from mycoplasma pneumoniae with increased weakness hemoglobin of 9 and MCV of 110 test for hemolytic anemia

Reticulocyte count in blood smear

Which test is increased in iron deficiency anemia

Tibc total iron binding capacity

Howell Jolly bodies are expected in adults with

Sickle cell anemia

Anemia of chronic disease lab results

Decrease iron decrease total iron binding capacity increase serum ferritin

Most likely to be given to patients with sickle cell


A a female with SLE with acute onset lethargy and jaundice and splenomegaly what does the blood smear look like



Thrombocytopenia with microangiopathy hemolytic anemia febrile confused increase creatinine increase LDH what's the diagnosis


The Terrible pentad

Chief complaint of constipation anemia with out upper GI complaints no GI history labs are hemoglobin 10mm cv72 serum iron for tibc for 50 saturation 1% ferritin 10 next best step

The colonoscopy

A 55 year old man with constipation and anemia probably has rectal or colon cancer

Treatment for ITP is


Diagnosis associated with reuleaux formations

Multiple myeloma

I see you sepsis 103° WBC 4006 10% bands 15% what is the absolute neutrophil count

1 or 1000 mm

Hodgkin's disease is confirmed by

The presence of reed-sternberg cells in lymph node tissue

Diagnosis criteria for multiple myeloma include all except


52 year old early satiety and fatigue * 5 months no significant history no other complaints palpable spleen elevated platelets elevated WBC shows Philadelphia chromosomes

Chronic myelogenous leukemia

CML middle-aged adult

Philadelphia chromosome

high platelet count

high white count

First line treatment tumor lysis syndrome

IV normal saline

Chief complaint 50 year female vague pain , constipation, sense of fullness in lower abdomen the abdomen is non-tender but there is Shifting dullness to percussion

Next Step

Pelvic exam

68 year old diagnosed with acute leukemia and is undergoing induction of chemo last cycle develop neutropenia with an absolute neutrophil count of 350 which has resolved appropriate treatment

Use granulocyte colony-stimulating Factor prophylactically


Diabetic bronze skin cirrhosis of the liver presents with right upper quadrant pain serum elk Foss elevated 15 pound weight loss what's the next step

Obtain alpha-fetoprotein level and CT scan to rule out hepatoma

66 female chronic lymphocytic leukemia with a stable white count of 6270 she is in patient with pneumococcal pneumonia third time within 12 months lab finding is most likely


43cc fatigue night sweats and itching x 2 months pe shows diffuse non tender lymph node adenopathy including some super clavicular at Patrol clear and scalene nodes CBC and cam within normal limits chest x-ray positive for hilar lymphadenopathy what is the next step

Excisional lymph node biopsy

60 year old male no sxs is found to have leukocytosis on pre-op CBC p e n palpable spleen tip 2 cm below the costal margin rubbery lymph nodes up to 1.5 cm in size axillary and inguinal hemoglobin is 13.3 leukocytes 40,000 platelets is238 smear small lymphocytes and smudge cells what's the diagnosis

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

69 male weight loss back pain 2 months hyperglycemia with a fasting glucose of 153 without nocturia decrease appetite mild constipation back pain is constant physical exam he is pale no scleral icterus Labs mild normal anemia lfts and renal within normal limits diagnostic study

CT scan of abdomen with IV contrast

Test ordered on all febrile neutropenia patients in the e d

What are blood cultures

Which of the following patients is most at risk for multiple myeloma

BJ 62 year old male farmer who uses pesticides and herbicides

Auer rods may be found in patients with

AML acute myelogenous leukemia

Which of the following is an acceptable empiric antibiotic regimen for neutropenic patient with fever and high-risk features


Tumor lysis is associated with all of the following except


Which neutropenic fever plus Vancomycin to empiric treatment

Patient with erythema noted around mediport

12 lead ECG

No stemi incomplete right bundle branch pattern


Increase lymphocytes


average age 10

+ tat

Tx: a r a - c cytarabine


Increase neutrophils

age 40ish

Philadelphia chromosome treatment inmatinab


Increase neutrophil



Auer rods


aTra vitamin A





No treatment