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21 Cards in this Set

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What is a Prolog program composed of?

Statements, also called assertions or clauses

What is a procedure in Prolog?

A grouping of statements

How would you compare Prolog's procedures and their arguments with an object-oriented language's functions and its arguments?

- Prolog procedures have a certain programmer-defined logical relationship with its arguments

- Object-oriented functions does some calculations with its arguments and may or may not return a value

What are the two types of statements? How do you differentiate them?

- Facts: propositions declared as true

- Rules: statement that gives rules of implication between propositions

What is a query?

The codification of a question

What are the two types of queries? How do you differentiate them?

Ground queries: Is this statement true?Non-ground queries: Under what conditions, if any, is this statement true?

How do ground queries work?

1. Search the database from top to bottom, one statement at a time

2. Evaluate if the query matches the currently evaluated statement

3. Repeat step 2 until there is match (return true) or the database is exhausted (return false)

How do non-ground queries work?

1. Unify with a statement only if substitution can be made for any variables so that the two terms can be made equal

2. Instantiate variable(s) to matching term(s)

What is query unification?

- When a ground query finds a statement equal to the query

- When a non-ground query finds a statement in which the variable substitution matches an existing statement

What is the general form of a rule?

head :- body

How would you interpret a rule in plain english?

- The head (of a rule) is true if its body is true.

- The head of a rule can succeed, if the body of the rule can succeed.

What is a goal?

A query that composes the body of a rule

What is a conjunction?

The logical relation between the goals of a rule

How does a ground query work, in the presence of rules?

1. Search the database from the top, one statement at a time

2. Unify the query with the head of the rule

3. Instantiate the goals' variables

4. Resolve the n goals that compose the body of the rule

5. Evaluate the queries in the specified order, and return true if all the queries return true, otherwise return false

How do you represent an anonymous variable?

With _

In what cases would you use an anonymous variable?

When you have a rule, but you need a truth value instead of a variable as an answer

How do you represent a list in Prolog?

- [H|T] where H is the head (first element) and T is the tail (rest of the list)

- [] is the empty list

How do you check if an element is a member of a list?

- Check if the head of the list is equal to the element, return true if it is, false if not

- Otherwise, recur on the tail of the list

member(X, [X|_]).

member(X, [_|T]) :- member(X, T).

How do you check if an element is the last element in a list?

- Check if the element is equal to the only element in a list, return true if it is, false if not

- Otherwise, recur on the tail of the list, chopping off the head as you go until you reach a list with only one element

last(L, [L]).

last(L, [H|T]) :- last(L, T).

How do you check the size of a list?

- Base case: length of [] = 0

- Recursive case: Increment a counter for every time you chop off the head of the list

size([], 0).

size([H|T], N) :- size(T, N1), N is N1+1.

What are some of the built-in utility functions of Prolog, and what do they do?

- findall(X, P, L): returns a list L with all values for X that satisfy predicate P

- list_to_set(L, S): returns a set S, equal to L without its redundancies

- length(L, N): returns the length N of list L