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52 Cards in this Set

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a statement that reflects the research question, stated in positive terms, and represents the researcher's prediction or opinion
an assumption that there is no statistically significant difference between the groups being studied
null hypothesis
agreement of examiners who are involved in data collection with a set standard of performance
the degree to which an instrument measures what it is intended to measure
consistency and stability of the data collected in a study
agreement of findings by two or more examiners
Interrater Reliability
consistency of findings by one examiner with those previously recorded by the same examiner
Intrarater Reliability
the entire group, or whole unit of individuals, having similar characteristics to which the results of an investigation can be generalized
a term relating to numeric characteristic of a population.
the people from whom information is being collected and to whom the researcher would like to generalize the finding of a study
Target Population
a subset or portion of the entire population
numeric characteristics of samples
(trial run) a preliminary study performed in preparation for a major study
pilot study
a sample in which each member of a population has an equal chance of being included, thus preventing the possibility of selection bias by the researcher
random sampling
random selection of subjects from two or more subdivisions of the population
stratified sampling
selection of subjects by including every nth person on a list
systematic sampling
a sample, provided through personal judgment, of subjects who are more representative of the population
purposive (judgmental) sampling
a group of individuals who are most readily available to be subjects in a study.
convenience sampling
the sample group of subjects in a study who receive the experimental treatment or intervention
experimental group
the group of subjects in a study who do not receive the experimental treatment or intervention
control group
the experimental treatment or intervention that is imposed on the experimental group
independent variable
a characteristic or concept that varies, or differs, within the population under study
the variable thought to depend on or to be caused by the independent variable; the outcome variable of interest
dependent variable
pieces of information collected from measurements and counts obtained during the course of a research study
collected information that is counted only in whole numbers
discrete data
a type of collected information described as measurements made from a particular value, such as from temperature, scores on tests, or time; can be any value along a continuum
continuous data
a scale of measurement in which characteristics or numbers are assigned into categories by name only
a scale of measurement that orders data into categories in rank order; the space between these categories is undefined
a scale of measurement that determines quantities; characterized by having order and equal distance between points on the scale
a scale of measurement that not only has all the qualities of nominal, ordinal, and interval but also has an absolute zero, such as age, height, and weight
used to describe and summarize data; determine information only about the sample being studied
descriptive statistics
used to draw a generalization between the sample studied and the actual population
inferential statistics
average of the group; asum of all the values divided by the number of items
the exact middle score or value in a distribution of scores; when teh total number of scores is even, the sum of the two middle scores, divided by two, provides the median
the score or value that occurs most frequently in a distribution of scores
a measurement of the difference between the highest and lowest values in a distribution of scores
a method of measuring the way in which individual variables are located around the mean; a common technique of measuring interval and ration variables
the positive square root of the variance
standard deviation (sd)
standard deviation equation
Sd =√sum of (data point- mean)²
Number of values
a statistical method of determining whether a variation in one variable may be related to a variation in another variable
a technique used when data include interval or ratio scales of measurement; best used when teh sample is large and randomized and the population from which the sample is taken is normally distributed
an assumption that approximately 68% of the population falls within one standard deviation (SD) of teh mean, approximately 95% falls within 2 SDs of teh mean, and 99% lies with 3 SDs of the mean
normal distribution
a test used to analyze the difference between two means
a commonly used test for parametrics; allows comparison among more than twoi means from different samples and compares interactions among the variability in multiple sample groups to the variability within groups
analysis of variance (ANOVA)
a statistical test used when assumptions about a normal distribution in the population cannot be met or when the level of measurement is nominal or ordinal
the most commonly used nonparametric test; is used to analyze questionnaire data and to determine whether a relationship exists between two variables
chi-squared test
a determination of how many subjects are needed to provide significance; calculated using a specific statistical formula based on what an examiner hopes to observe in a specific number of subjects
power analysis
a declaration of how likely it is that a study could have come to a false conclusion; the probability that the obtained results are due to chance alone
P value
based on statistical results, the researcher rejects the null hypothesis when it is true
type 1 alpha error
based on statistical results, the researcher accepts the null hypothesis when it is actually false
type 2 beta error
a journal in which articles have been reviewed by an editorial board of peers
a summary, confined approximately 200 words, that concisely defines a study;s purpose, methods, materials, and results; a brief description of the research, found at the beginning of a manuscript, designed to provide an overview of the study.