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35 Cards in this Set

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a person's capacity of receiving and sending messages; the capacity ot hear, see, speak, and comprehend messages influence the communication process.
Active listening
fixing complete attention and concentration on the sender's communication and conveying a real desire to hear and understand what is being communicated; verbally and nonverbally
leaving out extra words and details from the message.
these are the senses through which communication is shared; communication is exchanged through auditory, tactile, and visual senses.
saying what is meant and meaning what is said.
the individual toward whom health services are directed, including his/her specific characteristics, values, and beliefs that he/she brings to the health care setting.
Client's significant others
the client's family members, including spouses, parents, brothers, sisters, other relatives, and individuals who are significant people in the client's life, but who are not health professionals.
Congruent communication
everything that a person says and does is consistent; the verbal and nonverbal messages sent to the receiver "match" each other.
Connotative meaning
an implied meaning; one that is personally understood, not necessarily generally understood/accepted.
the setting in which communication takes place, including the time, place, and number of participants involved.
Denotative meaning
a meaning that is generally shared by individuals who share a common language.
the capacity to respond to another's feelings and experiences as if they were your own.
a link from the receiver back to the sender that acts to regulate and monitor the flow of information within the system; verbally and nonverbally.
means acting in an authentic way toward your client.
Incongruent communication
the verbal message and the nonverbal message contradict each other: when the nonverbal message suggests something different other than the content of the verbal message; inconsistency.
focuses on the use of body motion to communicate; includes gestures, posture, facial expressions, eye movement, and appearance.
can be interpreted in two ways. Denotation is the generally agreed-upon, concrete meaning of a word. Connotation is the personal interpretation.
the content of what is communicated along with the corresponding nonverbals. The words used, the gestures, tone of voice and pacing are all part of the message sent.
Nonverbal communication
the unspoken communication that occurs between tow persons; including such elements as tone of voice, gestures, posture, touch, physical appearance, physical distance, and facial expressions.
refers to the speed or rate at which the message is delivered.
refers to vocal sounds that run alongside our use of language. The “ahs” and “ums” that accompany our spoken words and the voice qualities, characteristics, intensity, and pitch tell us a lot about the sender's emotional state.
Personal variables
are found within each person involved in the communication. These variables can include background, self-concept, values, attitudes, beliefs and cultural and religious influences that impact the personal meaning of the message.
Process recording
is a recording (written, audio tape, video tape) of the nurse-client interaction. The recording is critically analyzed to help the nurse recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the interaction.
the study of how individuals use and interpret space within the communication process.
interprets the message based on his/her communication skills, attitudes knowledge and socio-cultural system.
refers to making sure there's a logical relationship between your message and the topic at hand.
acting with a positive regard toward your clients, considering them as people with real human value and dignity.
selects information and formulates a message based on his/her communication skills, attitudes, knowledge and socio-cultural system.
Social interaction
is the communication we have with our friends and acquaintances. It develops spontaneously and includes a mutual sharing of ideas and experiences, thus meeting the needs of both the sender and the receiver.
Socio-cultural background
the variations in cultural backgrounds affect and influence nonverbal and verbal communication.
Therapeutic communication
is the use of the communication process in a planned, deliberate way to establish a working relationship and to meet the specific needs of the client.
refers to appropriate and contract amount of time.
Tone of voice
refers to the tone, mood, or affect in which the words are spoken.
Verbal communication
the words or content of the message.
refers to the words used in a communication exchange.