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42 Cards in this Set

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Mythopoetic men
Emphasis on traditional masculine ideal from ancient times-middle ages.
All male gatherings
Profeminist men
Support equitable treatment of women
*Traitorous identity: group member criticizes attitudes/actions that are common of their group
*Personal Growth: beyond social ideals related to masculinty
Free men
Aim to restore pride in the "real man"
See male feminists as soft and unmanly
Oppose the provider role they believe men seem to have that image that you are obligated to earn a good salary with no other opiton
The white ribbon campaign
Men's anti violence Group
International group of men who work to end men's violence agianist women
Due to the montreal massacre= murder felt women had no rigt place so he killed them from school and life
Mentors in violence prevention (MVP)
Men's anti violence Group
Aims to educate men about socialization that links masculinity to violence and aggression and to motivate men to reject violence in themselves and other men
National Organization fro Men Against Sexism
Expand men's awareness of ways in which their emotional development has been hindered by social views
To get in touch with their sensitive side and feeelings
Fathers 4 Justice
Are angry and hurt that men don't have at least 50% custody of their children after divorce
Believe that men suffer from discrimination because of their sex and that men need to reclaim their manliness
They verbally attack male and female feminist
Men's movement in the internet
Men are blogging about stuff like crude things demeaning women looking down on them like saying things along the lines of slut etc.
Traitorous Identity
*Traitorous identity: group member criticizes attitudes/actions that are common of their group
One of the 2 distinct concerns of a male feminist
Rhetorical Movement (def)
Are collective, persuasive efforts to challenge and change existing attitudes, laws, and policies
6 Characteristics of the 3rd wave feminism
Recognizing Differences among women
* Race, class, sexual orientation, body shape and size and (dis) ability
Building coalitions
*Commitment to building alliances with men and other gruops that work agianist various kinds of oppression
Engaging in everyday resistance
*Embrace grassroot organizing to challenge racist comments in workplace, street, reject class privileges
Being media savvy
*Social medis to advance ideas
Embracing aesthetics and consumerism
*Show off they can do and be whoever they want to be, buying the trends belonging
*Goals, strategies, and ideinties
Cultural Feminism
Holds that women and men are fundamentally different and therefore should have different rights, roles, and opportunities.
Radical Feminism
Second wave: example of cultrual feminism Women's liberation movement
Fundamental belief: oppression of women is the fundamental form of oppression on which all others are modeled
The personal is potical
Multiracial Feminism
Believe that race is a particularly potent power system that shapes peoples identities and opportunities
Building on womanism's critique of mainstream feminism's focus on whit, middle women
Lesbian Feminism
Women-identified to distinguish themselves from heterosexual women whom they see as male-identified
Live as woman-identified women and to make it possible fro women in committed, enduring relationships to enjoy the same property, insurance and legal rights granted to heterosexual spouses.
Liberal Feminism
Holds that women and men are alike and equal in most respects. Should have equal rights, roles, and opportunities. Known as the 2nd wave movement
Between what years did the second wave of feminism occur?
Total women movement
Stressed the conventional social view of women as sex objects and urged women to devote their energies to making themselves sexually irresistible to men. Surprise husband at the door only wearing saran wrap pfft.
2 contradictions of antifeminism
Defines feminism as the source of women problems
Claim women have it all
The suffrage movement
Right to vote and stand in office
Cult of domesticity
Anti-suffrage believers
Focus on good homes, famliies, and communities
Didn't agree with women's rights activist that women ans men are alike and equal
They thought women were more moral, nutruing, concerned about others
Participate in banning slavery, alcohol, child labor laws
Media tells us how women and men relate to each other 4 themes
Women’s dependence/men’s independence
Women’s incompetence/men’s authority
Women are caregivers/men as breadwinners
Women as victims and sex objects/men as aggressors
Hypodermic needle theroy
Inject message into passive audience
Too simplistic
Agenda setting theory
Media doesn't necessarily tell us what to think but what to think about ( giving us a stage , a topic to discuss)
People who are giving you opinion, topics. ppl and groups that control which messages get through to audiences of mass media
Virgin/whore dichotomy in popular culture
Girls have to be both virgins and whores at the same time
Show off sexuality but save yourself until marriage
How women tend to use media
To build relationships
More likely to create media
Defined lines
Created media to explore construct, and challenge cultural expectation
The video reversed roles that in society we wouldn't agree to or see as common we would see this behavior as abnormal out of the norm.
Media tells us what women and men should be 1st three themes
Media underrepresented women and minorities
Portray men stereotypically (wwe)
Portray women ( sex object )
Media coverage of female athletes and teams
Focus on very feminine sports like ice skating and gymnastics
Don't describe women as having more skill and commitment
Only mention attractiveness
Gender intimidation
Occurs when members of one sex are treated in ways that make them feel humiliated, unsafe, or inferior because of their sex
Things like crude remarks that you would hear on the street when you pass by a group of men or even women
Street harrasement
Informed consent (wood def)
Can be given only by an adult who has normal mental abilities, who is of age, who is not being coerced, and whose judgement is not impaired by alcohol, other drugs or circumstances
Blaming victim
Holding a harmful person responsible for the harm another has inflicted (what were you wearing or did you say "no")
Rape culture
Rapes are so common at colleges and universities
Date rapes when your friend rapes you, you can't associate rape with friends.
Ppl regard forced sex as acceptable
Corrective rape
Rape of lesbian that is intended to punish them for being lesbian and correct their sexual orientation
Teach lesbians that she should stop acting like a man and act like a women and want to sex with men
Hostile environment
Is unwelcome conduct of sexual nature that interferes with a persons ability to perform a job or to gain an education and or conduct that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive working environment because of sexualized conduct.
Sexual assult
Is unwelcome verbal or nonverbal behavior of a sexual nature that links academic or professional standing or success to sexual favors or that interferes with work or learning.
Intimate partner violencne
Physical, mental,emotional, verbal, or economic power used by one partner against the other partner in a romantic relationship.
Female circumcision removes both sheath and the tip of the clitoris
Clitordectomy (excision)
Removal of the entire clitoris and parts of the labia minora are removed
Sexual scripts
Male and female roles written heterosexual encounters
cultural “screenplays” for how we should communicate in certain situations