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56 Cards in this Set

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Any technology that carries a message
Mass Media
distribute standardized messages to mass audiences
Personal Media
distribute customized messages to smaller audiences or to individuals
What is the largest overall media exporter in the world?
Cultural Myopia
people who are not exposed to another country through a range of media content are prone to evaluating that country with shortsighted negativity
Rhetorical Perspective
can offer an analysis of how media "invite" a particular audience to think, feel, or behave, given a particular context
readers of this book, people who access the media content described in this book
a kind of worldwide climate in which people, industries, governments, and countries across the world are being propelled into closer political, economic, and cultural unions
the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion
Four Factors Stimulating Globalization
International Travel, Communication Technologies, Global Media Conglomerates, Audience Curiosity
Criticism of Globalization
Homogenization of Media, Unfairness in Global Information Flow, Spread of Cultural Imperialism
In global information flow, that it lacks a global perspective on life
in global information flow, it lacks a homegrown perspective on life
in global information flow, that it offers a more global perspective on life
News Wholesalers
sell information (facts, news stories, audio sound bites and video footage) to media organizations around the world
Cultural Imperialism
Culture in less media-savvy countries is being diluted by culture represented in the media content imported from more media-savvy countries
Electronic Colonialism
Begins with the combination of a desire by developing countries to stimulate their domestic media offerings, and a desire by media conglomerates and advertisers to sell products and services to foreign markets.
Methodological Approach
a way of studying a phenomenon systematically and is composed of a conceptual framework breaking down into the variables that make up this framework
Conceptual Framework
a set of connecting assumptions that guide the approach and variables that are used to generate information
a collection of interrelated parts in motion that make up a whole
Media Content
the most noticeable element that comes into play in a media system
Elements of a Media System
1. Cultural Characteristics
2. Philosophies for Media Systems
3. Regulation of Media
4. Financing of Media
5. Accessibility of Media
6. Media Content
7. News Reporting
8. Media Imports and Exports
9. Media Audiences
Cultural Characteristics
Local or domestic conditions that influence more subtle attributes of the tree. (soil conditions)
Philosophies for media systems
The media system of one country can co-mingle with the media system of another country (roots of a tree)
Trunk of the tree. Provides basic parameters for the support of the smaller feeder branches of the tree
Main tree branches
feeder branches
News Reporting
standout leaves
living creatures that observe the tree
Very proud of their language, value beauty in their surroundings, parliamentary democracy
Most speak English very well, value nature and for taking "natural" approaches to daily living, no commercially developed coastlines, open society, parliamentary democracy
class system, high literacy rates, take a keen interest in studying what they observe, educated about a wide range of subjects, parliamentary monarchy
Known for believing in "the American dream," more than half attend church, work hard in comparison to Europeans, interested in practicality more than aesthetics, representative democracy
Known for having outdoor street vendors, find subtle humor in all situations, very festive, strongly influenced by Catholicism, quasi-representative democracy
largest population in the world, known for the practice of networking in business dealings, practice holistic medicine, value artistic performance, Chinese fables and Opera, one-party political system
Developing country, religion plays a big part in the lives of most people, known for exhibiting collectivist behaviors, outdoor vendors, parliamentary democracy
Arabic, known for embracing politeness and saving face, fluid perception of time, strive to be first in almost everything, parliamentary republic with weak national government
Media Philosophies
1. Authoritarian
2. Libertarian
3. Communist
4. Social Responsibility
5. Developmental
6. Democratic-Participant
the head of the country is an all-knowing ruler who deserves obedience and acquiescence
the individual is responsible for civic participation and the discovery of truth. Individuals take responsibility for their own actions
Communist Philosophy
the role of the state is to be the caretaker for the well-being of society. A centralized government plans the distribution of both the necessities of sustenance and the pleasures of culture. The individual's role is to respect the state's objectives.
Social Responsibility Philosophy
the government influence to media to provide fair and balanced information with a goal of effecting change for the better in society.
Bully pulpit
government leaders threaten government action, which puts pressure on media professionals to establish their own codes of conduct through professional associations (Social Responsibility)
government enacts legally binding regulations that are designed to preserve a standard of quality to media content. Passed through legislation or issued by government agencies. (Social Responsibility)
Developmental Philosophy
Media are to improve the social conditions of developing nations. Foster stability and autonomy, advancing democracy and free-market economics
media serve as a watchdog on the activities of government, especially efforts to improve physical infrastructure. (developmental)
Cultural Autonomy
assumes that for a developing country to remain or become established as an independent and viable nation, the country's media system promotes the country's distinctive culture. (developmental)
holds that citizen-created content is essential to all forms of government. The role of the citizen in the formation of social policy is meant to vary according to the structure of a country's government, but the citizen's voice is central to any government
Categories of Regulatory Bodies
1.Government-Related Agencies
2. Media Organizations/Professional Organizations
3. Citizen Groups
4. Advertisers and Sponsors
5. Audiences
influences on media operations and media content
safe harbor in USA, a specific time period late at night in which certain restrictions on content are relaxed because of the assumption that minors are not watching television or listening to the radio.
the total number of advertising minutes allowed during a prescribed segment of time
a momentary graphic that appears on the television screen between regular programming and advertising to create clear separation between the 2 types of content
Methods of Financing
1. Advertising
2. License Fee
3. Government appropriation
4. User Fees
5. Donation