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88 Cards in this Set

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Abaft (adv.)
def-on or toward the rear of a ship

synonyms-astern, posterior, hind
abdicate (v)
def-to reject, denounce, or abandon

synonyms-disown, reject, renounce, give up, refuse, relinquish, repudiate, abandon, turn one's back on, wash one's hand of , forgo, waive
abjure (v)
def-to renounce upon oath

synonyms-renounce, relinquish, reject, forgo, disavow, abandon, deny, repudiate, give up, wash one's hands of; eschew, abstain from, refrain from
abnegation (n)

synonyms-renunciation, rejection, refusal, abandonment, abdication, surrender, relinquishment, repudiation, denial
abscond (v)
def-to go awaay hastily or secretly often with the intention to hide; to avoid capture by the authorities
synonyms-run away, escape, bolt, flee, take flight, take off, decamp, vanish, slip away, split, clear out
abstemious (adj)
def-1.sparing in diet; 2. sparingly used

synonyms-self-denying, temperate, abstinent, moderate, self-disciplined, restrained, self-restrained, sober, austere, ascetic, puritanical, spartan, hair-shirt
abysmal (adj)
def-bottomless;extraordinarily bad

synonyms-dreadful, awful, terrible, frightful, atrocious, disgraceful, deplorable, shameful, hopeless, lamentable, rotten, appalling, crummy, useless, lousy, dire
acerbity (n)
def-harshness or bitterness

synonyms-acidity, asperity, astringency, mordancy, sourness, tartness
acrimony (n)

synonyms-bitterness, anger, rancor, resentment, ill feeling, ill will, animosity, hostility, enmity, spleen, malice, spite, peevishness, venom
addle (adj)

synonyms-muddled, muzzy, fuddled, befuddled, dazed, disoriented, disorientated, fuzzy
adjure (v)
def-to entreat earnestly and solemnly

synonyms-asseverate, authenticate, implore, importune, petition
adulation (n)
def-praise in excess

synonyms-worship, admiration, veneration, awe, devotion, glorification, praise, flattery, blandishments
adulterate (v)
def-to corrupt, debase, or make impure

synonyms-degrade, debase, spoil, taint, contaminate; doctor, tamper with, bastardize, corrupt
agrarian (adj)
def-relating to land and the equal divisions of land

synonyms-agricultural, rural, rustic, pastoral, countryside, farming
alchemy (n)
def-any imaginary power of transmitting one thing into another
synonyms-chemistry, withcraft, magic, sorcery
allegory (n)
def-symbolic narration or description

synonyms-parable, analogy, metaphor, symbol, emblem
anachronism (n)
def-representation of something existing at other than its proper time
synonyms-chronological error, metachronism, misdate, postdate, prolepsis, solecism
annihilate (v)
def-to reduce to nothing

synonyms-destroy, wipe out, obliterate, wipe off the face of the earth, eliminate, defeat
apocalyptic (adj)
def-pertaining to revelation or prophecy

synonyms-doomsday, doom-laden, ominous, portentous, catastrophic, momentous
arrogate (v)
def-to claim or demand unduly

synonyms-assume, take, claim, appropriate, seize, expropriate, wrest, usurp, commandeer
artifice (n)
def-skill;ingenuity; craft;deception, trickery

synonyms-deceit, duplicity, guile, cunning, artfulness, chicanery, fraud, fraudulence
askance (adv)
def-1.sideways;2.with suspicion

synonyms-skeptical, cynically, scornfully, disdainfully,dubiously, mistrustfulness
assay (n)
def-the determination of any quantity of a metal in an ore or alloy
synonyms-evaluation, assessment, appraisal, examination, test/tests, inspection, scrutiny
attenuate (v)
def-1.to make thin or slender;2. to lessen or weakness

synonyms-1.slender, narrow, slim, skinny, spindly, bony, rare; 2. reduced, lessened, decreased, diminished, impaired
avarice (n)
def-inordinate desire of gaining wealth and possessing wealth
synonyms-greed, greediness, cupidity, covetousness, rapacity, materialism
batten (v)
def-to fix in place

synonyms-fasten, secure, clamp (down), lash, make fast, nail (down), seal
beholden (adj)
def-obliged, indebted

synonyms-obligated, grateful, owing a debt of gratitude
bellicose (adj)
def-warlike; disposed to quarrel or fight

synonyms-belligerant, aggressive, warlike, pugnacious, truculent, militant, combative, contentious
besmirch (v)
def-to soil or discolor

synonyms-sully, tarnish, blacken, debase, slander, malign, defame, taint, smear
bestial (adj)
def-having the qualities of a beast

synonyms-savage, brutal, barbarous, cruel, vicious, perverted, debauched, immoral, warped
betroth (v)
def-to promise or pledge in marriage

synonyms-engagement, pledge
blighted (adj)
def-destroyed, frustrated

synonyms-ruin, wreck, spoil, undo, end, scotch, foul up, stymie, devastate
bode (v)
def-to foreshadow something

synonyms-augur, portend, herald, presage, indicate, signify, promise, spell, denote, foretell, prophesy, predict
boorish (adj)
def-rude; ill-mannered

synonyms-coarse, uncouth, rude, ill-bred, uncivilized, thuggish, loutish, oafish, lubberly, vulgar, unsavory, gross, brutish, Neanderthal
brindled (adj)
def-streaked or spotted with a darker color

synonyms-brownish, brown; dappled, streaked, mottled, speckled, flecked, marbled
broach (v)
def-pierce; to introduce into conversation

synonyms-1. puncture, tap; open, uncork; 2. bring up, raise, introduce, mention, touch on, air
bucolic (adj)

synonyms-rustic, rural, pastoral, country, countryside
burlesque (v)
def-to imitate comically

synonyms-parody, caricature, satire, lampoon, skit, farce, takeoff, spoof
cadaver (n)
def-a dead body

synonyms-corpse, remains, carcass
caliber (n)
def-the diameter of a bullet or shell; 2. quality

synonyms-1. bore, gage
2. merit, stature, preeminence, expertise, proficiency
callow (adj)

synonyms-inexperienced, juvenile, adolescent, naive, green, raw, untried, unwordly, unsophisticated
calumny (n)
def-to slander

synonyms-defamation, character assassination, libel, vilification, obloquy, verbal abuse
canard (n)
def-a false statement or rumor

synonyms-dishonesty, dissimulation, erroneousness, fabrication, fakery, fallaciousness, prevarication, untruism, untruth, untruthfulness
candid (adj)

synonyms-outspoken, forthright, blunt, truthful, sincere, direct, plain-spoken, ingenuous, bluff
carnage (n)

synonyms-massacre, mass murder, butchery, bloodbath, bloodletting, gore
carte blanche (n)
def-unlimited power to decide

synonyms-free rein, a free hand, a blank check
castigate (v)
def-to chastise

synonyms-reprimand, rebuke, admonish, chide, censure, upbraid, reprove, reproach, scold, berate, take to task, lambaste
cataclysm (n)
def-1. an overflowing of water; 2. an extraordinary change

synonyms-2. disaster, catastrophe, calamity, upheaval, convulsion, act of God
catharsis (n)

synonyms-emotional release, relief, release, venting, purging, purification, cleansing
celibate (adj)
def-unmarried, single;chaste

synonyms-unwed, virgin, intact, abstinent, self-denying
cessation (n)
def-a ceasing;a stop

synonyms-end, ending, termination, halting, abandonment, suspension, breaking off, cutting short
chafe (v)
def-1. to rage; to fret; 2. to rub so much that skin or feelings are raw and irritated
synonyms-1. to be angry, annoyed, irritated, fume, exasperated, frustrated; 2. abrade, graze, rub against, gall, scrape, scratch
chaffing (n)
def-1. banter; 2. teasing

synonyms-repartee, ragging, joking, jesting, raillery, badinage, wisecracks, witticism
chaste (adj)
def-1.virtuous, free form, obscenity

synonyms-virginal, celibate, denying, innocent, pure, sinless, undefiled, unsullied, immaculate, nonsexual
choleric (adj)
def-easily irritated; angry

synonyms-bad-tempered, irascible, irritable, grumpy, cranky, curmudgeonly, cantankerous, fractious, crabbly, ornery
circumvent (v)
def-to go around

synonyms-avoid, get around, get past, evade, bypass, sidestep, dodge
clandestine (adj)

synonyms-covert, get around, get past, evade, bypass, sidestep, dodge
cogent (adj)
def-urgent, compelling, convincing

synonyms-forcible, inducing, puissant, weighty, well-grounded
cohort (N)
def-a group, a band

synonyms-unit, force, corps, division, brigade, battalion, troop, contingent, legion, phalanx
collusion (n)
def-secret agreement for a fraudulent or illegal purpose

synonyms-connivance, conspiracy, complicity, intrigue, plotting, collaboration, scheming
comport (v)
def-to agree; to accord

synonyms-behave, conduct oneself
conclave (n)
def-any private meeting or closed assembly

synonyms- meeting, gathering, assembly, conference, council, summit
connivance (n)
def-passive cooperation

synonyms-collusion, complicity, collaboration, involvement, assistance, tacit consent, conspiracy, intrigue
consort (n)1 ; (v)2.
def-1.a companion; 2. to be in agreement, harmony

synonyms-1. partner, companion, mate; spouse, husband, wife, helpmate; 2. associate, spend time, have dealings, fraternize
contravene (v)
def-to go against; to oppose

synonyms-conflict with, be at odds with, be at variance with, run counter to
contusion (n)
def-bruise, an injury where the skin is not broken

synonyms-discoloration, injury
copious (adj)
def-abundant; in great quantities

synonyms-plentiful, bountiful, ample, profuse, full, extensive, generous, overflowing, in abundance, many, numerous
covenant (n)
def-a binding and solemn agreement

synonyms-contract, undertaking, commitment, guarantee, warrant, pledge, promise, bond, indenture, pact, deal, settlement, arrangement, understanding
coy (adj)
def-1. modest; bashful; 2.pretending shyness to attract

synonyms-simpering, coquettish, flirtatious, kittenish; demure, shy, modest, reticent, diffident, self-effacing, shrinking, timid
crass (adj)

synonyms-stupid, insensitive, mindless, oafish, boorish, asinine, clumsy, heavy-handed, blundering
cursory (adj)

synonyms-perfunctory, desultory, casual, superficial, token; sketchy, half-done, incomplete, quick, hurried, rapid, brief, passing, fleeting
dally (v)
def-to delay, to put off

synonyms-dawdle, loiter, linger, waste time, lag, trail, straggle, fall behind, amble, meander, drift
dauntless (adj)
def-fearless; not discouraged

synonyms-determined, resolute, intrepid, spirited, mettlesome, bold, audacious, valiant, brave, courageous, daring
debonair (adj)
def-having an affable manner; courteous; 2.suave; urbane

synonyms-sophisticated, charming, gracious, courtly, well-groomed, elegant, stylish, smart, dashing
decadence (n)
def- a decline in force or quality; moral decay

synonyms-dissipation, degeneracy, debauchery, corruption, sin, moral decay, immorality, licentiousness, hedonism
deciduous (adj)
def-falling off at a particular season or stage of growth

synonyms-fugacious, fugitive, impermanent
decry (v)
def-to denounce or condemn openly

synonyms-criticize, censure, attack, rail against, run down, pillory, lambaste, vilify, revile, disparage, deprecate
defunct (adj)
def-no longer living or existing

synonyms-disused, unused, inoperative, nonfunctioning, obsolete, discontinued, extinct
deliquesce (v)
def-to melt away

synonyms-liquefy, melt away, thaw
delusion (n)
def-act or process of deception

synonyms-misapprehension, misconception, error, misinterpretation, misconstruction, fallacy, illusion, fantasy
deposition (n)
def-a removal from a position of power; 2. a testimony

synonyms-statement, affidavit, attestation, affirmation, assertion, allegation, declaration, evidence
depredation (n)
def-a plundering or laying waste

synonyms-foray, looting, pillaging, robbery, devastation, damage, rape, ravages, raids
descant (v)
def-to comment at length on a theme

synonyms-comment, criticize, discussion
despoil (v)
def-to strip, to rob

synonyms-plunder, pillage, rob, ravage, raid, ransack, rape, loot, sack; devastate, lay waste, ruin
despotism (n)
def-1. tyranny; 2. absolute power or influence

synonyms-authoritarianism, autocracy, dictatorship
desultory (adj)
def-without order or natural connection

synonyms-casual, cursory, superficial, token perfunctory, random, aimless, chaotic, sporadic, intermittent
dexterous (adj)
def-having or showing skill of hands, body, or mind

synonyms-deft, adept, adroit, agile, nimble, neat, handy, able, capable, skillful, skilled proficient, expert, practiced, polished efficient, masterly
diffidence (n)
def-1. lack of self confidence; 2. distrust

synonyms-shyness, bashfulness, modesty, self-effacement, meekness, self-doubt, uncertainty